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US Jewish Lobby Gains New Voice

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  • US Jewish Lobby Gains New Voice

    By Max Deveson, BBC News

    AZG Armenian Daily


    Are liberal Jewish voices in America being drowned out by
    powerful conservative lobbyists? A group of prominent left-leaning
    Jewish-Americans thinks so.

    They have launched a new lobbying organisation, called J Street,
    which they hope will redress this perceived imbalance.

    "The term 'pro-Israel' has been hijacked by those who hold views
    that a majority of Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike, oppose," says
    executive director Jeremy Ben-Ami, a former adviser to President Bill
    Clinton. He says J Street will campaign for a two-state solution to
    the conflict in the Middle East.

    Its political fundraising sister group - J Street PAC, for political
    action committee - will raise money and donate to sympathetic

    Furious debate

    The group is billing itself as a counterweight to the American Israel
    Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the most prominent Jewish lobbying
    organisation in the US.

    J Street says Aipac does not reflect the liberal views of a
    large number of its existing donors, let alone the mainstream of
    Jewish-American opinion.

    The role of the pro-Israeli lobby - and of Aipac itself - in American
    politics has been the subject of furious debate in recent years.

    The most pro-Israel thing any American politician or policy maker can
    do is help to bring about a two-state solution and a comprehensive
    peace agreement between Israel and her neighbours

    Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street

    In 2006, academics Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer
    of the University of Chicago caused a storm when they published an
    article arguing that groups like Aipac had pushed US foreign policy
    in a pro-Israeli direction often against America's national interests.

    Critics of the two academics countered that the pro-Israeli lobby
    should be allowed to make its case to government just like any other
    interest group, and that characterisations of Jewish lobbyists as
    "well-funded" and "powerful" were liable to play into the hands of
    anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.

    The team behind J Street do not necessarily buy into the
    Walt-Mearsheimer analysis, but they do believe that America's current
    policy tilts too strongly towards Israeli right-wingers, and is in
    the long-term interests neither of Israel nor the US.

    "The most pro-Israel thing any American politician or policy maker
    can do is help to bring about a two-state solution and a comprehensive
    peace agreement between Israel and her neighbours," says Mr Ben-Ami.

    No threat

    Although Aipac have not publicly commented on J Street's launch,
    they are - perhaps unsurprisingly - not thought to be particularly
    supportive of the new group's aims. Nor are they concerned that
    they will lose their pre-eminent position within the Jewish-American

    "I believe that Aipac has very broad support and will continue to
    enjoy it," Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major
    American Jewish Organizations, of which Aipac is a member, told the
    Washington Post newspaper.

    Financially, J Street is certainly unlikely to pose a threat to Aipac.

    Its first-year budget of $1.5m (£750,000) will be no match for Aipac,
    which has an endowment of more than $100m (£50m), over 100,000 members
    and 18 offices around the US.J Street hopes that its voice will be
    amplified by some of its more high-profile backers, including former
    senator Lincoln Chafee.

    It may also be able to draw on the power of online fundraising groups
    like, from which some of J Street's organisers have come.

    A similar attempt to create a liberal Jewish pressure group took place
    in the UK last year, with the launch of Independent Jewish Voices

    IJV set itself up as an alternative to the Board of Deputies of
    British Jews, which it said was too uncritical in its attitude to
    Israeli policy.

    'Vague approach'

    At its inception, IJV was able to unveil a number of high-profile
    supporters, including the writer Stephen Fry and the film director
    Mike Leigh.

    But it was criticised by some for what journalist Seth Freedman
    described as its "vague, indistinct approach", particularly in its
    attitude towards the controversial proposal from members of the
    UK-based University and College Union to boycott Israeli academic

    J Street will get hammered and accused of being anti-Israel

    Ken Wald, political scientist

    In November 2007, one of IJV's leading members, Rabbi David Goldberg,
    resigned from the group, citing the organisation's "lack of direction".

    J Street will be more focused on raising money and lobbying influential
    politicians than IJV, and the American group is unlikely to engage
    in divisive political campaigns.

    But it is likely to draw criticism from more conservative pro-Israeli

    "[J Street] will get hammered and accused of being anti-Israel,"
    University of Florida political scientist Ken Wald told the Jewish
    Week newspaper.

    "A lot will have to do with the way they actually frame their
    arguments," he added.

    J Street may not succeed in its ambition to become a rival to Aipac
    and the other pro-Israeli lobby groups.

    But the vibrant - and sometimes fractious - Jewish-American
    conversation will certainly be getting a little louder.
