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Oath To Be Sworn By All Of Us

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  • Oath To Be Sworn By All Of Us

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on April 10, 2008

    For the sake of our country's future

    "I realize that I have assumed a great responsibility. I know that I
    will be the person whom you will consider responsible for everything. I
    guarantee that I will not avoid such responsibility.

    I realized the amount of that responsibility when I joined the
    Republican Party and announced that I would run for presidency only
    in case the Republican received maximum number of votes during the
    elections. I realize the amount of that responsibility now, and I will
    realize it every single day in the course of the coming five years,"
    SERGE SARGSYAN, the third President of Armenia, announced yesterday,
    assuming the leadership of the state. The new President assured that
    he was ready to bear the responsibility of being the President of
    all the citizens of the Republic of Armenia with honor.

    The hall of the National Academic Theatre of Ballet and Opera named
    after Al. Spendaryan, where the inauguration ceremony was scheduled,
    was overcrowded. Apart from the 118 NA Deputies and the representatives
    of the political and intellectual elite participating in the NA special
    sitting, the ceremony was also attended by senior representatives
    from 58 countries and 12 international organizations and foreign
    diplomats accredited to Armenia.

    At 14:00 p.m. sharp, NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan announced the beginning
    of the sitting. Then, the national anthem of Armenia was played and,
    with the accompaniment of the guards of honor, the National Flag of
    Armenia (moved here from the presidential residence beforehand), the
    ancient manuscript of the Bible (donated to Matenadaran by Vazgen
    I Catholicos of All Armenians) and the original version of the
    Constitution (brought from the Constitutional Court) were brought
    in. Then, the NA Speaker asked the President-elect of Armenia to
    the rostrum.

    Putting his right hand on the Constitution and the Bible, placed
    side by side on a special pedestal to the right of the rostrum, Serge
    Sargsyan swore, "Assuming the office of the President of the Republic
    of Armenia I swear: to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution
    in an unreserved manner; to respect the fundamental and civil rights
    and freedoms; to ensure the protection, independence, territorial
    integrity and security of the Republic to the glory of the Republic of
    Armenia and to the welfare of the people of the Republic of Armenia."

    Serge Sargsyan's first speech in a new status was in harmony with the
    commitments of the pre- and post-election periods. "A few minutes ago
    I swore an oath to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution in an
    unreserved manner. I am sure that each of you has his/her own oath
    of serving our motherland and people. This is the oath to be sworn
    by all of us, for the sake of our country's future and development,
    for the sake of democracy and rule of law, for the sake of a stronger
    and more prosperous Armenia.

    May God give me power not to disappoint any of my supporters! May
    God give power to all of us to overcome the difficulties, find
    the prescription for all the problems troubling the people who are
    disappointed or despaired, for those who are currently in need of
    hope, belief and optimism," Serge Sargsyan said, addressing the second
    President of the Republic, the Supreme Patriarch, the Deputies and
    the guests.

    Heralding "the start of the new reforms" the President expressed belief
    that "we will be able to change the country's life for the better,"
    provided "each person is ready to start changing himself/herself".

    Faithful to the promise of being the president of not only his favorers
    but also - of those citizens who haven't voted for him, the S. Sargsyan
    added, "Some of our people supported another candidate. I address those
    people; you had the right not to vote in my favor, but I don't have
    the right not to be your president. We mustn't be separated from one
    another, we mustn't create barriers between different groups of people,
    we mustn't refrain from being privy to one another's concern and grief
    and we mustn't go beyond the limits of mutual access. And even if there
    is a wall of misunderstanding between us, let's demolish that wall"
    and, with the purpose of bringing to life the ideal the Armenia we
    have been dreaming of, "let's get rid of all kinds of polarizations,
    violent confrontations and compromise".

    Although pre-election campaign "was sharp and not devoid of insult,
    I would like to express my gratitude to my opponents for their
    struggle. I address my special gratitude to those who admitted their
    defeat with dignity; to those who squeezed hands for cooperation,
    accepting the proposal of enriching Armenia in a joint manner. I will
    keep all my pre-election promises, and we will call them to life with
    joint efforts. We will build the kind of Armenia that will unite all
    the Armenians, the kind of Armenia that will be the motherland of all
    the Armenians, the kind of Armenia where there will be an atmosphere
    of mutual respect, love and tolerance, where our citizens and each
    family will have be entitled to a dignified life and self-expression,"
    S. Sargsyan assured.

    The President promised to pursue the policy of searching cooperation
    with all the political forces, strengthening the ties between
    generations, combining the interests of different social groups and
    national minorities, to foster the development of the intellectual
    potential, contribute to the formation of an adequate attitude towards
    the intelligentsia. "It's high time our state had a serious attitude
    towards culture, science, the scientific and educational potential
    as well as the individual doing intellectual and creative work"
    and made it's "modest investment" in the process of strengthening
    the Armenian Apostolic Church, a factor that is no less important.

    Serge Sargsyan did not avoid speaking about the March 1 events
    either. The tragedy is still fresh and the wounds have not been healed
    yet, but it is necessary to look ahead - learn lessons from the bitter
    experience of the past, become sober and work with double enthusiasm
    and devotion with the purpose of neutralizing the atmosphere of public
    confrontation and accomplishing the future of Armenia. And always
    remember, "Unlimited freedom may lead to the conflict of both public
    interests and the rights of other individuals. In order to prevent
    such clashes, the state has the right to interfere in the process
    of exercising certain fundamental rights. The restrictions of the
    fundamental rights cannot, however, bear an absolute character since
    in that case the fundamental right will cease to exist, as a matter
    of fact. Such restrictions should not neutralize the contents of the
    fundamental rights and freedoms prescribed by the Constitution."

    Apart from being celebratory and historic, yesterday was also a
    working day for the President. "Five years is quite a short period
    of time for day-to-day important work, during which we must try to do
    every possible and impossible thing for the development of our county
    and the solution of the problems we are facing. This is the reason I
    conside r this solemn day as a working day for my political team. So,
    thank you, and get down to business.

    Ahead, Armenia!" This is how the third President of Armenia finished
    his inauguration speech.