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The USA Indirectly Supports The Armenian Isolation Allowing The Real

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  • The USA Indirectly Supports The Armenian Isolation Allowing The Real


    19.04.2008 GMT+04:00

    Being the assignee of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, which
    stopped existing in 1920, the present Azerbaijan does not have any
    rights on the Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichevan, since these regions
    weren't included in Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.

    After the explicit failures in NATO, in the Balkans and in the Middle
    East, the US Secretary of States set to the Karabakh Conflict. In
    any case, this is how the latest statement of the Secretary of State
    Condoleezza Rice can be interpreted. "The USA remains the active party
    of the negotiations on the peaceful regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Conflict. The USA doesn't recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh as an
    independent state, and its government body is not recognized in the
    international level or in the USA.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The USA recognizes the territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan and thinks that the future of the Nagorno-Karabakh is an
    issue of negotiations between the countries, which aim at a long-term
    and a comprehensive political resolution of the conflict.

    The USA remains attached to the idea of finding a peaceful regulation
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict within the frames of the OSCE Minsk
    Group," says the statement. The given statement doesn't make it quite
    clear what Rice meant speaking about "the territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan" and "the peaceful regulation of the problem". Again;
    being the assignee of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, which
    stopped existing in 1920, the present Azerbaijan does not have any
    rights on the Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichevan, since these regions
    weren't included in Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. How is it
    possible to speak about the peaceful regulation of the problem, when
    on the one hand the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev once a week
    says that the "patience of the nation is not unlimited and Azerbaijan
    will return its territories", and on the other there is the nation of
    Artsakh, which is ready to protect the hard-won independence. However,
    maybe such "trifles" are not taken in account, as it may be seen in
    the case with the Balkans and Palestine.

    On the official website of the US State Department there is also
    the American version of the conflict, where the USA is trying to be
    objective: "the armed conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh lasted from 1990
    to 1994.

    >From the moment when the ceasefire came into force in 1994 the
    computing system of Armenia has been controlling the most part of
    Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, as well as a large part of
    the adjacent Azeri territories. The military operations, as well as
    the displacement of the Armenian people from Azerbaijan and the Azeri
    people from Armenia brought to the existence of millions of refugees
    and displaced people. Over 100 thousand Azerbaijani today live in
    the camps for the refugees, in terrible conveniences.

    Turkey has closed its land frontier with Armenia as a sign of
    solidarity towards Azerbaijan. The USA grants assistant to those who
    have suffered from the conflict." Everything seems to be correct,
    yet, for some reasons, there is nothing about the reasons underlying
    history the conflict, nothing about the regime of strict isolation
    of Armenia, which, by the way, the USA indirectly supports, allowing
    the realization of the trans-regional projects passing over the RA.

    However, let us turn back to the inquiry of the Department of
    States. "Since 1999 the President Heydar Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan
    have started a dialogue in a format of two-sided meetings. Aliyev and
    Kocharyan had a meeting in Key West in April 2001. The parties have
    achieved serious success, but could not come to a compromise over a
    comprehensive regulation. Presidents Aliyev and Kocharyan met in the
    frames of a multilateral meeting at the end of the year of 2001 and in
    August in 2002, but could not overcome the disagreement. President
    Aliyev died in 2003 and the process of the negotiations slowed
    down, since presidential elections were held in both countries last
    year. In 2004 the mediators initiated a series of meetings in Prague
    between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and the Minister
    of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. This meeting was to boost up the
    dialogue between the countries. The negotiations on the suggested
    principles continued from 2005 to 2006.

    In the frames of the session of the chairs of the OCSE Minsk Group
    in Madrid in November of 2007 the representatives of the three
    mediator-parties; Nicolas Burns, Berner Kushner and Sergey Lavrov -
    officially introduced the fundamental principles to the Minister
    of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs
    of Azerbaijan and demanded that they accepted the suggestions and
    continued the regulation process on their bases. The mediators
    spoke of their intention to continue the negotiations on the basic
    principles in 2008," states the document. The strange thing is that
    there is nothing about "the basic principles", though one of those
    principles, the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh, is one of the issues of
    the negotiations. According to Azeri version, which is most probably
    supported by the USA, the Nagorno-Karabakh is supposed to be granted
    a status of "large autonomy". Quite naturally the Armenian party does
    not agree with this. Because of this the negotiations are still in
    process and will be in process for a long while. "It should be taken
    into account that the process of regulation and the conflict itself
    are two quite different things. The conflict itself depends on the
    balance of power. Not only the army, but the economies, policies,
    and levels of lobbying in different international bodies are also
    involved. But the most important component of the balance of power
    is the Nagorno-Karabakh, which is in the Armenian control," thinks
    the Armenian expert Alexander Iskandaryan.