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Poor Mark For Foreign Policy?

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  • Poor Mark For Foreign Policy?


    11-04-2008 10:53:24

    In the past 10 years the Armenian political scientists stated every
    now and then that the talks for Karabakh are not moving in the right
    direction. They pointed to the drawbacks.

    In particular, the "fatal" mistake was said to be leaving out Karabakh
    of the talks. As a result, the talks were shifted from the domain of
    recognition of the right of Karabakh for self-determination to the
    domain of territorial claims of Armenia to Azerbaijan.

    The second mistake, according to political scientists, is the
    discussion of the status of Karabakh within the borders of the
    former autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh, and as a result the
    territories around the former region are viewed as "liberated",
    "occupied", but not part of NKR.

    In this connection, the programs of settlement of several regions
    slowed down.

    Thirdly, the political potential of Stepanakert was not used
    intensively enough. Moreover, a number Armenian organizations lost
    confidence in Armenia.

    Fourthly, the lack of the legal basis of the military presence of
    Armenia in Karabakh.

    Fifthly, neither Armenia, nor Karabakh conducted an intensive
    information policy aimed at conveying the irreversibility of the
    aspiration of Karabakh to independence to the international community.

    The government of Armenia which assumed full responsibility for the
    talks did not admit to its mistakes and said the talks are in favor
    of Armenia. As a major achievement, the minister of foreign affairs
    of Armenia points to the status of Karabakh which has become the
    issue of the talks.

    Nevertheless, this issue was not included in the UN GA resolution
    on Karabakh.

    As of today, apparently they will start admitting their mistakes. At
    least, they are already saying loud that it is necessary to involve
    Karabakh in the talks and Armenia must reject negotiations.

    Recently the Armenian parliament has stated likely to include the issue
    of settlement of Karabakh on the agenda of the upcoming meeting. We
    have learned that currently the text of the interstate agreement
    between Armenia and Karabakh is being drafted. The parliamentarians are
    likely to recommend the government to conduct a pro-active information
    policy and create