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Tangible Results To Become Visible

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  • Tangible Results To Become Visible


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on April 17, 2008

    Yesterday President S. Sargsyan introduced the newly appointed Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandyan to the administrative staff of the Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs.

    In his speech Serge Sargsyan particularly underscored: "On April
    13, according to my decrees two Ministers were appointed - Defense
    Minister and Foreign Minister. Of course it was a coincidence, but in
    my opinion this coincidence was symbolic. A diplomat of any country,
    especially the one representing Armenia, a country located in the
    most complex region, is undoubtedly the vanguard of his country, as
    responsible as any soldier in Armenian Army, who guards the borders
    of the country. Armenia's security and wellbeing is under your direct

    I believe there is no need to introduce the biography of the newly
    appointed Foreign Minister to the diplomats participating in this
    meeting and the overwhelming majority of society. You are also well
    aware of the high effectiveness of Mr. Nalbandyan's activity, which,
    in my opinion, is his most important achievement.

    Today I must express my special gratitude to Vardan Oskanyan. A person,
    who has headed Armenian Foreign Ministry for the last 10 years. It
    was due to the high qualities of this person that Armenia has been
    represented to the world: from the UN tribune, in international
    structures, in bilateral relations, in the process of the regulation
    of Karabakh conflict. Mr. Oskanyan's investment in our state building
    is really great.

    I hope Mr. Oskanyan's personality and especially his 10 years' activity
    won't turn into a subject of historical "research" only. With his
    rich experience, active and true civil behavior Vardan Oskanyan must
    continue his patriotic activity, contributing to the development of
    our country.

    I would like to use this chance and speak about the tasks faced by
    Armenian Foreign policy. In the coming years our foreign policy must
    become more active, more initiating and fixed on tangible results, thus
    maintaining the contents of mutual supplementation. We must do our best
    to raise the level of Armenia's involvement in the international life.

    We must create internationally favorable conditions for the peaceful
    and fair settlement of Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijan must, once and
    for all, perceive the simple fact that the existence of the independent
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is an irretrievable fact.

    It is impossible even to imagine that NKR can have something in common
    with Azerbaijan. Artsakh's freedom-loving people have been successfully
    building their democratic state for the last 20 years. Azerbaijan
    that ignores the natural right to sovereignty is considered a tyranny
    in Karabakh.

    They are in delusion in Baku, that due to their oil-dollars they
    can establish an unsurpassed economic privilege towards our country
    and one day record a military success. But it is not only due to
    the power of money that we keep the country and gain victories. The
    fact is, according to the estimations of authoritative "Heritage"
    fund and "Wall Street Journal", by the rating of economic freedoms
    Armenia is in 28th place, whereas Azerbaijan is 108th. The fact is,
    according to the assessment of the specialists Armenian Army is the
    most efficient in the region.

    Azerbaijani leaders must finally realize that the outcome received from
    the country's natural resources don't presume automatic prosperity and
    economic development for the country, the same way as the abundance of
    thunderous speeches doesn't presume that they have an efficient army.

    This way or that the people of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh have
    deserved the right to free and independent life. And it is due to
    our efforts that the international community must recognize this right.

    As the Leader of the country, in our foreign policy I attach special
    importance to active economic ties, development of humanitarian
    cooperation, active work in the information and advocacy domain
    abroad, and the worthy representation of Armenian cultural heritage
    in foreign countries.

    With their active work our diplomats must contribute to the growth
    of Armenia's international authority, trying to gain more friends in
    the world.

    I also attach special importance to our work with the Diaspora. Even in
    case of having a separate analogous structure our compatriots spread
    all over the world must feel the caring attitude of the motherland
    due to our efforts.

    The issue of maintaining our national identity is first of all the
    task of the Republic of Armenia and we must be the initiators and
    the ones responsible for this policy.

    The issue of the international recognition and condemnation of the
    Genocide is still in our agenda.

    I assure you, our diplomatic services; all the issues of the Foreign
    Ministry will be in the limelight of RA President. We must start an
    everyday hard work, due to which, I believe, very soon the tangible
    results will be visible. I would like to congratulate our newly elected
    Ministers one more time and before I finish my speech, I want to say:
    let's work for the welfare of our country."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress