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Prof. Balakian Addresses Sydney Armenian Genocide Commemoration

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  • Prof. Balakian Addresses Sydney Armenian Genocide Commemoration

    Armenian National Committee of Australia
    259 Penshurst Street, Willoughby NSW 2068
    PO Box 768, Willoughby NSW 2068
    T: (02) 9419 8264 | F: (02) 9411 8898
    E: [email protected] | W:


    {CONTACT: Haig Kayserian (Communications Officer) ~ 0403 317 903 ~
    [email protected]}


    SYDNEY: New York Times Bestselling Author, Professor Peter Balakian joined
    political figures, and representatives and members of Sydney's Armenian
    community in commemorating the 93rd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on
    Sunday evening.

    Balakian, Rebar Professor of the Humanities at Colgate University and
    Raphael Lemkin Prize-winning author of The Burning Tigris: The Armenian
    Genocide and America's Response (2003), exposed the 1,000 attendees to
    research identifying the Armenian Genocide as the 'template' used by Adolf
    Hitler for the Jewish Holocaust, as well as other 'modern' genocides.

    "To understand the Jewish Holocaust, to understand the Cambodian Genocide,
    to understand Darfur; we must first of all understand their template of
    genocide in the modern period, the Armenian Genocide," said Prof. Balakian.

    Balakian's address highlighted the need for worldwide recognition and
    condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

    "Professor Balakian has brought great exposure to the Armenian cause
    worldwide and he is now continuing this in Australia," said Mr. Varant
    Meguerditchian of the organising Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee.
    "The research he presented tonight shows why recognising and condemning acts
    of Genocide remains an important human rights priority."

    Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Australia and New Zealand,
    Archbishop Aghan Baliozian led a long list of dignitaries who attended the
    event held at the UTS Greenhalgh Theatre.

    The Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Kevin Rudd MP was
    represented, as was the Leader of the Federal Opposition, Dr. Brendan
    Nelson. Also represented were the Premier of New South Wales, the Honourable
    Morris Iemma and the Leader of the Opposition of New South Wales, Mr. Barry
    O'Farrell MP.

    Excerpts of Key Political Statements - 20 April, 2008

    "On the occasion of this solemn anniversary, I reaffirm the commitment of
    the Australian Government to ensuring a future where such events could not
    happen again."
    - The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP
    Prime Minister of Australia

    "We share this outrage with you regarding one of the greatest horrors of
    human society. It is simple historical fact that 1.5million Armenians were
    massacred by Ottoman Turkey in the Armenian Genocide."
    - The Hon. Dr. Brendan Nelson MP
    Leader of the Opposition

    "It is fitting that the Australian community joins with you on this day to
    acknowledge the debt owed to those who died in the genocide, to commemorate
    their lives and to celebrate your enduring culture and people."
    - The Hon. Ms Maxine McKew MP
    Parliamentary Secretary for Early Childhood Education & Child Care

    "No Armenian family escaped being touched by the genocide. That is why, for
    me, having the opportunity to visit the Armenian Genocide Monument in
    Yerevan two years ago was one of the most emotional experiences of my public
    - The Hon. Joe Hockey MP
    Shadow Minister for Health & Ageing

    "The Armenian Genocide was an attempt to exterminate an entire race. You
    come together today to say 'you failed'."
    - The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP
    Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs

    "You have a strong friend in the Federal Coalition and tonight on this most
    important night of remembrance for the Armenian community we reaffirm our
    strong commitment to the Armenian community."
    - Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison
    Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship

    "It is a day commemorating tremendous suffering by your people, and an
    undeniable fact which is noted by New South Wales marking the 24th of April
    each year as a 'Day of Remembrance' for the victims of the Armenian
    Genocide. Lest we forget."
    - The Hon. Morris Iemma MP
    Premier of New South Wales

    "On April 25, all Australians will commemorate Anzac Day by uttering the
    words 'Lest we forget'. 'Lest we forget' the Anzacs of 1915, and 'Lest we
    forget' the victims of the Armenian Genocide'."
    - Mr. Chris Hartcher MP
    Shadow Minister for Housing representing Leader of NSW Opposition, Mr. Barry
    O'Farrell MP