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Law On Rallies And Marches Under Consideration

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  • Law On Rallies And Marches Under Consideration


    16 April, 2008

    On April 16 NA Speaker Tigran Torossian and the expert of the CoE
    Venice Commission Simona Granata-Menghini and the OSCE/ODIHR experts
    Denis Petit and Neil Jarman continued the discussion of the conclusion
    and recommendations regarding the amendments to the Armenian law
    on assemblies, rallies, marches and demonstrations passed on March
    17, 2008.

    The experts of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR recommended
    revising the law on marches and assemblies to solve three main
    problems: first, the procedure for the verification of reliability of
    information used in risk assessment and public order decision-making,
    which appears to foreclose or limit the opportunity for such decisions
    to be reviewed by an independent tribunal or court; second, the absence
    of any express geographical limitation or timeframe "sunset" clause;
    third, the elimination of the provision that allowed smaller events
    to develop spontaneously into "mass" assemblies.

    As a result of a two days' discussion a full agreement was reached on
    all the three issues raised in the recommendation of the experts. A
    memorandum was drafted on amendments to the law on assemblies, rallies,
    marches and demonstrations which is posted on the web site of the
    National Assembly, the news release of the National Assembly reports.

    On the basis of agreement with the OSCE/ODIHR experts a bill of
    amendments to the law will be drafted which will be extended to the
    experts by April 25. After the conclusion of the experts the bill will
    be discussed and voted. The bill will be circulated and posted on the
    web site of the National Assembly, will be accessible to the civil
    society, the National Assembly will be open for proposals. At the same
    time, NA Speaker Tigran Torossian noted that it is foreseen to set up
    a working group which will study the recommendations and observations
    of the observation missions and different organizations regarding the
    improvement of the Election Code, as well as legislation. The bills
    drafted as a result of discussions will be proposed to the National
    Assembly, runs the release of the department of public relations of
    the parliament.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress