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The Armenian Weekly; April 5, 2008; Features

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  • The Armenian Weekly; April 5, 2008; Features

    The Armenian Weekly On-Line
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    The Armenian Weekly; Volume 74, No. 13; April 5, 2008


    1. Kurdish Accounts of the Armenian Genocide (Part II)

    2. What one genocide scholar said (and did not say) at Rutgers

    3. Four Brief Poems by Vahakn Karakashian
    Translated by Tatul Sonentz


    1. Kurdish Accounts of the Armenian Genocide (Part II)

    This is the second part of the interviews conducted undercover with Kurds in
    Anatolia for the documentary film "The Armenian Genocide" by Emmy
    Award-winning producer Andrew Goldberg of Two Cats Productions

    Very short segments of some of the interviews appeared in the documentary.
    They are published exclusively in the Armenian Weekly for the first time and
    in their entirety. The Kurdish producer of the interviews has requested

    The Weekly once again thanks Andrew Goldberg and Two Cats TV for this


    Interview #5: Khani

    Question: Would this interview get you in trouble with the government?

    The facts are clear whether they like it or not.

    Question: What do you think of what Turkey says about the genocide?

    Like I said, it isn't a hidden thing. It is a fact. It cannot be denied. It
    has been seen. It was in the open. They have to use their conscience.


    Interview #6: Latif

    Question: How did you feel when your parents would describe the genocide,
    and how do you feel now?

    It makes a person angry. When an acquaintance used to tell us about the
    atrocities he had witnessed, they were so horrible that we couldn't sleep at
    night. I mean, the mass killing of children and women is heavy on the

    I have also heard Grabat Khacho [an Armenian who is apparently known in the
    area] talk about it, about how at that time he was in Kharza region, and
    when they [the Turkish soldiers] came they killed his parents and older
    brother, but he was spared because he was too young. He said he later made
    it to Syria and then to Armenia.

    Many of them were protected by the Kurds. The wealthy Kurds saved as many as
    they could. It was easier for the wealthy because they had to hide them. As
    I mentioned, in our village only one person was saved and had become a

    Question: Thank You. Is there any thing else you would like to add?

    Genocide is an atrocious inhumane act, and that is agreed upon universally.
    I don't put the blame of the genocide on the current government, but I do
    think that they need to correct their history by admitting to the facts. I
    don't think Turkey will suffer from it [admitting]. The genocides of the
    world, not just this one, for instance the most recent ones such as Halabja
    and the others, must be admitted if humanity has to give value to life.


    Interview #7: Mehmet

    All the orchids and gardens in Dairike, the marble homes, all belonged to
    the Armenians. The orchids, the olive farms, etc. They left and now it is in
    our hands.

    It is their land and their property. They are now out in Istanbul, in Europe
    or Damascus and we are feeding on their property. I am sure they will find
    proof of ownership in the old records.

    There is a village, I forgot the name, Khanoke, the land there all belongs
    to them but now other villagers are using it.

    They weren't harming anyone, but the government started killing them. There
    is a gorge called "Christian Gorge." It is a deep gorge, where part of the
    genocide took place. They killed the people and threw them in the gorge.

    Right on those mountains, they would grab small kids, 6 months old, 1
    year-olds, they would grab their arm and throw them into the gorge.
    Meanwhile they [the Turks] deny doing that.

    Question: Throwing people like that to their death is barbaric. Tell us more
    about their monstrosity.

    The monstrosity was committed by the government. When the republic was
    established they began doing it. They were also committing it during the
    Ottoman times. The genocide wasn't only here. It was all over the country,
    or wherever there were Armenians.

    Question: What does the Turkish government say about the genocide, and are
    they telling the truth?

    It says it's a lie and there is no such a thing. How could they deny such a
    fact, I don't know. The whole world is aware of it. To deny it is viscous in
    itself. They killed the Kurds and the Yezidis, too, not just the Armenians.
    They are barbarians.

    Question: It has been nearly 100 years since the genocide. How do you feel
    about it or when you remember it now?

    [He cries.] I am still under the grievance. The stuff our grandfather told
    us, I am still hurt by it. Where is humanity? When you ask me these
    questions my inside is shaking.

    We were like brothers. Our parents and grandparents were the same. We had no
    differences and we had the same enemy. What else can I say?


    Interview #8: Esma

    Question: We have been told there are wells where the bodies were thrown in.

    Yes, they killed them all. The area was mostly Christian. There were very
    few Muslims. Later they [Muslims] took over.

    We say we are Muslims but we do all the crimes in the world. We kill and we
    destroy. We're nothing. God is a witness.

    They [my mother, grandmother] said the Muslims killed and completely
    annihilated the Christians. They said they had no heart. Otherwise, how
    could one swing a toddler in the air and throw it? They [Christians] were
    also God's children. The same way they [the Turks] killed the Kurds. My
    grandmother said we used to live together like family. They had their sacred
    places, we had ours.


    Interview #9

    Question: Did your grandfather participate in the genocide?

    Everybody here did. There is a saying, Muslims are always hungry, they
    always want more.

    Everybody was ready to kill to gain something, a wife, land, property.

    The army gave them the orders and they did it. My grandfather killed too,
    and then married one, killed two of her baby boys, then bore three children
    >From her. He ended up in the Diyarbekir prison until he died. Now no one
    knows where his grave is. Anyone who hurts others will eventually get it

    They say 70 percent of these graves are theirs. There weren't many Muslims
    here. They came later. Someone told my grandmother Aysha: I will show you
    where I will hide the gold, but will not tell anyone else. I trust you. You
    will keep an eye on it until we return. If we don't return it's for you to

    A few days after they left, the villagers looked everywhere for the gold but
    didn't find any. Their jewelry is still around. When the archaeologists come
    here and make surveys, they feel that there is something.


    Interview #10: Jamal Akash

    We have heard anecdotes about the genocide of the Christians. I don't
    remember too many of them. My grandmother told us this: Your grandfather
    saved me and married me. I became Muslim. I had two brothers. They were both
    in the village, in Pira Khala. They were children of a priest.

    When the genocide began, the two brothers were killed. They each had a
    child. My grandmother took the children to take care of them, but because of
    an attack, the kids ran and disappeared. My grandmother lived until 1962.

    She told us about a lot of events that took place during the genocide. I don't
    remember much about how they were captured and killed. Even the babies were
    killed. Some were ordered to convert to Islam. Many of the ones who
    converted were still killed.

    Question: Where they killed individually or in groups?

    They took them all together. Whether it was one person, a small group, or an
    entire village, they would round them up and kill them all together.

    My grandmother would say that even pregnant women were killed. They pierced
    their swords into the women's stomachs and lifted them in the air. They were
    completely inhuman, ungodly acts.

    Anyone who knows these tragic facts should tell them. Anyone who has a heart
    and a soul needs to let the world know, let their children know about what

    Question: The ones who committed these acts, did they later acknowledge that
    what they had done was wrong?

    Many of them who committed the crime later condemned themselves. Many
    condemned themselves while doing it. I mean, they not only killed men and
    women, but even babies.

    Even now they experience psychological problems because of what they have


    Interview #11: Farqin

    Many situations like that and a lot of mass killings took place at that
    time. The village we visited belonged to Christians. There were 300
    Christian households. When I was young, I would go to the village, about 25
    years ago. There were brass works done there. They were making pots and pans
    >From brass. It used to be the work of the Christians.

    There were 300 families. They all moved out and escaped in one night. They
    say that they put their valuables in pots and buried them in the ground.
    They told the Kurds, We trust you with our homes and property. If we return
    give them back to us. If we don't return then keep everything.

    My grandmother Aysha would tell us they didn't believe the Christians could
    move out so swiftly. In the morning, we saw that the village was empty.

    She said they sat there and cried. Why did they leave? Why was there a
    genocide? Who did it? Did the republic do it? It happened before the
    republic was formed. They [the army] told the clerics to tell the masses
    that whoever kills the Christians will go to heaven.

    Question: But the government policy at that time was to kill the boys and
    spare the girls.

    It was like that. They had two boys and one girl. There were also rumors
    that there was an epidemic that killed them, but in reality, as you said,
    the boys were killed and the girls were saved for marriage.

    When they would capture them in groups and kill them the way the Nazis
    killed the Jews in the concentration camps, they would tie them up with
    ropes, take them to Zere and kill them en masse. The attractive women were
    spared. The rest were killed.

    Question: What does the Turkish government say about the genocide, and are
    they telling the truth?

    My grandmother is proof. Not only Turkey but if a hundred other nations deny
    it, I wouldn't believe them. Go see Capson Valley. How could I believe the
    government? Go ask anyone in our district and they will tell you about the
    genocide of the Christians.
    -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------

    2. What one genocide scholar said (and did not say) at Rutgers

    NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (A.W.)-On March 28, the Armenian Club of Rutgers
    University hosted a lecture by Hilmar Kaiser at the Student Activities

    Kaiser received his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence,
    Italy. He specializes in Ottoman social and economic history as well as the
    Armenian genocide. He has done research in more than 60 archives worldwide,
    including the Ottoman Archives in Istanbul.

    During the lecture, Kaiser presented an overview of the Armenian genocide,
    based mainly on his research in the Ottoman archives. In the days following
    the lecture, statements were disseminated over the internet about what
    Kaiser said at Rutgers, portraying him as a denier of the Armenian genocide.

    Kaiser is known in the community for his controversial statements and for
    criticizing other genocide scholars, which he did at the Rutgers lecture.
    And while many scholars and readers may not agree with some of his analysis
    or conclusions on the genocide, at no point did Kaiser deny the genocide. He
    consistently used the term "Armenian genocide" when referring to 1915-16,
    clearly made the point that the massacres were centrally planned, and put
    the number of "losses" at 1-1.5 million. The Turkish members of the audience
    were anything but happy with Kaiser's documentation of the genocide and
    threw all kinds of denialist and revisionist arguments at him during the
    question and answer session.

    Kaiser parts ways with many genocide scholars on the issue of when the
    decision to carry out the Armenian genocide was made. While most scholars
    talk about a blueprint for the massacres, or a specific date when the
    decision was made, Kaiser argues that there were not one but several
    decisions for mass murder, all centrally planned and executed.

    Below, we provide the transcript of Kaiser's lecture, with the hope that it
    will set the record straight and generate a healthy discussion. Kaiser did
    not read from a prepared text. This transcript, shortened due to space
    constraints, is from a digital recording taken by Armenian Weekly editor
    Khatchig Mouradian.


    The ARF and the Ottoman government

    The Armenian community is a democratic, complex and politically competitive
    community. And when I now say that the leading political party was the ARF,
    some in the community might be offended. I just reflect the views of the
    Ottoman Ministry of Interior and Ottoman Intelligence. The only political
    group that was seen as politically of any relevance was the ARF.

    The Ottoman government approached the ARF and proposed an alliance, because
    the ARF was also present behind the Russian lines as a Russian political
    party in Trans-Caucasia. The offer was that the ARF should start attacking
    and sabotaging Russian lines of supply and communication, thereby
    facilitating the Ottoman victory and, in return, the Ottoman government
    would then grant them the political concession they denied the Armenian
    community for years.

    Basically, the offer was, "You join the war on our side, take the risk, and
    then we promise you what we have denied you for years." So it wasn't really
    a good offer. What would happen to the Armenian community in Russia?

    The ARF declined the offer and assured the Ottoman government that the
    Armenian community in the Ottoman Empire would faithfully serve the common
    Ottoman war cause, and the Armenians in Russia would serve the country they
    were citizens of. This was the decision. But there was a minority opinion
    [in the ARF] that was voted down. The minority opinion was a group of more
    radical ARF members who said, "OK, the Russians are coming. We support the
    advance and get the benefits." But this minority opinion was overvoted, and
    the party line was at every single time upheld, with even strong measures by
    the ARF leadership to assert the party line.

    However, the internal communications of the meetings of the ARF had been
    compromised and the details of the minority opinion were within days
    available to Minister of Interior Talat. And the Ottoman government decided
    to take the minority opinion that had been voted down as the real policy of
    the ARF and began acting on it. They did this despite repeated intelligence
    reports from the Eastern provinces, from Erzerum, Van, Bitlis, and Kharpert,
    that the ARF and the Armenian community supported the war effort by
    answering to the draft much more faithfully to the Muslim population. They
    were supporting the draft more than the Muslims and they were absolutely

    Campaign of repression

    >From October 1914 right into May 1915, the Ottoman government began a
    campaign of repression. Before the start of the war, the ARF had reactivated
    an earlier, secret, semi-clandestine armed wing of the party, the
    Self-Defense Organization. This was an organization that was created to
    protect Armenian villages in remote areas especially from attacks by tribal
    Kurdish groups, bandits, and other outrages that occurred regularly. Now
    this sounds like a huge organization, but per village, it was maybe 6-10
    armed men, plus, regionally, some so-called "mobile units," another 10-12
    people who would be rushed to this or that village. This was a defensive
    body that lacked heavy weapons and automatic weapons like machine guns, and
    was not capable to really strike.

    The Ottoman government knew who the militants were, they began taking out
    local party leaders one by one and also tracking down the members of the
    organization, thereby trying to destroy it. This was very easy because in
    those days the winters in Armenia and Kurdistan were very severe in 1914-15,
    high snow, so there was no way for the militants to escape to the mountains
    and hide; and even if they were to leave the villages, there's a trace. The
    ARF leadership, based in Van, decided that it had to put up with the

    And now comes a very important document, dated March 25, 1915. The document
    has been used by Justin McCarthy in the book The Van Rebellion, but it seems
    Professor McCarthy was so overworked that he could only use half the
    document. I use the other half. In the second part of the report by Cevdet,
    the governor, to Talat (there is not a single decision at Van that was not
    supervised and approved by the central authorities), it says, The Armenian
    population is entirely peaceful, calm, doing nothing; however, in reality
    they are rebels, they are only waiting for the Russians to come and then
    they will kill every Muslim.


    At this point, the Ottoman government decided that it does not make a
    difference at all if an Armenian would be fulfilling his civic duties,
    obeying the law, or would be in open rebellion. He would be killed anyhow.
    On March 25, the Ottoman forces decided to attack the Armenian community in
    Van and wipe them out. It didn't work.

    Several Armenian leaders sacrificed their life (Ishkhan and Arshag Vramian).
    Knowing that they would be murdered, they went to the other side to
    negotiate, to win time. They knew that they were on a suicide mission going
    to the other side to negotiate. Basically, the negotiator was going to his
    own executioner in order to win a day, or in Vramian's case, even a couple
    of hours. And then the defense started. It was a defense, not a rebellion.
    The defense was successful by accident.

    The letter the Central Committee of ARF Van sent to the other Central
    Committees says, We have done everything to avoid a clash. The last moment
    has come, we will be killed, we will make our last stand. There was nothing
    we could do.

    The party line was to hold out until the last moment. They said, The last
    moment has passed, we cannot hold out anymore. They explain to the rest of
    the party why they are doing this. Basically, what they said was, Farewell,
    there is no chance. We will just make a stand.

    And indeed, the ARF, together with (this is one of the few moments of unity
    in Armenian history) Hnchagians and Ramgavars fought together and they
    survived. But had the Russian and Armenian volunteers arrived 24 hours late,
    it would have meant total disaster. The Ottomans did not know that they had
    overwhelmed the defenders.


    At this point, the Ottoman government realized that it had failed to take
    out the auto-defense unit in the area and probably in other areas.
    Therefore, my conclusion (I don't have a document that says this...) is that
    the only way to avoid the potential threat of Armenians aiding the Russians
    was to deport them. So in the last phase of the defense of Van, the Ottoman
    government decides the deportation of Armenians in the area of the Van
    province, adjacent to the Bitlis province and then in the northern Erzerum
    province, exactly on the front line.

    In the middle of June, the head of the Third Army (that's the eastern front)
    decreed the deportation of all Armenians within the Third Army area. This
    adds Kharpert, Sivas, Dikranagert and Trebizond to the deportation. It's the
    bulk of the Armenian population.

    At the end of July, the Ottoman government orders an immediate count of all
    Armenians empire-wide and at the same time orders the deportation of
    Armenians from the remaining provinces.

    So what you have here is the successive waves of deportation that resulted,
    by the end of September, in the total uprooting of Armenians, with the
    exception of parts of Constantinople, Smyrna, Aleppo, and very small groups
    of Armenians in Antaloya.

    How were these deportation organized? Basically, they weren't organized at
    all in the beginning. They were just decreed. They said the local
    administration takes care of the welfare of the Armenians. There were no
    precise orders on how to secure the welfare of Armenians.

    However, in a process that I would describe as "learning by doing," the
    ideal size of an Armenian deportation caravan was established. One thousand
    Armenians per deportation caravan was the best economy in the use of
    accompanying gendarme forces. If the deportation caravan shrinks
    considerably, the convoy is stopped and parked until a second convoy arrives
    that has shrunk as well. Then they merge to the 1,000 number. So what you
    have here is a filter, and the system of economy shows you that the
    deportation was already a form of destruction, extermination. The concern
    was about the economy, the best efficient use of the gendarmes or the
    militia who accompanied the deportees. And they didn't try to stop the
    shrinking, by the way.

    You have to understand that these were Ottoman citizens, protected by
    Ottoman law. At no point in the entire time was the Ottoman penal code
    cancelled. The government was breaking Ottoman law in the process.

    These people were then sent to Der Zor, which, as a desert district, had
    very weak infrastructure. What we see here is that in August/September, the
    Ottoman central government established a deportation administration in the
    Der Zor, Ras ul Ain, and along the Euphrates.

    Andonian was not lying

    One of these officials was Naim Bey, the famous Naim Bey of Aram Andonian.
    We have identified him. He existed, the name was right, Andonian's
    description of him as corrupt was right, and also his workplace at Meskene
    was right. Andonian was not lying.

    The Der Zor massacre

    In 1916, the Der Zor massacre. Possibly the worst massacre of the Armenian
    genocide. Why did it happen? Why in 1916? And why do I say that it was not
    planned in 1915?

    Der Zor had such a weak administrative infrastructure that it was
    overwhelmed. And because Der Zor was directly linked to the central
    government and not first to a provincial governor, it reported directly to

    In early 1916, Talat ordered an acceleration of deportation of Armenians
    into Der Zor. He was really urging regional authorities to speed up and not
    to let the Armenians stray. Then Talat ordered the authorities in Der Zor to
    stop sending the Armenians to another settlement region, Kirkuk-which was in
    the Mosul province-because the commander of the Sixth Army had complained
    that these Armenians would be a security risk as the British were advancing
    in Iraq. So what you see here, the overflow area of Der Zor, Kirkuk, was
    closed-off because the army in Iraq said we don't want to have them there.

    So Der Zor became a cul de sac, a dead end. And even the one caravan that
    made it to Mosul was sent back to Der Zor on the orders of Talat. Mind you,
    we have survivor memoirs of people who were in the caravan. Then, the
    central authorities say, No more Armenians into Homs, Hama. Only Der Zor.
    Cannot go south, cannot go east.

    Next order: The deportees in Ras ul Ain were sent into Der Zor.

    Then comes the order that Armenians should not be employed by the government
    anymore. It means the Armenians don't get paid for their work anymore. If
    you don't get paid but you have to pay for food, who feeds you? The
    government. You see the problem that's building up? A lot of Armenians, very
    expensive, very few resources, and then comes the big thing. The presence of
    Armenians threatens the supply lines of the Iraqi army along the Euphrates.
    They must not stay along the Euphrates. If you are not allowed to stay at
    the Euphrates, if you are not allowed to leave the area, where to put you?
    Then in July, Talat says, Move the Armenians away from Der Zor. What was the
    direction? Cheddadiyye. What we also see is that Talat coordinated in late
    July, in rapid succession, the deployment of additional mounted gendarmerie
    or militia forces in Der Zor. There's a build-up.

    Then in August, the Armenians are massacred. And you don't find much on this
    in the archives. The only thing you find in some Turkish military memoirs is
    a description of the bone fields.

    The Young Turk government did not have one decision for mass murder, they
    had several decisions for mass murder, and these various decisions for mass
    murder add up to this total wipe out, destruction.

    Concentration camps

    When we talk about concentration camps, we all think about Auschwitz or
    Germany in World War II. In the Armenian genocide, you don't have that. You
    do not need barbed wire. The desert was much more effective. In the Syrian
    desert, you don't have to fence the Armenians. Once you control the exits to
    the water, you control the movement of the people because the people have to
    go to the water to survive.

    Gendered genocide

    The Armenian genocide is a highly gendered genocide. The Armenian genocide
    is a history of the women and the children, because the men were in the army
    or were killed early in the deportation. The historiography of the Armenian
    genocide is also highly gendered. It's written by the males.

    Number of victims

    The Ottoman Armenian population was approximately 1.8-2.2 million people.
    Depending on the estimate, between 1 and 1.5 million Armenians were "lost."
    When I say "lost," I mean killed, but also taken into Muslim households.
    "Lost" to the community, not returned.

    It turns out the Armenian Patriarchate figures are surprisingly reliable. I
    obtained documents from the Ottoman archives where you find Armenian in
    small numbers in villages where, according to the Patriarchate, there were
    no Armenians.
    --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------

    3. Four Brief Poems by Vahakn Karakashian


    You submit to the clouds
    with a colorless body.
    The feeling of eternity
    Has lost its way,
    as faith crumbles slowly
    in your palms.

    Faith in death is hard
    when-beyond doubt-
    given its girth,
    it cannot fit in your deathbed.



    Relics of dead music,
    inside the eyes.
    I, a depth
    flattened at the start.
    And-through lost spaces-
    extraterrestrial gods
    monitoring us.

    The black lights shed from limbs
    and the passionate parable of gazes.
    Here, in the scream of the street.



    With festering faces
    we stoop
    to the suffering sunset.
    The time of your life expands
    >From soil to sky.

    You are convinced,
    there is no moribund history,
    you confess,
    that the moon and the sky,
    appearing after sunset,
    find you friendly.



    Days without echoes are here again,
    your footsteps fade in memory.

    The stars of longing show up late
    and drown
    in the puddles
    formed by your steps
    in the ground
    after the rain.

    Translated by Tatul Sonentz