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BAKU: Victims Of Political Repressions In Armenia To Be Commemorated

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  • BAKU: Victims Of Political Repressions In Armenia To Be Commemorated


    Today.Az 142.html
    April 8 2008

    Sarkissyan's inauguration will be marked not only by a parade in

    Inauguration of the new president of Armenia will be held in Yerevan
    on April 9. According to Arminfo news agency, it will be held in
    the hall of the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after
    A.Spendiarov. Sarkissyan will take the oath in front of the Armenian
    parliament, to gather for an urgent session. After that a military
    parade will take place at the theater square before the Opera and
    Ballet building.

    Day.Az reports that tenseness is rising in Armenia before the
    inauguration ceremony. In line with Armenian sources, the plans of
    the authorities faces serious resentment of the community. A number
    of public and political organizations of Armenia announced that it
    is undesired to hold inauguration on April 9. The thing is that the
    fortieth day of mourning of the victims of March 1 protest in Yerevan
    falls on this say.

    "We reject this cynical humiliating disrespect towards the whole
    people", says a statement of public organization "National awareness",
    released by mass media.

    The authors noted that on April 9 the whole Armenian people will
    mark the fortieth day of those who fought for freedom of people. It
    was noted that the mourning arrangements will be held in line
    with traditions-in black wearings and attributes. In particular,
    all who is willing to participate will put flowers to memorial of
    Alexander Maskinsyan in Yerevan, where tragic events occurred near
    French embassy in Yerevan. Representatives of Armenian Intelligence
    Forum also called on the authorities to postpone the ceremony of
    presidential inauguration.

    Official Yerevan decided to play on outstripping, considering the
    spirits among the population. This is proven by the decision of the
    Armenian church to hold the fortieth day on Sunday on April 6. At the
    same time Echmiadzin referred to tradition when representatives of
    Armenian public said that 40 days have not passed from March 1 until
    April 6. The statement, voiced by clergymen says that "in line with
    tradition, the seventh, fortieth and first year of mourning are held
    in Armenian churches on the nearest Sundays of the said dates upon
    the completion of Holy Liturgy (Novosti-Armenia). An exception is
    the Day of "victims of genocide" in Turkey -April 24, when the Holy
    prayer is held in all churches regardless of the day.

    It is not surprising that the substantiations presented by the Armenian
    church aroused resentment among the Armenian society and diaspora. This
    is proven by the fact that preparations to mourning events on April 9
    has not been stopped and is gaining steam. In particular,the Armenian
    diaspora plans to hold mourning actions in front of the Armenian
    embassies in Europe, Russia and the United States. During the events,
    their participants plan to light candles in memory of the victims of
    political repressions in Armenia.

    The diaspora representatives will gather before the building of the
    European Union in Brussels. The European society will be presented
    different materials (leaflets, photos and DVD disks) about tragic
    events of March 1. One of the major tasks of the action organizers
    is to introduce the real information about situation in Armenia to
    the European political establishment-about usurpation of powers of
    Sarkissyan's regime and continue persecution of political opponents.

    A picket in protection of rights of political prisoners in Armenia
    will also be held along with the mourning action in Moscow. It should
    be noted that Moscow authorities sanctioned the action. As is reported,
    the Russian political establishment shows resentment with the situation
    in Armenia, where new authorities have caused resentment of the world
    society by their actions. Therefore, by initiating action of protest
    on the day of Sarkissyan's inauguration, Moscow tries to prove its
    support to the fair demand of Armenian community on liberalization
    of political situation in the country.

    It should be reminded that a number of protests were held in the
    European countries and USA in front of the Armenian embassies and
    international organizations for the purpose of drawing attention of
    world society to political processes in Armenia. After the elections
    in the Los Angeles district, called "Small Armenia", meetings of
    protests were held against violence, applied to peaceful protesters
    on March 1 (Caucasian knot). The action participants noted that the
    actions of protest will continue as the Diaspora's resentment is too
    great. The meeting was attended by Armenians, residing in other cities
    of California: Fresno, Sacramento and others. The biggest Armenian
    lobby organization of the United States -American Armenian Assembly
    has released a statement, presenting condolences to the relatives of
    innocent people, killed during the demonstrations in Yerevan held on
    March 1.

    The actions are also held in Internet. Collection of
    signatures under petition "Stop abuse of powers in Armenia"
    is going on. In line with the text of the petition, posted at its participants urge the world
    society to interfere with the political crisis in Armenia so that
    to prevent the further deterioration of the situation, condemn the
    mass violation of human rights by the authorities and law enforcement
    bodies of Armenia, pursuing the goal to establish criminal regime in
    the country, put pressure on Yerevan so the latter stops persecution
    of opposition members and protesters and make the Armenian government
    release all political prisoners.