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BAKU: Bucharest Summit: What Does Bordering On NATO Mean For Azerbai

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  • BAKU: Bucharest Summit: What Does Bordering On NATO Mean For Azerbai


    Azeri Press Agency
    April 8 2008

    Bucharest. Fakhri Karimli-APA. NATO Bucharest Summit sticks in memory
    with its historic decisions.

    The Final Declaration, consisted of 50 articles and signed by
    the leaders of 26 member countries, covers various fields from
    anti-terrorism efforts to new membership. This event differed from
    the previous one for its scale. The Bucharest Summit was a biggest
    summit in the history of North Atlantic bloc. There is no point to
    speak about the Romanian summit experience, because the NATO Summit
    was larger than 2006 Francophone Summit in Bucharest. Romanian
    Government spent totally 30 million dollars to the organization of
    NATO Summit. The other characterizing feature of the Bucharest Summit
    was that no one returned home light-handed. Albanian and Croatian
    happiness can be understood, because these two western Balkan
    countries have been welcomed in the world most powerful military
    alliance. Host country Romania is satisfied with its ability as an
    organizer of the large-scale international event gained the regional
    and international respect to the country. However, other parts felt
    short happiness because no one reached its goal fully: Georgia and
    Ukraine's hopes for the NATO Membership Action Plan didn't come true,
    but instead of this, they were included in the Final Declaration as
    a possible candidate to NATO membership. Russia, the backstage author
    of these moves could temporarily prevent NATO crossing of former USSR
    borders. France and Germany were satisfied with that they could keep
    promises to Russia and reach a compromise with their allies like US and
    Britain. Postponing the issue of Georgian-Ukrainian tandem until the
    NATO foreign ministers meeting in December, London and Washington could
    make Germany and France to abstain from their resolute stance against
    the Georgia and Ukraine's integration into NATO. Only Macedonia stands
    aside from this tableau of mass happiness. Despite being more developed
    that Albania, this small Balkan country couldn't enter NATO owing to
    Greek obstacle. Greece, which occupied the southern part of historic
    Macedonia during the 1912-13 Balkan war, is protesting against the
    name of Macedonia, because considers it as a territorial claim against
    itself by the Northern Macedonia or former Yugoslavian Macedonia.

    There is no doubt that Bucharest Summit also assumes distinct
    significance for Azerbaijan. 43rd article of the Final Declaration,
    supporting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of
    4 post-soviet countries and proposing to solve the "frozen conflicts"
    in the territories of these countries within the above-mentioned
    principles, coincides with the main targets of Azerbaijani diplomacy.

    Three of these countries - Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova are GUAM
    members cooperating with the West and facing with the Abkhazian,
    south Ossetian, Nagorno Karabakh and Transdniestrian conflicts in
    their territories. As a matter of fact, Armenia was formally included
    in this article, because Azerbaijan suffers from the violation of its
    territorial integrity and Armenia does not face with the territorial
    claims. What does this document mean for Azerbaijan? It is necessary
    to return back to the UN General Assembly's last session to answer
    this question. Baku getting the important legal argument after the
    adoption of resolution on the "Situation in the occupied Azerbaijani
    territories" achieved the support of the world biggest military
    alliance in this sensitive issue.

    Moreover, 2 OSCE member countries are also included into NATO. After
    Kosovo experience, there were serious suspicions on the solution to
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict by means of withdrawal international
    peacekeepers because of confrontation between NATO and Serbia.

    Azerbaijan has strengthened its position by the support of UN and
    NATO and further process will depend on using these cards. South
    Caucasus is in the focus of attention of the world community at
    present. Georgia's candidacy for NATO membership shakes balance of
    forces in the region. Maneuver opportunities of official Baku with
    Russia and West have been increased or decreased. Because Georgia
    and Armenia 's foreign policy is unambiguous and Azerbaijan has rich
    energy resources and it is a key of Central Asia and Caspian Sea
    and therefore its value has been increased in the region. The choice
    of barricade will be absolute. Azerbaijan has ensured its position
    pursuing geopolitical marketing during West-Russia confrontation.

    Bucharest Summit was a Summit opened a door to a new period. Georgian
    President also stated that we had imagined such situation before.

    Azerbaijan has expected this situation for 17 years. Azerbaijan
    has worked for a long time to direct attention of the world to
    Caspian and Black Seas regions by the help of its foreign policy
    and oil diplomacy. We can say that it's high time for "X Clock"
    in the Caucasus.