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"Tigran Sarkisian Is Not Considered An Authority"

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  • "Tigran Sarkisian Is Not Considered An Authority"


    11 April, 2008

    "President Serzh Sarkissian appointed Tigran Sarkissian Armenia's PM
    taking into consideration the opinion of international organisations,"
    Republican MP Rafik Petrossian said during today's parliamentary

    In reply to A1+'s question why the Republican Party of Armenia
    (HHK) hadn't named an alternative candidate and confirmed Tigran
    Sarkissian's candidature unanimously, Rafik Petrossian said after
    long discussions state thinking prevailed and the appointment of a
    professional was endorsed.

    The Republican underlined that the appointment is determined by
    the fact that our country cooperates with international financial
    organisations, has relations, commitments and programmes, and since
    Tigran Sarkissian has considerable experience as President of the
    Central Bank, his appointment was considered as expedient. Rafik
    Petrossian reminded that "Armenia receive as much funds from the
    international financial organisations as our state budget."

    It is due to mention that the Coalition members cherish great hopes
    from Tigran Sarkissian. For instance, the Orinats Yerkir Party (OYP)
    highly assesses Tigran Sarkissian's professional skills.

    The Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) doesn't hurry with
    assessments. "Let's work and see," BHK MP Naira Zohrabian said. He
    reminded that under the Constitution, the prime minister is appointed
    by parliamentarian majority and the BHK has nothing to do with it.

    With regard to the newly appointed PM, Leader of the ARF Dashnaktsutiun
    faction Hrair Karapetian said, "The Prime Minister's party affiliation
    doesn't matter." He noted that the Prime Minister was nominated by
    the HHK which enjoys majority in the parliament.

    "The PM's party affiliation isn't essential today when parties ally
    rather on the bases of interests than on ideological similarities,"
    said "Heritage" member Stepan Safarian. He says Tigran Sarkissian is
    professional in his sphere, he has always answered the questions raised
    in the NA in detail, he is a good person and has constructive approach
    to new ideas. But in the Armenian perception, Tigran Sarkissian is not
    strong enough to systematize the activity of the four-fold Coalition
    Government and to shoulder collective responsibility. "He is not an
    "authority," added Larissa Alaverdian.

    She finds Serzh Sarkissian an "authority" though the latter doesn't
    enjoy the confidence of all public strata.