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Blackstairs Energy - Successful Bidder on 7 Production Blocks

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  • Blackstairs Energy - Successful Bidder on 7 Production Blocks




    Blackstairs Energy - Successful Bidder on 7 Production Blocks

    Dublin, April 7th 2008

    The National Agency for Mineral Resources (NAMR) has announced the
    results of the 8th Round of Licencing. Under the terms of the Round,
    twenty-six Production Blocks were offered to the industry on a
    competitive bidding basis. The individual Production Blocks are over
    formerly producing oil and gas fields and were operated by Romanian
    state companies.

    Blackstairs Energy plc applied for nine of the Production Blocks on
    offer. NAMR has advised that the company has submitted the winning
    bids on seven of these blocks. The Licencing procedures and Concession
    Agreements grant Blackstairs exclusive rights to re-develop the fields
    and to apply for Production Licences on completion of the agreed field
    evaluation programme. The various technical programmes are designed to
    reinstate the individual fields to commercial oil and gas production.

    Five of the fields- Salacea, Saniob, Ciutelec, Bogeiu and Chet- are
    located in the Pannonian Basin, a prolific oil and gas producing area
    in north-western Romania. A sixth Production Block - the Postavari gas
    field - is located 20 kilometres south of the capital city Bucharest
    in the Moesian Platform basin. The seventh Block- the Dolani-Tatarani
    gas field- lies at the boundary of the Getic Depression and the
    Diapiric Fold Zone, some 85 kilometres north-west of Bucharest

    Blackstairs, at NAMR's invitation, will now enter formal technical and
    contractual discussions in order to finalise the terms of Petroleum
    Concession Agreements over each of the seven Production Blocks. A
    period of up to six months is set aside by the NAMR to complete these
    formalities. Blackstairs has proposed technical programmes of
    reservoir and petroleum engineering studies, seismic acquisition and
    processing, and re-evaluation and reprocessing of existing field
    data. The company will also undertake work`over of previously
    producing wells, the drilling of new field development wells and the
    refurbishment of surface production facilities and pipeline
    infrastructure. Environmental assessment projects and technology
    transfer programmes will also be completed.

    Romania is a significant oil and gas producer and has a well-developed
    oilfield infrastructure including an extensive pipeline network and
    refining capacity.

    FIELD / County / Block Area (Ha) / Hydrocarbon Type
    CHET BIHOR 224 Ha Crude oil & Associated Gas
    CIUTELEC BIHOR 141 Ha Crude Oil
    BOGEIU BIHOR 60 Ha Crude Oil
    SANIOB BIHOR 1293 Ha Crude Oil & Associated Gas
    SALACEA BIHOR 422 Ha Non`Associated Gas & Condensate

    FIELD / County / Block Area (Ha) / Hydrocarbon Type
    POSTAVARI CALARASI 540 Ha Non-associated Gas
    DOLANI`TATARANI DAMBOVITA 403 Ha Non-associated Gas

    Note to Editors:

    Blackstairs Energy plc is an Irish company involved in hydrocarbon
    exploration and production and associated energy and resource
    evaluation activities. The company is actively exploring three large
    blocks in the Republic of Armenia under an Exploration & Production
    Sharing Agreement. Blackstairs (50%) is the Armenia licence operator
    in a joint-venture with Vangold Resources Limited, a Canadian natural
    resource company.

    Blackstairs was founded in 2006 by Gerry Sheehan (Managing Director)
    and Bob Hamilton (Finance Director). Gerry is a geologist and
    geophysicist and has been involved in the international oil industry
    since 1982. From 1987 to 2006 he held various senior technical and
    management positions in Tullow Oil plc including International
    Exploration Manager and New Ventures Manager. Bob is a chartered
    accountant with broad experience in the natural resource sector; he
    was previously Group Financial Controller with Tullow Oil plc.

    Additional Information
    Please contact:

    Gerry Sheehan
    Managing Director

    Phone: +353 86 6085345
    Email: [email protected]

    Company Contact Details:

    Blackstairs Energy plc
    Regus House
    Harcourt Centre
    Harcourt Road
    Dublin 2
    Republic of Ireland

    Telephone: +353 1 477 3032