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Tarsy Set To Join Facing History

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  • Tarsy Set To Join Facing History

    By Molly Ritvo

    Jewish Advocate
    April 8 2008

    Andrew H. Tarsy Ex-ADL director looks ahead

    Facing History and Ourselves, a Brookline non-profit that promotes
    tolerance, has hired Andrew H. Tarsy, the former regional director
    of the Anti-Defamation League New England as its chief institutional
    advancement officer.

    "I am very excited," Tarsy, who found himself embroiled in controversy
    last year, told the Advocate. "I have been an admirer of the
    organization for years; we are certainly not strangers."

    Tarsy will begin his position at Facing History, an educational
    organization that focuses on preventing prejudice by teaching about
    the Holocaust and other examples of mass genocide, in early April.

    Tarsy accepted the position, which is part of the senior leadership
    team, on March 25.

    The former ADL director found himself at the center of a media
    conflagration beginning last August when several Massachusetts
    towns - among them Lexington, Newton and Watertown, home to a large
    Armenian population - severed ties with the ADL's No Place for Hate
    antidiscrimination program because of the ADL National Director Abraham
    Foxman's stance regarding the Amenian genocide. Foxman released a
    statement claiming the massacre was "tantamount to genocide," but did
    not fully acknowledge the mass killing of some 1.5 million Armenians
    by the Turkish government in the early 1990s.

    Tarsy, who publicly dissented from the national position, was fired
    and then rehired shortly after. He left the ADL in December and a
    search for his predecessor is still underway.

    "I have been working with Facing History and Ourselves throughout
    my career," he said. "It's a real team effort over there. Everyone
    collaborates in a meaningful way."

    Marty Sleeper, associate executive director of Facing History and
    Ourselves, explained that Tarsy will help over see fund-raising and
    program development.

    "We are excited to have him join us and to move forward into the next
    century. [Tarsy] shares a passion for what we do and he is committed
    to teaching the dangers of intolerance, in particular the genocides
    of the 20th century," Sleeper said.

    Facing History offers classroom and professional development guides,
    including curricular resources, to educate and examine racism,
    prejudice, and anti-Semitism with the hopes of fostering humane and
    informed citizens and students.

    The international organization has programs in 120 countries and has
    reached more than 1.6 million students around the world each year,
    Sleeper noted. They have published a book on the Armenian genocide
    entitled "Crimes Against Humanity and Civilization: The Genocide
    of the Armenians," a book exploring the roots of racism entitled
    "Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement,"
    and many Holocaust resource guides.

    As Tarsy prepares to leave a more political role behind, members
    of the Boston Jewish community feel that his role will allow him to
    express his views more openly.

    "I think this is a wonderful opportunity for him," said Nancy
    K. Kaufman, executive director of The Jewish Community Relations
    Council of Greater Boston. "I think he will be able to speak freely
    about the issues he is most passionate about including speaking out
    against genocide, whether that is the Armenian or Jewish genocide."

    James Rudolph, chair of the ADL regional board of directors, added
    that they wish Tarsy mazel tov.

    "I just want to wish Andy the best of luck," he said. "He is a great
    leader and I enjoyed working with him." When asked if the ADL is
    hoping to mend the severed ties, he said that it is a "totally separate
    issue. The only fair thing to say is that we congratulate him."

    Sleeper added that Facing History and Ourselves is gearing up for a
    year of big initiatives.

    "We are moving forward on a strategic plan that will position us
    in the 20th century," he said. "That means that we have a number
    of initiatives working globally in the fields of technology and
    publishing, at the same time as making sure that teachers around the
    country have a core knowledge and are able to pass on the lessons on
    the Holocaust. Andy is going to help us do this."

    And Tarsy, with a little chuckle, added: "I will be very busy for
    the foreseeable future."