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BAKU: British NGO Head Calls On Baku, Yerevan To Continue Peace Talk

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  • BAKU: British NGO Head Calls On Baku, Yerevan To Continue Peace Talk

    by C. Ali's

    April 4 2008

    Denis Sammut: The Minsk process should be improved

    A interview with the executive director of the British
    non-governmental organization Links, Dennis Sammut.

    [Interviewer] How can the recently adopted UN Resolution "On the
    situation in the occupied territories ofAzerbaijan" influence the
    peace talks on Nagornyy Karabakh?

    [Sammut] I think that Azerbaijan must use peaceful means to resolve
    the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. In this sense theUN resolution is
    one of such means. I cannot criticize Azerbaijan for using its own
    diplomatic potential to assert itsposition. It is a matter of tactics.

    [Interviewer] Do you not think that the vote of the co-chairs [of
    the OSCE Minsk Group, the USA, Russia and France,which was set up
    to resolve the conflict] against this resolution spoils the image of
    these countries as mediators inthe Karabakh settlement?

    [Sammut] I was very surprised to see that the co-chairs voted in
    that way. I have to admit that I did not expect themto make such a
    decision. But I understand that on the whole the co-chairs did not
    act against this resolution. They wereunhappy that the resolution was
    taken into consideration as such. I think that their vote should be
    considered in thecontext that the USA, Russia and France voted against
    the resolution not as the co-chairs but as individual countries.They
    have to admit what has eventually happened in any case.

    [Interviewer] Are the calls of Baku for the replacement of the
    co-chairs in this case justified?

    [Sammut] The Minsk process has several elements. First of all, it
    is the OSCE itself, the second is the Minsk Group, the third is the
    co-chairs of the Minsk group as mediating countries and the fourth
    is the public represented by thosecountries. I am not still clear
    what this protest is aimed at. What is the object of the criticism:
    the OSCE, the Minsk Group, the co-chairs or separate representatives?

    I have always said that the Minsk process should be flexible. The
    situation in Nagornyy Karabakh and around it haschanged and one
    needs to understand that the Minsk process should be improved. This
    process is not something sacred orimmune, but is an instrument through
    which the international community offered assistance to Azerbaijan
    and Armenia inthe resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict more
    than 10 years ago and which should be changed depending on thecurrent

    [Interviewer] How can the election of Serzh Sargsyan as the new
    president of Armenia tell on the peace talks on theKarabakh settlement?

    [Sammut] I visited Armenia last week and met different members of the
    Armenian government. They tried to convince me at every meeting that
    Armenia was about to see big changes. There will be a lot of new people
    and new policies. Theymeant not only Nagornyy Karabakh, but also policy
    in general. But in any case, this will affect the Karabakh problem,too.

    I believe that we are in such a vital period when the mechanism of
    talks should be more actively used. I hope thatboth Azerbaijan and
    Armenia will use it in the months to come.