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Serzh Sargsyan: Alone, No One Can Turn Armenia Into A Country Of Dre

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Alone, No One Can Turn Armenia Into A Country Of Dre


    09.04.2008 20:15 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ I am ready to contribute all my strength for
    an atmosphere of confidence to prevail in our society, for us to
    overcome any polarization, rough confrontation, and discredit,
    Armenia's President-elect Serzh Sargsyan said in his speech today.

    "Alone, no one can turn Armenia into a country of dreams. All
    structures, various political and non-governmental forces, and civil
    society need to unite. This is where the President should act as the
    key actor in uniting the nation, a man who must use all the tools
    and mechanisms of power available to him in order to promote the best
    ideas and to preserve, develop, and put to the best use our country's
    most precious capital, our human resources.

    "I shall seek ways of cooperating with all the political forces. My
    efforts will focus on achieving the nation-wide objectives,
    strengthening the link between generations, combining the interests
    of different social groups, ensuring respect for ethnic minorities,
    and preserving the Armenian identity.

    "I shall encourage a change of attitude towards the intelligentsia
    in our country. It is long time for the state to treat seriously our
    culture, scientific and educational potential, and every individual
    engaged in intellectual and creative work.

    "I shall make my humble contribution to the strengthening of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, which will continue to remain a pillar of
    the Armenian soul and national identity" Mr Sargsyan said.

    He mentioned that the ceremony takes place about a month after painful
    events, which inflicted wounds that are still fresh.

    "These wounds caused pain and bitterness to all of us.

    Today, I urge to look forward, together to seek and find the path of
    reconciliation, that of development for the Armenia of future. I am
    confident that we cannot have real and tangible success, unless we
    learn lessons from the past. What happened should teach all of us a
    lesson of vigilance and sobriety, compelling us to work with greater
    vigor and devotion.

    "Unchecked freedom can result in conflict with the public interests
    and the rights of others. To prevent such conflicts and to reconcile
    various rights and interests, the state may interfere with the exercise
    of certain fundamental rights.

    "Limitations of fundamental rights, however, cannot be absolute, as
    they would simply render the fundamental right meaningless. Limitations
    should not undermine the essence of fundamental rights enshrined in
    the Constitution.

    "For any limitation of rights and freedoms, including the right to
    peaceful assembly, we must strike a fair balance between the public
    order and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, on the one
    hand, and the right to peaceful assembly, on the other.

    "Over a short period of time, along with dozens of other laws,
    we should revisit the legislation regulating the right to peaceful
    assembly with a view to safeguarding everyone's right to peaceful
    assembly in accordance with European standards and precluding
    any public event that is either not peaceful or does not pursue a
    legitimate aim.

    "Our people have given me their vote of confidence, and I must
    implement my program during the next five years. Our people have
    confided in me to overcome the challenges faced by our country and to
    meet everyone's expectations. Five years is a rather short period to do
    all of this, hence it will be a period of everyday hard work. During
    this time, we shall manage to do what is possible and beyond,
    to address the development challenges faced by our country. That
    is why I consider this ceremonial day a working day for me and my
    political team.

    So thank you, and let us get down to work!

    Let us get down to work, and forward, Armenia!" the President-elect