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Rep. Smith Presses State Department Official On Azerbaijani Threats

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  • Rep. Smith Presses State Department Official On Azerbaijani Threats

    18.04.2008 10:52

    A senior State Department official came under intense questioning
    over the Administration's unwillingness to confront Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev's escalating threats to launch his nation's
    growing military arsenal against Nagorno Karabakh "at any time,"
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    Representative Chris Smith's questioning took place during a hearing
    called by the Congressional Commission for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) to examine the impact of the
    recent Armenian elections on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the
    overall state of U.S.-Armenia relations. A leading Congressional
    voice on foreign policy and an energetic defender of human rights,
    the New Jersey legislator pressed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
    Matt Bryza to explain the State Department's response to threats of
    renewed Azerbaijani aggression, which he quoted from at length for the
    benefit of his colleagues, the panel of witnesses, and a standing-room
    only audience gathered for the hearing. Noting that Azerbaijani "war
    drums are beating," he explained that it was only natural for Armenians
    to take a defensive position against a potential "sucker punch" from
    Azerbaijan. He asked, pointedly, "what clear and totally broadcast in
    advance penalty would Azerbaijan suffer if it initiated hostilities?"

    Bryza, who devoted the bulk of his testimony to the elections and the
    overall state of democracy in Armenia, sidestepped Congressman Smith's
    question, choosing instead to speak in broad terms about U.S. mediation
    efforts: "In terms of penalty, I wouldn't want to speculate on that
    because all the various scenarios are so unpredictable. What I can
    say is that any resumption of armed hostility in and around Karabakh
    would be tragic - tragic for everybody. Absolute disaster. Who the heck
    knows what the outcome would be of the fighting, but as I said before,
    I think any fighting would lead to the perpetuation of the current
    situation." Bryza noted that Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair
    Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) had on several occasions impressed upon him
    the importance of the U.S. forcefully challenging Azerbaijan's war
    rhetoric. Calling portions of the border between Nagorno Karabagh
    and Azerbaijan a "Caucasus Hiroshima," he noted that he shared
    Representative Smith's concern regarding regional tension and noted
    that both the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents were scheduled to
    hold Nagorno Karabagh talks in the near future.

    Also testifying alongside Bryza, were Vigen Sargsian, a senior
    assistant to the President of Armenia, Serge Sarkissian, and
    Arman Grigorian, a spokesman for former Armenian President Levon
    Ter Petrossian who teaches at the College of William and Mary in
    Williamsburg, Virginia. The hearing was chaired by Congressman Alcee
    Hastings (D-FL) and included the participation of the Commission's
    Co-Chairman, Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD).

    Sargsian welcomed the interest shown by Armenia's Congressional friends
    in the elections and, in his remarks, placed the recent difficulties
    in the broader context of the growing U.S.-Armenia relationship and
    the steady progress of Armenia's democratic development. He updated
    the Commission on the steps toward reconciliation underway in Armenia
    and invited outside assistance for inquiries into the unrest. "At
    their heart," he pointed out, "the challenges we are confronted
    with today have less to do with the conduct or even the outcome of
    the February 19th elections - which, while imperfect, reflected the
    will of the Armenian electorate - and more to do with efforts by
    an element of the opposition that, having lost at the ballot box,
    sought to challenge this outcome through illegal and ultimately
    extra-constitutional means."