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Azerbaijan to Russia: Azerbaijan considering enlargement of OSCE MG

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  • Azerbaijan to Russia: Azerbaijan considering enlargement of OSCE MG

    Azerbaijani ambassador to Russia: Azerbaijan is considering possible
    enlargement of OSCE MG format

    2008-04-05 22:13:00

    ArmInfo. Azerbaijan is considering various versions of enlargement of
    the Minsk Group's power and more active interference with the processes
    in the countries being in the MG but not being its co-chairs, namely:
    Italy, Finland, Belarus, as well as a group of countries presiding in
    the OSCE. Moreover, Azerbaijan itself and Armenia are MG members.
    Therefore, the matter will evidently concern an enlarged format. This
    statement was made by Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad Bul-Bul
    ogly at a press-conference in Moscow, Trend reports.

    The ambassador noted that nobody denies the great work being done by
    the co-chairs, however, the Karabakh conflict is not simple and it's
    hard to settle it according to some recommendations, as the conflict
    covers the interests of two nations and countries. This is why the
    embarrassing misunderstanding took place, Polad Bul-Bul ogly thinks,
    meaning the fact that the three OSCE MG co-chair countries (Russia, the
    United States and France) voted against the Azeri resolution at the UN
    General Assembly.

    According to him, Azerbaijan by right considers the passage of the
    resolution at the UN General Assembly to be its great diplomatic
    victory as Azerbaijan's position was supported by 40 countries. "By the
    way, this resolution is by no means directed against other countries,
    it completely supports the OSCE MG's work and expresses Azerbaijan's
    position", he said. Though somebody disliked it and
    voted against it, nevertheless in the future the settlement of the
    Armenian-Azeri conflict may be only within the frames of Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity fixed by the resolution at the UN General
    Assembly, he added.

    Speaking of the resolution passed at the UN General Assembly and the
    countries' positions during the voting, the Azeri ambassador to Russia
    said that not only the GUAM member counties supported
    Azerbaijan, but also the OIC countries, as well as many other
    countries. He stressed that the passage of this resolution was very
    important for Azerbaijan, and he is amazed at the fact that great
    countries, nuclear weapon states, the OSCE MG co-chairs came out
    against it qualifying it as untimely and non-constructive.

    Yet, according to the ambassador, there is no need speaking about this
    at some personal level, as Russia expressed its position quite
    distinctly in relevant documents. "There is an official statement
    that Russia, as a country, supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity,
    and these statements have been made for several times both within the
    frames of the OSCE MG and at a bilateral level. Therefore, here
    Russia's position should cause nobody's doubt", he said. At the same
    time, Russia came out against the resolution as it considered the
    document to be untimely and able to break the peace process, he added.
    The ambassador is convinced that Russia, the USA and France, as
    mediators, should have made no pronouncement on the vote. "Azerbaijan
    and our nation were displeased to learn that the OSCE MG co-chair
    countries voted against the resolution and we think that mediators
    should be neutral. They have considerably complicated their further
    work by voting against the resolution", he said in conclusion.