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Armenian Genocide observance

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  • Armenian Genocide observance

    North Andover Citizen, MA
    April 18 2008

    Community calendar
    Fri Apr 18, 2008, 06:50 PM EDT

    Armenian Genocide observance

    A part of the 93rd commemoration ceremony of the Armenian Genocide,
    "The Georgetown Boys" will be performed on Sunday, April 20, 3 p.m. at
    the North Andover Middle School, Main Street.

    The musical, written and directed by noted Armenian playwright
    Dr. Herand Makarian, tells the story of 109 genocide orphans from
    Western Armenia who were brought to Georgetown, Canada, to be trained
    as farmers. Ranging in age from 8 to 12, they worked in the Toronto
    suburb until they were able to open farms of their own.

    The musical, performed by the New Jersey Youth Theater Group, will
    be in both English and Armenian.

    The overall theme of Sunday's commemoration will be "One and Half
    Million Reasons to Remember," reflecting the 1.5 million lives lost
    during the genocidal years under the Ottoman Turkish empire from
    1915 to 1923. Survivors in the Merrimack Valley will be present at
    the event.

    A joint requiem service will precede the play, conducted by area clergy
    and there will be hymns from the Armenian Choral Group of Merrimack
    Valley. Winners of an annual essay contest will also be announced.

    Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for students. For advance tickets,
    call either 978-373-1654 or 978-256-2538. A reception will follow in
    the school cafeteria.