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Robert Kocharyan: I Believe In Armenia's Future And The Powerful Pot

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  • Robert Kocharyan: I Believe In Armenia's Future And The Powerful Pot

    08.04.2008 16:16

    "Dear compatriots,

    This is my last address to you as President of the Republic of
    Armenia. Of course, great is the temptation to report on the way
    passed. However, I will not enlist the achievements of the past ten
    years. The progress in the modernization of the country is evident,
    the life of citizens has considerably improved. There are few countries
    in the world, the paces of development of which are comparable to
    Armenia. At the same time, it's obvious that there is still much to
    do. The quality of life is still far from the desirable level. However,
    I will not speak about the issues of the future, either. That is the
    task of the next President and the Government.

    These ten years were like a moment for me. The work of the President of
    the Republic is hard and responsible. But it is also very interesting,
    creative and demands permanent self-improvement.

    I'm grateful for the trust of the Armenian people, due to which I
    carried responsibility for our country for ten years. I'm grateful
    to all those who I had the opportunity to work with and accomplish a
    number of programs. I'm grateful to every citizen, who has made the
    least contribution to the development of the country. I'm grateful
    to the Diaspora for supporting all my initiatives.

    I beg the pardon of those whose life did not improved during these
    years, those whose expectations did not realize and whose dreams
    were not fulfilled. When leaving the post, everyone asks: wasn't it
    possible to do more? Perhaps, it was possible, but I did my utmost. I
    worked with a tense schedule and spared no effort. In any case,
    I have fulfilled all the promises to my electorate.

    I believe in Armenia's future and the powerful potential of our people.

    I believe in the new President's capacity to effectively lead the
    country. For maintaining the success, the society needs more optimism,
    trust and tolerance.

    We always repeat that our country is not rich in natural resources,
    and people are our greatest wealth.

    Dear compatriots, You are the ones who set Armenia on its feet and
    continue developing our country. You are the ones who develop our
    economy with your diligence and entrepreneurship. It's due to you
    that Armenia will have new achievements during the years to come. I
    believe that the stable, secure and prosperous Armenia is not far,
    because I believe in you.

    Thank you."