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Armenia's President Calls For Consolidation

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  • Armenia's President Calls For Consolidation


    April 9, 2008

    YEREVAN, April 9. /ARKA/. Armenia's new President Serge Sargsyan
    has called on all Armenian citizens to consolidate for building up
    a strong and democratic state.

    "Although the election struggle was severe and was even accompanied by
    mutual insults, I would like to thank my opponents for the struggle,"
    Sargsyan stated during the inauguration ceremony.

    He also thanked those who admitted their defeat with credit and
    accepted the invitation to cooperate and build up Armenia. "I will
    be responsible for all my election promises and we will put them
    into practice by combined efforts," Sargsyan said. "Together we will
    build up Armenia that will unite all the Armenians and become their
    Homeland," Sargsyan said.

    "We will build up Armenia with an atmosphere of mutual confidence,
    love and tolerance, where all our citizens, each family will have
    chances for a secure life and self-expression," Sargsyan said.

    He stated his intention to implement an active foreign policy and do
    his best for a peaceful and fair settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh

    "We will build up a strong, proud and democratic Armenian state,
    where everybody will be equal to the law," Sargsyan said.

    He expressed the confidence that the key to success of the initiatives
    is, in many aspects, in the compatriots' hands.

    "It is for accomplishing this historic mission that I am calling
    for consolidation again, which will allow us to create basic values,
    move forward on the way of democracy and freedom," Sargsyan said.

    He stated his intention to become a President who will implement
    his program in its entirety, bring peace and stable development to
    Armenia, boost the country's reputation, resolve all the grave problems
    facing the country, forecast all possible challenges and find means
    of meeting them. "I can and will be such a President," Sargsyan said.

    The inauguration ceremony for Armenia's new president has been held
    at the Opera House of Yerevan today.