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RA NA Starts Discussing Draft Statement On Nagorno Karabakh Settleme

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  • RA NA Starts Discussing Draft Statement On Nagorno Karabakh Settleme


    Noyan Tapan
    April 10, 2008

    YEREVAN, APRIL 10, NOYAN TAPAN. On April 10, the RA National Assembly
    started discussing the draft statement of NA on the settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabakh problem. At that, in particular, RA NA proposes
    the President and government activizing and expanding the efforts
    and possibilities of working out and implementing measures aimed at
    providing complete information to the international community on
    the Nagorno Karabakh problem, formulating within the framework of
    the international law the legal bases, which in case of a military
    aggression or use of other forcible measures by Azerbaijan will give
    RA a possibility to guarantee complete security and defence of NKR.

    As the author of the draft, NA Speaker Tigran Torosian, said, the
    processes of problem's settlement do not give an occasion for optimism,
    Azerbaijan's bellicose statements and anti-Armenian propaganda become
    deeper and deeper, which does not receive an adequate response at
    international instances.

    According to him, the growth of Azerbaijan's profits, first of all
    thanks to oil financial flows, creates a false illusion that it
    is possible to solve the problem through military operations, and
    therefore, misleads its own people.

    T. Torosian said that efforts should be strained for the
    internationally recognized NKR to be involved in the negotiations
    process as a conflict side. According to him, though Armenia can
    recognize NKR at any moment, it will be much more efficient if it
    concentrates its efforts on NKR's international recognition.

    T. Torosian said that Nagorno Karabakh's National Assembly is aware
    about his initiative, and that issue will be discussed in detail
    during the sitting of the two countries' Interparliamentary Cooperation
    Commission to be held next week in Stepanakert.