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Rwanda: What's Genocide Got To Do With April?

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  • Rwanda: What's Genocide Got To Do With April?


    The New Times
    8 April 2008

    Call it a chilling coincidence, but all genocides have something in
    common- the month of April.

    On 24 April 1915, the Ottoman Empire in present day Turkey rounded up
    about 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders and executed
    them en masse.

    This was the beginning of a state-inspired Genocide of Armenians,
    though Turkish authorities today still refuse to recognise this
    "great calamity", as the Armenians call it.

    The victims were put on a forced march of hundreds of kilometres
    without any food or water with the sole aim of killing them off
    by fatigue.

    This was during World War 1 and the Ottomans had ganged up with Germany
    and Austria-Hungary in a war that pitted them against an alliance of
    France, UK and Russia.

    Just as in the Rwandan context, an elaborate plot was hatched to
    mislead the population: The Armenians were in league with the enemy
    and were planning to kill the leadership of the empire.

    It is estimated that between one and one and a half million Armenians

    28 years later, an event was unfolding in the poor ghetto in the
    centre of Warsaw, Poland which gave birth to Holocaust Remembrance
    Day observed in Israel in honour of the six million Jews executed by
    the Nazi killing machine.

    The authors of the "final solution" began rounding up Poland's
    estimated 3 million Jews and concentrated them in several barricaded
    Ghettos in Warsaw. The Germans then began mass deportations of the
    Jews to the infamous Treblinka II extermination camp.

    On April 19, 1943, the Jewish population were faced with two choices:
    sit back calmly and wait for their turn to the gas chambers, or do
    something about it, they chose the latter.

    A small group of poorly armed Polish Jews began an insurgency and began
    attacking the phenomenal German war machine and Nazi collaborators.

    The German response was brutal. They pulled out the stops and 'smoked'
    the insurgents out of their hiding places in the sewers of Warsaw. The
    houses were set on fire one-by-one and thousands were burnt alive or
    died of smoke inhalation.

    We were beaten by the flames, not the Germans.[The sea of flames
    flooded houses and courtyards... There was no air, only black, choking
    smoke and heavy burning heat radiating form the red-hot walls, from
    the glowing stone stairs," the sole remaining leader of the uprising,
    Marek Edleman would recall 64 years later.

    The German commander of the operation, Jurgen Stroop, was found guilty
    of war crimes and executed in Poland on 1952.

    Israel decided to make April 19, the beginning of the uprising as
    the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Hashoa.

    While the three genocides are similar in many ways, the Rwandan
    Genocide has its own unique character: Both the Armenian and Jewish
    Holocausts took place during World wars. Though the Rwanda Genocide
    happened in the midst of a civil war, the two warring parties had
    put aside their arms and negotiated a political settlement.

    Unlike the two foreign Genocides, the Rwandan government of the
    time mobilised civilians to do their dirty job. When it was finally
    defeated, it managed to export the ideology to foreign lands,
    especially neighbouring countries.

    The tentacles of this ideology have even infiltrated into the western
    hemisphere where pockets of specialised genocide deniers try to turn
    the tables and shift blame to the victims. That is unique.

    Relevant Links

    Central Africa Crime and Corruption Human Rights Rwanda

    I recently came across an article by Jennifer Rosenberg on the internet
    on the importance of remembrance.

    "It has been over 60 years since the Holocaust. To survivors, the
    Holocaust remains real and ever-present, but for some others, sixty
    years makes the Holocaust seem part of ancient history. Year-round we
    try to teach and inform others about the horrors of the Holocaust. We
    confront the questions of what happened? How did it happen? How could
    it happen? Could it happen again? We attempt to fight against ignorance
    with education and against disbelief with proof," she wrote.

    April should cease to be a month associated with Genocide, therefore
    it is important to guard against people seeking to wipe our memories
    instead of our tears. April should take its significant Kinyarwanda
    name, MATA when the rains are plenty, the grass is green and our cows
    are in full production. This is the time when milk (AMATA) is flowing.