ARMINFO News Agency
September 29, 2006 Friday
During the last 10 years, the cases of urinary bladder and prostate
cancer among the men at the age of 40-45 have doubled, Head of the
Urology Clinic, Professor Armen Muradyan, said at the 8th annual
congress of the Armenian Urology Association.
He said 70% of men apply to specialist only at the 3-4 stages of the
disease when efficient treatment is very difficult. In the 55% of
cases prostate cancer leads to impotence. Comparing the number of
prostatitis patients with general situation of cancer diseases, their
number in Armenia grew by 256 times. A. Muradyan says that in 60% of
cases, it is women that recommend their partners to apply to a
doctor. Moreover, married men live by 25% longer and happier than
singles, he said. In addition, during the last 6 years, the general
statistical level of divorces in Armenia has grown by 60.9%.
Specialists say just the unwillingness of men to solve their health
problems is the reason of the majority of divorces.
Among the factors influencing the origination of prostatitis,
specialists mention first of all the age, the genetic susceptibility
(by 8%), as well as a great quantity of meat (increases the risk by
98%) dairy products (by 80%). However, fish and tomatoes considerably
reduce the risk of prostatitis, by 26% and 33% respectively. During
the recent years, the country's hospitals have been diagnosing
prostatitis through rectal examinations to determine the PSA level
(Prostate Specific Antigen) in the blood.
September 29, 2006 Friday
During the last 10 years, the cases of urinary bladder and prostate
cancer among the men at the age of 40-45 have doubled, Head of the
Urology Clinic, Professor Armen Muradyan, said at the 8th annual
congress of the Armenian Urology Association.
He said 70% of men apply to specialist only at the 3-4 stages of the
disease when efficient treatment is very difficult. In the 55% of
cases prostate cancer leads to impotence. Comparing the number of
prostatitis patients with general situation of cancer diseases, their
number in Armenia grew by 256 times. A. Muradyan says that in 60% of
cases, it is women that recommend their partners to apply to a
doctor. Moreover, married men live by 25% longer and happier than
singles, he said. In addition, during the last 6 years, the general
statistical level of divorces in Armenia has grown by 60.9%.
Specialists say just the unwillingness of men to solve their health
problems is the reason of the majority of divorces.
Among the factors influencing the origination of prostatitis,
specialists mention first of all the age, the genetic susceptibility
(by 8%), as well as a great quantity of meat (increases the risk by
98%) dairy products (by 80%). However, fish and tomatoes considerably
reduce the risk of prostatitis, by 26% and 33% respectively. During
the recent years, the country's hospitals have been diagnosing
prostatitis through rectal examinations to determine the PSA level
(Prostate Specific Antigen) in the blood.