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Serzh Sargsyan Sworn In As New President Of Armenia

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Sworn In As New President Of Armenia


    April 9, 2008

    YEREVAN, APRIL 9, ARMENPRESS: President-Elect, Prime Minister
    Serzh Sargsyan was sworn in today as new president of Armenia at an
    inauguration ceremony at Opera and Ballet Theater.

    Before the ceremony started Armenian flag was brought in to the hall,
    as well as the original copy of Armenia's Constitution and the 7-th
    century Bible from Matenadaran Institute of Old Manuscripts.

    Placing his right hand on the Bible and the Constitution Serzh
    Sargsyan took the oath by swearing "to fulfill the requirements of the
    Constitution in an unreserved manner; to respect the fundamental human
    and civil rights and freedoms; to ensure the protection, independence,
    territorial integrity and security to the glory of the Republic of
    Armenia and to the welfare of the people of the Republic of Armenia".

    Then Catholicos Karekin II, head of the Armenian Church, took the
    rostrum to give his blessings to the new president. He said Serzh
    Sargsyan takes over as president at a crucial moment in the country's
    history to serve the homeland and the people.

    In his speech Sargsyan said he recognizes the enormous responsibility
    that he has assumed. "I know that I will be the one whom you will
    consider responsible for everything. I pledge not to avoid the
    responsibility, the magnitude of which I realized when joining the
    Republican Party and declaring that I would agree to be nominated for
    the presidential elections only in case the Republican Party won the
    largest number of votes in the parliamentary elections. I realize the
    magnitude of the responsibility now, and I shall recognize it every day
    for the next five years. I shall bear with honor the responsibility
    of being the President of all citizens of the Republic of Armenia,"
    he said.

    He thanked his supporters, all the individuals that have voted for
    his program. "I am grateful for the confidence. I assure you that
    together we can improve life in our country. Today, I call for a
    change. Once again, we are proclaiming a new beginning for change.

    Everyone must be ready to start change from one's own self," he said.

    He also appealed to that part of people who voted for other candidates
    saying that was their right to vote for someone other than him, adding
    that he does not have the right not to be their president either.

    "We should not part, should not create division between various
    parts of our people, should not disregard each other's concerns and
    pain, and should not go beyond each other's reach. Even if a wall
    of misunderstanding stands between us, I urge you to join us in
    eliminating that wall,' Sargsyan said.

    He also expressed his gratitude to President Robert Kocharian,
    'a man who will have a solid place in the Armenian history, as the
    decade of his presidency were years of significant achievements for
    our country, achievements based on which we have set ambitious targets
    for the future."

    "President Kocharian has performed an invaluable role in the
    establishment, advancement, and protection of the Republic of
    Mountainous Karabakh. I am confident that generations will duly
    appreciate his service and contribution to the development and
    strengthening of our statehood,' the new president said.

    "We shall build the Armenia that brings together all Armenians,
    one that will be the fatherland of any Armenian. We shall build the
    Armenia where mutual respect, love, and tolerance will prevail.

    We shall build the Armenia where our citizens and families will live
    and realize their potential in security and dignity. We shall carry
    out a proactive foreign policy, and do everything to find a just,
    peaceful, and favorable solution to the Artsakh issue.

    We shall build a strong, proud, and democratic state of Armenia,
    where everyone shall be equal before the law," Sargsyan said.

    'I am confident that you, our fellow Armenians and friends, also hold
    the key to the success of all of our initiatives. To accomplish this
    historic mission, I once again urge us to unite. Unity will be the
    platform for fundamental value creation and progress along the path
    of democracy and freedoms.

    I shall do all of this, because I wish to be a president who will fully
    implement his program, bring peace and stable development to Armenia,
    enhance the reputation and image of our country, overcome all of the
    major problems we currently face, and be capable of foreseeing and
    responding to all of the potential challenges. This is the type of
    President I can and shall be," he said.

    Serzh Sargsyan said this ceremony takes place about a month after
    painful events, which inflicted wounds that are still fresh. "These
    wounds caused pain and bitterness to all of us. Today, I urge to
    look forward, together to seek and find the path of reconciliation,
    that of development for the Armenia of future. I am confident that we
    cannot have real and tangible success, unless we learn lessons from
    the past. What happened should teach all of us a lesson of vigilance
    and sobriety, compelling us to work with greater vigor and devotion,"
    he said..

    "Our people have given me their vote of confidence, and I must
    implement my program during the next five years. Our people have
    confided in me to overcome the challenges faced by our country and to
    meet everyone's expectations. Five years is a rather short period to do
    all of this, hence it will be a period of everyday hard work. During
    this time, we shall manage to do what is possible and beyond, to
    address the development challenges faced by our country. That is why
    I consider this ceremonial day a working day for me and my political
    team.' he concluded.

    The ceremony was attended by 118 parliament members from overall
    131 and by delegations from 58 countries and representatives of 12
    international organizations.

    After the end of the inauguration ceremony Serzh Sargsyan went out
    to Freedom Square to hail a military parade and then he and First
    Lady. Mrs. Rita Sargsyan departed for presidential residence where
    they were welcomed by Robert Kocharian and his wife Bella Kocharian.

    After a short conversation Serzh Sargsyan and his spouse said goodbye
    to Robert and Bella Kocharians