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Meeting With The PACE President Lluis Maria De Puig

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  • Meeting With The PACE President Lluis Maria De Puig


    National Assembly of RA
    April 4 2008

    On April 3 in St. Petersburg the President of the National Assembly
    of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan met with the President
    of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Mr.

    Lluis Maria de Puig. During the meeting at the center of the attention
    were the ongoing processes of democracy in Armenia, the presidential
    elections, post-electoral events and the upcoming discussions in PACE
    connected with it.

    At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Torosyan congratulated Mr. Lluis
    Maria de Puig on the occasion of his election as a PACE President,
    highly assessing his commitment to CE principles and values, his
    prestige and the many years work he had carried out for years for the
    organization. Mr. Torosyan highly assessed the PACE balanced response
    related to the events, which took place in Armenia, highlighting the
    role and mission of the Council of Europe in the aspect of the solution
    of the existing problems. On April 17 it's important to present the
    exact picture of the situation and support of deepening the democratic
    processes in Armenia during the discussion through timely procedure
    on the activity of the democratic institutes in Armenia. He highly
    assessed the election observation and post-electoral fact-finding
    mission of the delegation headed by Mr. John Prescott. The NA President
    gave a balanced and unbiased assessment to Mr. John Prescott's report
    and noted that the elections and post-electoral development are
    distinctly differentiated, which is an essential fact in correctly
    seeing the situation. In establishing stability and democracy in the
    country important recommendations were presented, the disclosure
    of which will be useful in the resolution to be adopted later. In
    connection with the latest amendments to the law on Conducting
    Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations Mr. Torosyan said that
    the amendments had been adopted through extraordinary procedure and
    had been immediately sent to the experts of the Venice Commission. The
    experts' opinion was received, and an agreement was reached with
    the Venice Commission to have a discussion with the experts on April
    15-16 on the included recommendations.

    Touching upon the post-electoral events in Armenia, the PACE President
    Mr. Lluis Maria de Puig noted that the Parliamentary Assembly is
    concerned about it, and he himself is interested in deepening
    the principles and values of democracy in Armenia. The Council
    of Europe is convinced that Armenia adheres to the CE values and
    principles. He expressed his support of Mr. John Prescott's report,
    noting that Armenia is a member of the CE family, and PACE will do
    its utmost to ensure continuous stability and democratic processes in
    Armenia. Talking about the state of emergency he noted that though the
    reasons for declaring state of emergency were understandable, it caused
    considerable limitations from the standpoint of democracy, and it was
    he welcomed that the state of emergency was not prolonged. Mr. de
    Puig also touched upon the stability and development of the South
    Caucasus and said that he was planning to visit South Caucasus.