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Sahagian: Association Asked To Denounce Genocide Denial

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  • Sahagian: Association Asked To Denounce Genocide Denial


    Daily News Tribune tters/x610567809
    April 1 2008

    Over a year ago, the leader of a major foreign country saw fit to
    question the reality of the Jewish Holocaust by pronouncing, "those
    Holocaust events need to be further investigated by independent and
    impartial parties." Translation: maybe there was no Holocaust.

    More recently, the leader of a major American human rights organization
    questioned the reality of the Armenian Genocide by stating, "there
    is no room for further dispassionate scholarly examination of the
    details of those dark and terrible days."

    Translation: maybe there was no genocide.

    These two men differ in many regards, but they reflect one thing
    in common. They are willing purveyors of the cruelest and most evil
    phase of genocide. They are both genocide deniers.

    The firsts denier is President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, who has
    been widely and properly denounced for his comments. The second is
    Executive Director Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League who,
    although admitting genocide denial to be the ultimate form of hate
    speech, has escaped long overdue and deserved condemnation for his
    perverse disavowal of the Armenian Genocide.

    I write this letter having just been informed that some ADL programs
    in Massachusetts are sanctioned by the Massachusetts Municipal
    Association, a semiofficial organization supported by our tax
    dollars. I also have been informed that at its next meeting in April,
    the Massachusetts Municipal Association will "take a position" on
    its official sponsorship of ADL programs in our state.

    I wish to take this opportunity to ask our public officials,
    particularly those who sit on the Massachusetts Municipal Association
    board, to do what is principled and to insure genocide denial,
    from whatever source, has no place in our communities. The words of
    James Baldwin, who knew the importance of human rights, come to mind:
    "you cannot deny the humanity of another without diminishing yourself."