03-04-2008 16:36:55
As of January 1, 2008, the population of NKR is 138,834, of which
71,652 or 51.6% are urban dwellers. Compared with January 1, 2007
the population has grown by 1087 or 0.8%, the National Statistics
Service informs.
48.1% of the population are men, 51.9% are women. 36.7% live in
Stepanakert, 16.7% in Martuni region, 13.7% in Martakert, 12.5%
in Askeran, 6.2% in Kashatagh, 3.3% in Shushi и 2% in Shahumyan.
As of the beginning of 2008, 24.5% were children under 15, 64.5%
were working age people and 11% are people of retirement age. In
other words, the ratio of working people to children and pensioners
is 1000 to 550.
In 2007 2145 children were born which is up by 2% compared with
2006. 1227 people died, which is down by 0.6% compared with 2006. The
number of deaths among children under 1 year was 19, under 5 years 25.
In 2007 519 marriages were registered compared with 827 in 2006,
the rate of divorce did not change and totaled 123.
The number of people who arrived in Karabakh (excluding internal
migration) was 831, left 1026.
03-04-2008 16:36:55
As of January 1, 2008, the population of NKR is 138,834, of which
71,652 or 51.6% are urban dwellers. Compared with January 1, 2007
the population has grown by 1087 or 0.8%, the National Statistics
Service informs.
48.1% of the population are men, 51.9% are women. 36.7% live in
Stepanakert, 16.7% in Martuni region, 13.7% in Martakert, 12.5%
in Askeran, 6.2% in Kashatagh, 3.3% in Shushi и 2% in Shahumyan.
As of the beginning of 2008, 24.5% were children under 15, 64.5%
were working age people and 11% are people of retirement age. In
other words, the ratio of working people to children and pensioners
is 1000 to 550.
In 2007 2145 children were born which is up by 2% compared with
2006. 1227 people died, which is down by 0.6% compared with 2006. The
number of deaths among children under 1 year was 19, under 5 years 25.
In 2007 519 marriages were registered compared with 827 in 2006,
the rate of divorce did not change and totaled 123.
The number of people who arrived in Karabakh (excluding internal
migration) was 831, left 1026.