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Protests On Rise In Armenian Region

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  • Protests On Rise In Armenian Region

    by Lusine Barseghyan

    Haykakan Zhamanak
    April 8 2008

    Police officers go hunting drunk

    Protests in Kotayk Region continue

    The number of people who went on hunger strike in Hrazdan [Armenia's
    Kotayk Region] became 10 yesterday [7April].

    Nine more [Karabakh war] veterans from Ashtarak, Eghvard, Hrazdan towns
    joined the hunger strike of handicappedveteran Arshavir Bozinyan in
    the Vanatur village near Hrazdan, who has been on strike for fourteen
    days in a rowdemanding that Sasun Mikaelyan [arrested MP] and other
    political prisoners be released.

    Yesterday after midnight information was received that around
    20 police cars with several dozens of police officerstook nine
    veterans on hunger strike to the Hrazdan police station. If in the
    nearest three days the protesters'demand is not realized and all the
    political prisoners, in particular Sasun Mikaelyan, are not released,
    wives of theperished fighters [in the Karabakh war] are going to join
    the protesters. Several of them already came to join thehunger strike
    yesterday, but Bozinyan didn't allow them [to do so].

    Yesterday veterans from other Armenian regions - Maralik, Shamshadin
    etc. gave a call to Bozinyan and said that they were joining the hunger
    strike. The same will continue in all the villages until we reach our
    goal; any day now you willsee that women will also join the hunger
    strike; personally I am going to bring my wife and she will sit next
    to me,said Arshavir Bozinyan. What we only demand is justice. We see
    what is happening in Yerevan, we were present during all the events,
    and we saw that everything was organized by the authorities. If
    you don't release all the politicaldetainees, I will go on hunger
    strike with other women on 10 April, says the wife of the perished
    [in Karabakh war]soldier, Zhaneta Nersisyan.

    In the meantime, the repression in Hrazdan continue with renewed
    energy. The local police every day take photos ofthe people during
    rallies, and then at night take them to the police station. As
    Hrazdan dwellers say, they take them at2000 [1500 gmt], keep them
    until 0400-0500 in the morning [2300-2400 gmt] and then release.

    Criminal cases have already been launched against two female
    participants of the rally according to Article 225.1 of the Criminal
    Code (organizingand holding of mass gatherings in violation of the
    law). [Passage omitted]

    As Hrazdan dwellers say, police officers in most cases get drunk and
    only then start detaining people. My friend was sitting next to me on
    hunger strike; they [the police] came five times a day and took his
    tent away. They did it manytimes; so much suppressed and frightened
    him and threatened his family that people and I asked him to leave.

    They [thepolice officers] didn't dare to come in sober state, to take
    both him and the tent, said Arshavir Bozinyan. Theveteran anticipated
    yesterday that the police will attempt to detain new protesters in
    the same way. [Passageomitted]

    Yesterday, the march took place in addition to the rally. The Hrazdan
    town dwellers marched from the Vanatur village to the perished
    soldiers' monument to lay flowers. During the march, the police
    periodically said by loudspeakersfrom Vanatur that the gatherings
    were illegal and threatened to apply administrative fines against
    the protesters.