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ANKARA: Israeli Officials Assure On 1915 Incidents Motion

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  • ANKARA: Israeli Officials Assure On 1915 Incidents Motion


    Hurriyet h/turkey/8646777.asp?gid=231&sz=29448
    April 8 2008

    A senior Turkish parliamentary official said on Monday Israeli
    officials gave assurances that a motion on the incidents of 1915,
    submitted to the Israeli parliament would not yield any result,
    the Anatolian Agency reported.

    AA said Israeli President Simon Peres told Murat Mercan, chairman of
    the foreign relations committee of the Turkish parliament, Turkey
    should "be comfortable" about the motion, demanding a debate over
    the 1915 events, which was earlier submitted to the Israeli parliament.

    Armenia, with the backing of the diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million
    of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings during the
    last years of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey categorically rejects the
    claims, saying that 300,000 Armenians along with at least as many
    Turks died in civil strife that emerged when the Armenians took up
    arms for independence in eastern Anatolia.

    Mercan also held talks with several other Israeli officials. Security
    of the region, Israeli-Palestinian relations, Iran-Iraq, as well as
    Turkish-Israeli bilateral relations were discussed during the talks,
    he told reporters.

    "All of us should understand the security concerns of Israel in the
    region... Civilian people are facing rocket attacks everyday. If there
    is a problem, this should be understood well. Similarly, economic
    difficulties and the suffering of the Palestinian people should be
    understood well," he added, referring to the qassam rocket attacks
    fired from the Gaza Strip.

    Mercan also said Turkey was one of the remarkable countries that may
    contribute to peace as it has close relations with both Israel and
    Syria, adding that Syria's influence on both Lebanon and Hezbollah, and
    the disputes in Golan make Syria a very important factor in the region.

    The Turkish delegation is scheduled to meet Israeli FM Tzipi Livni
    on Tuesday evening.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress