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BAKU: PACE To Discuss Armenia's Actions

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  • BAKU: PACE To Discuss Armenia's Actions


    Trend News Agency
    April 17 2008

    France, Strasburg, 17 April /corr. TrendNews A.Maherremli,
    S.Ilhamgizi / PACE Bureau and other structures of the Council
    of Europe will discuss the project of the Resolution on Armenia's
    actions strengthening tension in South Caucasus, member of Azerbaijani
    delegation to PACE, Ganira Pashayeva, reported to TrendNews.

    According to her, the project of the resolution is considered as one of
    the most serious documents of the Council of Europe. "According to the
    procedure regulations, this document should be signed by 20 MPs form
    five Council of Europe participating countries. The project will be
    discussed by PACE Bureau which will make a relevant decision. This
    document was signed by the MPs from Italy, Moldova, Lithuania,
    Germany and Turkey. We could gain many votes," Pashayeva said.

    According to her, the document says that the Government of Armenia
    contradicts the norms and principles of the international law,
    obligations undertaken before the Council of Europe PACE Resolutions
    1416, UN Resolution, bringing harms to the negotiations process held
    via mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group and held presidential elections
    in occupied Azerbaijani territories.

    In addition, the document says that considering the sharp reaction
    of the international organizations and community to the regime
    of emergency situation, which was announced in the country after
    elections, Armenia fired at Armed Forces and citizens of Azerbaijan
    from their positions in occupied Azerbaijani territories to divert the
    attention. As a result, many people have been reported either killed
    or wounded and the situation has become more tensed in the region.

    The document shows that Armenia continues taking steps strengthening
    the tension, always breaks ceasefire regime and thus, brings harms
    to the peaceful solution of the conflict.

    According to Pashayeva, the project of the resolution also says that
    during the pre-election campaign and inauguration ceremony, the new
    President of Armenia, Serj Sarkisyan, made statements directed not
    towards settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict but complicating
    the situation, thus jeopardizing the negotiations process.

    In addition, the document states that the discussions which took place
    in the Parliament of Armenia serve intensification of the conflict
    situation. The Parliament of Armenia considers that the Country should
    as soon as possible populate the occupied territories, not providing
    any opportunity for Azerbaijan and putting it as a fact of today.

    According to Pashayeva, the MPs signing the Resolution Armenia's
    actions strengthening tension in South Caucasus will raise the issue
    that the PACE should assess this step and take more serious measures
    and mechanisms to prevent these actions.

    The project of the Resolution was submitted to PACE Secretariat for
    the discussions.