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PACE observers to visit Armenia in near future

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  • PACE observers to visit Armenia in near future

    PACE observers to visit Armenia in near future

    Interfax News Agency, Russia
    April 18 2008

    YEREVAN April 18 -- Members of the monitoring commission of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), co-authors of
    the resolution on the democratic institutions in Armenia John Prescott
    and George Columbier will visit Armenia before June 2008 in order to
    see the progress made toward the country's democratization.

    The purpose of the resolution is not at all forcing certain steps on
    Armenia, Prescott said.

    We are simply expressing our ideas in case Armenia really wants to
    move towards democracy, on which it signed a document in 2001 when
    it joined the Council of Europe, Prescott said.

    According to head of the Armenian delegation David Arutiunian, the
    resolution passed at a PACE plenary session on Thursday is balanced,
    Armenian media outlets said. "Though I disagree with some of the
    provisions, we must be clearly aware of what this resolution is about.

    This resolution is about the state of democracy in our country. We
    must take steps toward democratization of the society and the country,"
    Arutiunian said.

    The violence that occurred in Yerevan on March 1 was the result of
    mistakes, he said. "The political system in Armenia is not yet fully
    formed," he added.

    The resolution on the functioning of democratic institutions in Armenia
    was passed at a PACE plenary session on Thursday. The document calls
    on Armenia to hold an independent, transparent inquiry into the March
    1 events in Yerevan, to drop all charges against supporters of the
    opposition and parliamentarians, if these people committed no offense,
    to free all inmates whose arrest might have been politically motivated.

    PACE has also called on Yerevan to urgently modify the changes made
    recently to the law on assemblies, rallies, marches and demonstrations,
    which it said undoubtedly contradict the European standards.