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Armenian President Visits Two Yerevan Facilities Constructed With Fu

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  • Armenian President Visits Two Yerevan Facilities Constructed With Fu


    Noyan Tapan
    April 22, 2008

    YEREVAN, APRIL 22, NOYAN TAPAN. The two-sided linking of
    Heratsi-"Saralanj" transport node's tunnel, which is being constructed
    with funds of the Lincy Foundation, was done in the presence of the
    Armenian president Serge Sargsian on April 22. The transport node
    is being built under the Restoration of Yerevan Streets program. The
    tunnel is 180 meter in length.

    It is envisaged putting it in operation in mid August.

    According to Edward Bezoyan, director of the Lincy Foundation "Road
    Construction Programs" Implementation Office, roads of the total
    lenghth of 83 km were built and repaired in Shirak and Aragatsotn
    marzes under the road construction program, which was implemented with
    Lincy Foundation's funds and completed last year. The total cost of
    the program made 16 million dollars.

    The 20.9 million-dollar program "Restoration of Yerevan Streets"
    includes three important highways: Tigran the Great Avenue was put
    into operation in November 2007, while restoration of Komitas Avenue
    will finish this summer.

    E. Bezoyan said that Heratsi-"Saralanj" higway is part of a small rig
    road (linking Heratsi and Avetisian Streets) that bypasses downtown

    There will be three big transport structures there, three of which
    have been almost completed. The construction cost of the higway is 6
    billion drams (over 19.35 mln uSD), that of the tunnel is 1 billion
    drams. The water pipe supplying water to the center of Yerevan is
    being repaired in parallel with construction of the highway.

    Serge Sargsian also visited school No 56, which was in accident
    condition and is now being reconstructed with funds of the Lincy
    Foundation. The "School Construction" Programs Implementation Office
    director Hrayr Sargsian said that this 20 million-dollar program
    is being implemented in Yerevan and 5 marzes (10 schools are being
    reconstructed, including 5 schools in marzes). 80% of the work has
    been done, and it is planned to finish the reconstruction work in
    September. In the words of H. Sargsian, the schools are reconstructed
    with the aim of bringing them into line with requirements of 12-year
    educational system. The schools will have local heating systems and
    will be provided with equipment.