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"What Happened On April 24" Discussion In Istanbul

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  • "What Happened On April 24" Discussion In Istanbul

    By H. Chaqrian

    AZG Armenian Daily


    Head of "Komitas" institute, London, taking part in the event

    Each year on April 21 the Armenian people commemorate the victims of
    the Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.

    Mourning events are being organized in the US, France, Russia, Italy,
    Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, the Arabic and Latin American states
    and Iran. Poland, Georgia and, according to "Milliet" columnist Semihj
    Idiz, Israel.

    In short, each year the number of the states remembering the victims of
    the Armenian Genocide is growing. More and more statesmen, political
    and social figures from different countries are taking part in events
    dedicated to the one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century.

    Expert of the Armenian Researches Institute of Ankara Yildiz Deveci
    invites the public attention to this fact in the Institute's April 21
    bulletin and notes that the week-long events in Moscow are organized
    by the Union of Armenian Russians, and the events in California are
    announced by Governor Schwarzenegger himself.

    Yildiz Deveci also makes comments about the "What Happened on April 24"
    discussion, organized on the same day in Istanbul. Before analyzing the
    comments of Deveci, let us inform that the discussion is organized by
    the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Union. Head of the "Komitas"
    institute Ara Sarafian (London) was invited and took part in the
    event. He is to make a report about the reason why the Armenians
    consider April 24 the beginning of the massacres.

    Although the number of the attendants of the discussion is rather
    small, Human Rights Defender Ragip Zarakolu is included among the
    rapporteurs. His report is entitled "April 24 - the Beginning of
    Elimination of the Intellectuals". Another Rapporteur, ex-director
    of the Human Rights Union Ereb Keskin is entitled "April 24, 1915 in
    Human Rights Aspect".

    More information shall still be provided about the discussion in
    Istanbul. In conclusion let us mark that Armenian Researches Institute
    Yildiz Deveci is sure that Turkey, having organized such a discussion,
    is unconsciously joining the long list of states, which commemorate
    the Armenian Genocide. Deveci concludes that such events may result in
    growing support in Turkey for the "Armenians' claims about genocide" .