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Zoryan's Speech on Turkish-Armenian Relations at 3rd AD Conference

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  • Zoryan's Speech on Turkish-Armenian Relations at 3rd AD Conference

    255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
    Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
    Tel: 416-250-9807 Fax: 416-512-1736 E-mail: [email protected]

    CONTACT: Torrey Swan

    DATE: September 29, 2006
    Tel: 416-250-9807

    Zoryan's Speech on Turkish-Armenian Relations

    Yerevan, Armenia-On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Republic of
    Armenia, the third Armenia-Diaspora Conference was held in Yerevan from
    September 18th to 20th. Opening statements were made by President Robert
    Kocharian, His Holiness Karekin II, His Holiness Aram I, President Arkady
    Ghoukassian, and by representatives of many prominent Armenian
    organizations. The Zoryan Institute was invited to address the Plenary
    Session of the conference. During the conference, there were five themes
    concentrated on: Rural Poverty Eradication Program; Nation, State and
    Identity in the 21st Century; The Mechanics of Diaspora-Homeland Relations:
    A Two-Way Street; Repatriation and Territory of Common Identity; and A Look
    at Diaspora 2020. Zoryan's remarks linked these topics by focusing on the
    Armenian-Turkish relationship. The full transcript of Zoryan's President, K.
    M. Greg Sarkissian, is reproduced below.

    Shared Knowledge of History as a Catalyst for Dialogue

    Mr. President, Vehapar Hayrer, and distinguished guests.

    While we are gathered here to discuss issues related to the Rural Poverty
    Eradication Program, particularly in border villages, we have to think also
    about relations with neighbors on the other side of the border.

    Today, many Turks and Armenians continue to see each other only as an
    unchanging and monolithic enemy, as opposed to their current reality.
    Genocide recognition continues to be one of the major stumbling blocks in
    Armenian-Turkish relations, which, we believe, should be established without
    any preconditions and with a view towards our future, in relation to the
    other side of the border.

    Since the Justice and Development Party came to power in Turkey in 2002, it
    has followed an aggressive policy towards membership in the European Union.
    This meant that Turkey had to introduce numerous changes to its constitution
    and legal system to bring it in line with EU norms.

    Through this initiative, the new government opened the door to free speech
    on long held taboos, such as linguistic and cultural rights for the Kurds,
    the rights of non-Turks and non-Muslims, and the need for Turkish society to
    deal with and debate its suppressed history, including, as an unwanted
    by-product, the Armenian Genocide.

    These had long been perceived as a threat to the military-bureaucratic elite
    that constitutes the "Deep State."

    This has also caused significant tension among the various elements of the
    Turkish state, government and civil society. I am sure everyone here is
    familiar with the indictments of writers Orhan Pamuk and Elif Shafak,
    journalist Hrant Dink, and scholar Murat Belge, to name just a few, on the
    charge of "insulting Turkishness." In May 2005, Justice Minister Cemil Çiçek
    accused the organizers of the Istanbul Conference on Ottoman Armenians of
    stabbing the Turkish nation in the back and called them traitors, while the
    Foreign Minister, Abdullah Gül, announced that he had no problem with the
    expression of critical opinion and even would be willing to participate in
    the conference. For their part, the conference organizers declared that "It
    is high time Turkey's own academics and intellectuals collectively raise
    voices that differ from the official stance" on the killings of Armenians.

    Some feel that trying to force Turkey to recognize the Genocide by external
    political pressure has radicalized those who are against freedom of speech.
    Others believe that without external pressure, Turkey would never deal with
    the Armenian Genocide. Neither option has improved relations between Armenia
    and Turkey.

    It is clear that there is a fervent debate in Turkey today about greater
    democracy and freedom of expression. There are strong voices that want to
    reclaim history as a legacy that needs to be recognized and are pressing the
    government to abolish all obstacles to this process.

    There is a clear need and strong desire within Turkey at this time for
    authoritative information on its suppressed history.

    We at the Zoryan Institute see a unique opportunity at this particular
    juncture, to help provide information for this debate within Turkey. One of
    the best ways to do this is through systematic scholarly research and the
    publication of incontestable information in Turkish.

    Zoryan, in collaboration with university research centres, such as the
    Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota, is
    part of a large project called "Creating a Common Body of Knowledge," which
    is the brainchild of highly respected Turkish scholar, Professor Taner

    The objective is to provide knowledge that will be shared by Turkish and
    Armenian civil societies and western scholarship. The project aims to
    identify, collect, analyze, transliterate, translate, edit and publish,
    authoritative, universally recognized original archival documents on the
    history of the events surrounding 1915, in both Turkish and English. This
    material must be distributed widely in Turkey.

    The work is difficult, requiring advanced knowledge of the Gothic German and
    Ottoman-Arabic scripts, the special diplomatic languages used, and the
    history and politics of the period. This long-term project will take many
    years to complete and will require enormous human and financial resources.
    Despite the difficulty, this work must be done, as denial and distortion of
    history are a major stumbling block to dialogue, and therefore peace,
    security and progress in the region. Without dealing with this history,
    prejudice and hatred will be perpetuated and will have unforeseen
    consequences for generations to come.

    The more such documents are made available to Turkish society, the more it
    will be empowered with knowledge to question narratives imposed by the
    state. Restoring accurate historical memory will benefit not only Turkish,
    but also Armenian society. Both will be emancipated from the straightjacket
    of the past. Such a Common Body of Knowledge will lead to an understanding
    of each other, act as a catalyst for dialogue, and serve as a precursor to
    the normalization of relations between the two societies.

    This work can only be achieved through the systematic and continued efforts
    of dedicated professionals, with staff and independent scholars and
    appropriate financial resources. This is such a large undertaking, in terms
    not only of resources, but also impact, that it must be supported by all
    Armenians, including the Armenian Government.

    Towards this end, we propose that the Diaspora support the Zoryan Institute
    in the creation of an international Turkish Studies Centre in Armenia in
    collaboration with major universities here, in Turkey and elsewhere. New
    scholars, with the necessary expertise, would make a real contribution to
    the creation of this very important Common Body of Knowledge.

    History is a stumbling block for peace and stability in the region. True
    peace can be achieved only if the nations in the region can talk to each
    other openly about their past. Therefore, we see education through the
    Common Body of Knowledge as one of the best ways to alleviate the tension
    between Turks and Armenians, because it provides a basis of shared knowledge
    that can counter generations of hostility and lead to mutual understanding
    and dialogue. In the meantime, we should continue our efforts to normalize
    relations with Turkey with a positive outlook towards our future, without
    compromising our past, our memory and our history.

    Thank you