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Armenia, Czechia To Strengthen Interstate Relations

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  • Armenia, Czechia To Strengthen Interstate Relations


    April 9, 2008

    YEREVAN, April 9. /ARKA/. The strengthening of Armenian-Czech relations
    is of extreme importance for both countries, Speakers of the Armenian
    and Czech Parliaments Tigran Torosyan and Przemysl Sobotka stated at
    their meeting.

    "The Armenian and Czech peoples have always had friendly ties, but,
    despite this, we need daily work. Strengthening relations with Czechia,
    an East European country which passed a difficult way of post-Soviet
    transformation, is important for Armenia," Torosyan said.

    According to him, Czechia's experience is most useful for Armenia
    in the context of European integration. Speaker Torosyan expressed
    his satisfaction over Sobotka's presence in Yerevan now that
    the achievements of the past ten years are being summarized and
    future plans determined. Torosyan expressed the confidence that
    Sobotka's visit to Armenia will contribute to the development of
    interparlamentary relations.

    Speaker Sobotka pronounced for immediate relations between countries
    and intends to accept Speaker Torosyan's invitation to pay an official
    visit to Armenia this September.

    He pointed out Armenia's important role in the region, as well as the
    European Union's (EU) great attention to Armenia. H said that the EU's
    agenda includes 18 issues that are to be considered in September for
    lack of time.

    Sobotka pointed out the necessity for an intergovernmental agreement,
    which would enable Czech businessmen to make investments in Armenia's
    economy and develop Czech-Armenian economic, scientific and cultural

    The sides also addressed the post-election developments in
    Armenia. Speaker Torosyan informed Sobotka of the March 1 events,
    pointing out that the tragic events had nothing in common with the
    election. The Prosecutor's Office is investigating the events and
    all those guilty will be punished.

    Przemysl Sobotka came to Armenia to attend the inauguration ceremony
    for Armenia's new President Serge Sargsyan.