18 April, 2008
The rise in gas price has aroused serious concern and complaint not
only in the capital but also in RA marzes. Residents of Armavir Marz
mainly complain of unemployment. "We cannot afford communal services
as we are unemployed. There are hardly any workplaces in the marz,"
they say. Most young people have decided to leave Armenia as they
are sure that prices of most consumer goods will go up.
Pensioners consider the recent rise in gas price a "barbarism." "They
pledged we should lead a better life. We hardly survive today," they
say. They spent their monthly pension, 30-45 000 drams, on gas during
the winter months.
Rafik Ghazarian, Head of the Armavir-based "ArmRusGasArt" Ltd, says
that Armenia's Government will take complex measures targeted at
the vulnerable layer of the society to protect them from the rise
of tariffs.
18 April, 2008
The rise in gas price has aroused serious concern and complaint not
only in the capital but also in RA marzes. Residents of Armavir Marz
mainly complain of unemployment. "We cannot afford communal services
as we are unemployed. There are hardly any workplaces in the marz,"
they say. Most young people have decided to leave Armenia as they
are sure that prices of most consumer goods will go up.
Pensioners consider the recent rise in gas price a "barbarism." "They
pledged we should lead a better life. We hardly survive today," they
say. They spent their monthly pension, 30-45 000 drams, on gas during
the winter months.
Rafik Ghazarian, Head of the Armavir-based "ArmRusGasArt" Ltd, says
that Armenia's Government will take complex measures targeted at
the vulnerable layer of the society to protect them from the rise
of tariffs.