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President Robert Kocharyan's Address

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  • President Robert Kocharyan's Address


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    April 09, 2008

    Dear compatriots,

    Today for the last time I appeal to you as the President of the
    Republic of Armenia and of course I have a great desire to report
    about the way we passed.

    But I'm not going to list the achievements of the last ten years. The
    country's modernization process is evident; the life of the citizens
    has significantly improved. There are few countries in the world,
    which can be compared with Armenia with the pace of development.

    Meanwhile it is evident that there is still much to be done. The
    quality of life leaves much to be desired, but I'm not going to speak
    about the future problems. It is the work of the future President
    and the government.

    The past ten years were like an instant for me. The work of
    the country's President is hard and responsible. But it is also
    interesting, creative, and requires permanent self-perfection.

    I'm thankful to Armenian people for their trust, due to which I
    shouldered the responsibility for our country for the last ten years.

    I'm thankful to all those with whom I have worked and implemented
    various projects during those years. I'm thankful to each citizen
    who has contributed to the country's development, I'm thankful to
    the Diaspora for supporting my initiatives.

    I apologize to all those whose life didn't improve during those years,
    whose expectations were not justified and dreams, not realized.

    When someone quits his post he asks himself, "Was it not possible to
    do more?" Maybe it was, but I did my best. I didn't spare myself and
    I kept all my promises I gave to the voters.

    I believe in the future of Armenia and the powerful potential of
    our people.

    I believe in the abilities of the new President, to govern
    productively. To maintain the progress our people need optimism,
    efforts, trust, and tolerance.

    We always repeat that our country is not rich in natural resources
    and our human resource is our greatest wealth.

    Dear compatriots, you are our human resource. With your everyday hard
    work you helped our country develop and will continue to do so. With
    your diligence and skillfulness you developed our economy. Due to
    you Armenia will gain lots of achievements during the coming years. I
    believe that stable, secure and welfare Armenia is not far, because
    I believe in you.