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ANKARA: Oktay Eksi: What I Understood From Barroso

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  • ANKARA: Oktay Eksi: What I Understood From Barroso


    April 11 2008

    Yesterday, president of the European Commission, Jose-Manuel Barroso
    addressed members of the Turkish parliament. Our first impression of
    his speech is like this:

    Barroso verbalized his thoughts while seemingly not alluding to the
    "hearing process" in the AKP closure case that he had previously
    expressed to the public opinion. For instance, he repeated his opinion
    about the European Union's stance that "does not judge non-violent

    In my opinon, this concept is correct, but it has exceptions. For
    example, it is also illegal to support "Nazism" and say "Nazis were
    not responsible for the Jewish Holocaust," even it the support doesn't
    include violence. We know that it is also crime to declare the "claim
    of Armenian Genocide is a lie" according Swiss law, and Switzerland
    isn't even a member of the EU. What I am saying is that they too can
    outlaw certain opinions because for whatever reason they choose and
    which "don't include violence."

    The same condition now exists in Turkey and the country has its own
    reasons for the decisions it has taken. And therefore, it is a normal
    move to file a lawsuit against a party for being "the focal point of
    anti-secular actitives."

    Since it is not possible to touch on all the points made during Mr.

    Barroso's speech, I will focus attention on one more point:

    Barroso says that according to him, "the PKK is a terrorist
    organization," and "strong cooperation against terrorism" must be
    undertaken. If only he could have made these statements not in the
    Turkish parliament, but in other EU parliaments, especially those of
    Belgium, Holland and Germany...

    But he made an even more important statement; Mr. Barroso declared that
    "ethnic Kurdish Turkish citizens living in the southern provinces of
    Turkey should be given political rights."

    Bay Barroso'ya Turkiye'de yasalar onunde herkesin eþit olduðunu
    soyleyen yok mu? Eðer bunu biliyor ise, bir kýsým vatandaþlarýmýza ozel
    siyasi haklar talep etmeye kalkmak kendi boyunu aþan bir beyandýr. Bunu
    Bay Barroso'ya birileri hatýrlatmalýdýr.

    Isn't there anybody in Turkey able to tell Mr. Borroso that everybody
    in the country has equal rights in eyes of the law. If he is already
    aware of this, he should not forget that he does not have the right
    to demand any special politic rights for any or some of our citizens.

    Someone must make him aware of this.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress