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BAKU: Azerbaijan Considers Variants of Expanding Format of OSCE MG

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Considers Variants of Expanding Format of OSCE MG

    TREND News Agency, Azerbaijan
    April 5 2008

    Azerbaijan Considers Various Variants of Expanding Format of OSCE
    Minsk Group: Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Russia
    05.04.08 12:22

    Russia, Moscow, 5 April /corr. TrendNews R.Agayev / Azerbaijan
    considers various variants of expanding the authorities of the OSCE
    Minsk Group and more active participation of the Minsk Group
    member-countries, who are not co-chairmen (Italy, Finland, Turkey,
    Belarus), in the process. Azerbaijan and Armenia are members of the
    Minsk Group as well. Therefore, the talks here should take place in a
    wider format and with more collectively made decisions, Azerbaijan's
    Ambassador to Russia, Polad Bulbuloglu, said to a press-conference in

    The Ambassador said that nobody denies that over the recent period,
    the Minsk Group co-chairmen have been carrying out large works, they
    make maximum efforts, but the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not simple
    problem and it is difficult to resolve it at full speed or with some
    recommendations because it affects the interests of two peoples, two
    countries. Bulbuloglu said that exactly due to it, such
    misunderstandings as voting of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairman
    countries (the USA, France and Russia) against the Resolution
    submitted by Azerbaijan to the UN General Assembly take place.

    According to him, Azerbaijan considers adoption of the Resolution its
    diplomatic victory because Azerbaijan's position was supported by 40
    countries. `This Resolution is not directed against other countries.
    It supports the activity of the Minsk Group and describes
    Azerbaijan's position. Let somebody do not like the Resolution,
    somebody vote against it, but it was very important to gain such a
    Resolution. The Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may be
    settled only within Azerbaijan's territorial integrity being
    supported by the Resolution of the UN General Assembly,' Bulbuloglu

    Speaking of the adoption of the Resolution by the UN General Assembly
    and the position of the world countries during the voting, the
    Ambassador said that during the voting, Azerbaijan was supported not
    only by the GUAM member-countries, but also the Organization of the
    Islamic Conference (OIC) participating countries, as well as other
    countries. Bulbuloglu noted that adopting the Resolution was very
    important for Azerbaijan. He is surprised that big countries and OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairman countries sharply protested against the

    In addition, the Ambassador stated that there is no necessity to
    speak about it at a personal level in Russia because the country
    clearly highlighted its position in relevant documents. `Russia has
    made official statements supporting Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity within the Minsk Group and at the bilateral level.
    Therefore, nobody should have doubts about Russia's position. Russia
    protested against the Resolution, saying that the Resolution is
    irrelevant and may break off the negotiations process,' the diplomat

    The Ambassador said that Russia, the USA and France, as mediators,
    had to abstain voting. `It was unpleasant for Azerbaijan and Azeri
    people to hear that the co-chairman countries of the Minsk Group,
    which urges to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, voted against
    the Resolution. The mediators should be neutral. Voting against the
    Resolution, they complicated their future activity,' Bulbuloglu said.