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Flashpoint: Separation Anxiety - Kosovo's Split With Serbia Fuels Re

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  • Flashpoint: Separation Anxiety - Kosovo's Split With Serbia Fuels Re

    Peter Brookes

    Family Security Matters l.php?id=1387172
    April 8 2008

    While it was welcomed in some parts of the world - including
    Washington, London, Paris and Berlin - many other capitals viewed
    Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia in mid-February as
    nothing if not controversial.

    Kosovo's earlier-than-expected secession sent shivers up the spines of
    the leaders of countries with their own concerns about independence
    movements as they braced for a tidal wave of renewed separatist

    As the recently elected, pro-West president of Serbia, Boris Tadic,
    cautioned: "Who guarantees that parts of your countries will not
    declare independence in the same way?"

    Balkanization, a term used to describe the fragmenting of a larger
    state into a number of (often hostile) smaller states, such as in the
    former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, has found its latest textbook
    example - not surprisingly, once again, in the Balkans.

    But the real concern is that the breakaway of the province of 2
    million will not only shake the international system but also rattle
    an already fragile region, where the interests of major powers -
    including the U.S., Russia and Europe - collide.

    Serbian Sorrow

    Calling Kosovo's independence a historic injustice, Belgrade says
    it will not give up its claim to the predominantly ethnic Albanian
    province, a region the Serbs consider the cradle of their culture
    and Orthodox Christian faith, going back to the 14th century.

    The attachment is also grounded in an epic battle the Serbs fought in
    Kosovo against the invading Turks in 1389, and the many (even older)
    historic and religious structures located there that hold significance
    in the history of the Serbian people.

    The current Serbian government also feels victimized, believing its
    democratic government is suffering retribution for the acts of the
    Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic, who marched into Kosovo in 1999,
    ostensibly to drive out the Kosovo Liberation Army.

    During the conflict, the Serbian Army's mission turned into an
    ethnic-cleansing campaign, forcing roughly 1 million ethnic Albanians
    to flee Connecticut-sized Kosovo. An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 were
    killed before a NATO air campaign ended the fighting.

    Since then, Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations and
    protected by NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) under an interim agreement.

    (Milosevic was overthrown in 2000 and died as a war crimes defendant
    at a tribunal at The Hague in 2006.)

    So far, the level of violence has been low, including demonstrations
    by both sides in Kosovo and attacks on the U.S. and other embassies
    in Belgrade in late February that Serbian police turned a blind eye
    to initially. But things could easily get much worse. Although Tadic
    told a Spanish newspaper that "we are not going to relinquish Kosovo.

    We are going to utilize all of our diplomatic and political recourses
    in defense of this, but without violence," not all Serbian politicians

    Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, closely aligned with Moscow,
    wants a rollback of Kosovo's new status, proclaiming: "As long as we
    live, Kosovo is Serbia." Other Serb nationalist leaders have promised
    violence if the Kosovar capital, Pristina, moves to exert control
    over the Serb-populated north.

    This could be the case: Testifying before the Senate in late February,
    Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell said that some level
    of violence over Kosovo is probable - without giving specifics as to
    what that level might be.

    There is reason for concern. Between 100,000 and 200,000 ethnic Serbs
    live in Kosovo. Many have ignored the independence declaration,
    promising to cut off contact with Pristina and instead establish
    diplomatic ties with Belgrade.

    The Kosovar Serbs also have threatened to establish their own
    government, or even declare independence themselves, separate from
    Serbia and Kosovo. (Washington quickly rejected any further dividing
    of Kosovo, while pledging to protect the rights of the Kosovar Serb

    In another sign of a deepening divide, Serb officers in the Kosovo
    police are leaving the force or failing to report for duty.

    Heretofore, the police force had been a positive example of multiethnic
    cooperation in Kosovo.

    Some are also concerned about the possibility of ethnic cleansing
    by the majority Albanians against the minority Serbs in Kosovo this
    time. (Nor should anyone forget the nightmare in Bosnia involving
    the Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks, i.e. Bosnian Muslims, in the early
    1990s with the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia.)

    Sensing vulnerability, the Kosovar Serbs called for a return of Russian
    peacekeepers to the area, perhaps concerned about the reliability
    of the 16,000 largely European, NATO-led KFOR peacekeepers already
    deployed to Kosovo to protect their interests.

    Although Russia withdrew its troops from Kosovo in mid-2003 after
    a four-year deployment, its involvement at some level in this issue
    likely is far from over.

    Russian Roulette

    The Russians and the Serbians have a special kinship, sharing similar
    cultural, linguistic and religious origins, so it was no surprise
    when Moscow demanded that Kosovo's break from Serbia, a country of
    over 10 million, be declared "null and void."

    Outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the decision,
    likely with Chechnya in mind. Kosovo, he said, is a "terrible
    precedent. In fact, it breaks up the entire system of international
    relations, developed not over decades, but over centuries."

    Later, on Russian state television, Putin said of Kosovo and its
    supporters: "They have not thought through the results of what they
    are doing. At the end of the day it is a two-ended stick, and the
    second end will come back and hit them on the head someday."

    Russia's new ambassador to NATO, nationalist Dmitry Rogozin, said
    Kosovo's independence bid was a "strategic mistake" and warned NATO
    not to overstep its peacekeeping mandate there. A threat to use
    "brute military force" in Kosovo was later retracted.

    So what might Russia have in mind? Russia has not ruled out returning
    peacekeepers to the region, possibly to protect, or back, ethnic Serbs
    in areas that resist Kosovar Albanian rule, although the presence of
    KFOR makes that a risky undertaking without prior agreement.

    As a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council with veto rights,
    Russia certainly could support Serbia by blocking diplomatic efforts
    at the U.N., such as the seating of Kosovo in the General Assembly.

    With Moscow's support, Belgrade will attempt to make Kosovo an issue
    of international law and try to retain the U.N. Interim Administration
    Mission in Kosovo in an effort to somehow symbolize that Kosovo is
    not yet independent. The Russians also could attempt to turn up the
    heat over Kosovo by fomenting separatism among pro-Moscow groups
    in possible future NATO member Georgia's South Ossetia or Abkhazia
    regions, or in Moldova's Transdniester.

    Geopolitical Jitters

    The response to Kosovo's succession was initially underwhelming -
    to say the least. Only about 30 of the 192 U.N. members recognized
    the new state early on - likely out of concern about the possible
    international law precedent.

    Many states expressed concern about the lack of a U.N. resolution
    authorizing Kosovo's independence, which could open the door to any
    number of secessionist movements and their characteristic political
    strife, violence and refugee flows. Spanish Minister for Europe
    Alberto Navarro, undoubtedly thinking of Madrid's Basque and Catalan
    concerns, told the BBC: "Many people have many doubts about the
    international legality of what it is going on about this declaration
    of independence."

    Regional neighbors such as Bulgaria and Greece also are expected
    to decline to recognize Kosovo. Cyprus is now more worried about
    unification prospects for the island. Romania fears its own Hungarian
    minority will get agitated.

    The Europeans are not the only ones fretting.

    Azerbaijan is concerned about new problems in the Armenian-contested
    region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Sri Lanka has its issues with the Tamils.

    China worries about how the "Kosovo precedent" will affect the politics
    of its cross-strait rival, Taiwan.

    In addition, will Kosovo stir the Quebecois in Canada toward
    independence? What about the Palestinians in the Middle East? Could
    the world's largest ethnic group without a homeland, the Kurds of Iraq,
    Turkey, Syria and Iran, push for their own state? U.N.

    Secretary General Ban Ki-moon skirted the question, noting that the
    world body would support Kosovo's transition, but "the recognition
    of states is for the states and not for the U.N. Secretariat. ... I'm
    not here to say if it is legal or illegal."

    Others have expressed concern about the new state. Kosovo is
    impoverished and landlocked with an unemployment rate between 40
    percent and 60 percent. The prospects for a marked improvement soon
    are not good, especially after Serbia cuts off trade and electricity.

    Drastic scenarios for a new - possibly failed - state include
    rampant lawlessness, a possible sanctuary for Islamic radicals and
    terrorists, or a global hub for organized crime, plagued by drug-
    and arms-trafficking and widespread corruption.

    In the end, there will be consequences - both intended and unintended -
    of Kosovo's split with Serbia. Serbia likely will try to control the
    territory of those Kosovars who do not want to join an independent
    Kosovo, making ethnically divided towns such as Mitrovica and border
    crossings potential flashpoints. The European Union will try to salve
    Serbia's open wounds with talks of early accession to the Brussels-led
    group, closer political ties, generous aid, increased trade and an
    easing of visa requirements, among other enticements.

    While the prospect of Serbia joining NATO at any time in the near
    future dims, the real challenge will be trying to keep Belgrade
    from falling fully into Moscow's sphere of influence. The Kremlin is
    already making its own overtures.

    Russian leaders have made a number of high-level visits to Serbia since
    Kosovo's independence to show solidarity, including Dmitry Medvedev,
    then a deputy prime minister but now Russia's president-elect. Moscow
    also brokered a $1.5 billion Gazprom natural gas pipeline deal with
    Belgrade, including a project known as South Stream, which will
    compete directly with an E.U. and U.S.-backed Nabucco pipeline project.

    Kosovo also will strain U.S.-Russian relations, which are already
    pretty frosty because of the U.S.-proposed missile defense system
    in Poland and the Czech Republic, and Russia's nuclear ties to Iran,
    among other matters.

    While some optimistically see the resolution of Kosovo as the last
    unanswered issue in the troubled history of the former Yugoslavia,
    others believe there easily could be even more Balkanization in
    the Balkans. For instance, a quarter of neighboring Macedonia is
    ethnic Albanian, with ties to Kosovo. Bosnia is also a fragile state,
    politically divided between Serbs on one side and Bosniaks and Croats
    on the other, as agreed under the 1995 Dayton Accords.

    But after years of failed diplomacy, many decided that Pristina's
    independence was the only reasonable outcome, especially considering
    the horrors of 1999 and its alienation from Belgrade. Others are not
    so convinced, despite Kosovo's uniqueness.

    While conflict, or even violence, is possible, the battle for Kosovo
    likely will be more political and economic than military - all the
    time bearing in mind the admonition that history is filled with wars
    people said would never happen, especially in the Balkans. AFJ

    Story originally ran in The Armed Forces Journal.

    # # contributing editor Peter Brookes is
    a Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs at the Heritage
    Foundation and is a member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security
    Review Commission. He writes a weekly column for the New York Post and
    frequently appears on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR and BBC. He is the
    author of: "A Devil's Triangle: Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction
    and Rogue States." Mr. Brookes served in the U.S. Navy and is now a
    Commander in the naval reserves. He has over 1300 flight hours aboard
    Navy EP-3 aircraft. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy; the
    Defense Language Institute; the Naval War College; the Johns Hopkins
    University; and is pursuing a Doctorate at Georgetown University.