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First Complete Analysis Of March 1 Events

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  • First Complete Analysis Of March 1 Events


    [08:03 pm] 25 April, 2008

    On April 25 Armenia's Human Rights Ombudsman Armen Harutiunian
    released a report on the Presidential election of February 19,
    2008, and the events following the election. The Ombudsman says he
    prepared and released the report because the Presidential election
    and the post-election events had a major influence on the state of
    human rights, the protection of the personal, political, social and
    economic rights of a human and a citizen.

    The report notes that the pre-election and post-election situations
    were affected by some problems which were not addressed. The
    descriptive part of the report on human rights states that the
    report is based on the fact that during the presidential election
    the dissatisfaction of a major part of the society got a direction
    and acquired new qualities. The report of the human rights defender
    says a major part of the society had a demand of extremity, which
    shaped support and aggravated the lack of confidence and hatred.

    The report of the human rights defender states that "constitutionality
    is the limitation of power which excludes such situations when the
    winner gets all the political, economic, social levers, and the loser
    loses every possibility for normal existence."

    "These very situations push the sides into a struggle for life and
    death and provide a fertile soil for the emergence of authoritarian
    and totalitarian regimes," the report holds.

    Its author notes that "the new president and the emergent government
    got a very heavy heritage from their predecessor." The ombudsman
    thinks it would be desirable if this heritage was not so heavy,
    but it is, and it is necessary to find a way out. The ombudsman
    recommends 7 steps: to guarantee public control over the government
    and strong opposition, reform the election legislation, guarantee
    freedom of speech and plurality of the Internet media, rule out laws
    which impose groundless constraints on human rights and freedoms,
    guarantee constitutional equity and eliminate economic monopolies,
    not to battle with the consequence but to eradicate causes. Armen
    Harutiunian says it is important to set up an independent commission
    for investigating the events of March 1.


    The 2008 Presidential elections and post-electoral developments have
    immensely influenced on the entire system of protection of human
    rights. The main objective of this Ad-hoc Report /hereinafter report/
    is a comprehensive analysis of pre- and post-electoral developments.

    The first part of the report illustrates dynamics of transformation
    of socio-psychological environment and main causes of its formation
    whereas receiving objective information on electoral processes was

    The second part of the report is devoted to the election day
    environment and analysis of legislative grounds leading to its
    formation. The third part reveals peculiarities of post-electoral

    Part four presents activities of the Human Rights Defender in regard
    with reinstituting of human rights during the post-electoral period.

    In the course of examining presidential election developments,
    the report, indeed, specifies many objective problems leading
    to the formation of pre- and post-electoral situation in the
    country, particularly rising resentment in a considerable part of
    the society. In fact, many of these problems were described in
    the Defender's Annual Report of 2006, the conclusions of which,
    regrettably, remained out of attention of authorities.

    The cornerstone of the report is qualitative modification of resentment
    of a considerable part of society through biased form. Particularly,
    the noticeable social and economic polarization, mistrust towards
    public and law enforcement bodies, overcentralization of power,
    ineffective mechanism of checks and balances between three branches
    of power, insufficient guarantees for human rights, formation of a
    tightly closed system of privileged group drove a significant part
    of society to seek critical and dramatic changes to solve these
    issues. Eventually, a demand of extremist activities was formed in a
    considerable part of society. In this situation a number of political
    forces have provided an adequate offer, which intensified intolerance
    and polarization in the society.

    The report refers to the aforementioned issues from the perspective
    of human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of information. The
    objective of the report is firstly to emphasize restriction of freedom
    of speech for one part of the society /the opposition/, existence
    of unrestricted opportunities for the other part /the government/
    including unlawful use of different power tools resulting itself
    in restriction of human rights, and secondly that it may offer "ill
    services" to the users themselves on the rebound.

    Spiritual and material values in the society should be balanced and
    coexist in harmony. From this point of view one does not consider
    the opposition strategy being mostly focused on social concerns of
    a considerable part of population, deplorable human rights records,
    shortcomings in public administration, etc., instead of prioritizing
    economic development-related issues, such as construction of tunnels,
    highways, elite buildings. A number of state representatives were
    more enthusiastic in terms of material values while the opposition
    rearranged the strategy within political and intellectual values
    (civil freedoms, dignity, justice, equal rights).

    Division of society into privileged "insiders" and the rest formed
    tightly closed system in the country, where democratic principles of
    governance were of artificial nature. These hampered the course of
    political struggle under the rule of law. Meanwhile, the opposition
    adopted the same extremist policy aimed at polarizing the society
    into "us" and "them"- "beguiled". The extremist policy of one part
    of government and a part of opposition generated March 1-2 events
    inflicting the society to suffer. Thus, the society shall enjoy
    the right to demand political elite (government and opposition) to
    ensure absolute respect for human rights and tolerance shall prevail
    in the society.

    The change of ruling political forces through elections, the exchange
    of roles between ruling and opposition forces is a key indicator of
    democratic development and an effective safeguard of socio-political
    stability. If the opposition forces are deprived of possibilities to
    replace the incumbent authorities through free and fair elections, and
    the authorities are democratic insofar as it secures their "normal"
    reproduction, then extremism in the political struggle cannot be

    Constitutionalism is a limitation of the power, which precludes
    situations in the political struggle, when the winner assumes all
    political, economic, and social control, while the defeated side
    loses any possibility of survival. This is the type of situation that
    pushes sides into a "life-or-death" struggle, laying the ground for
    the emergence of authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes.

    The newly-elected President and the new system of government inherited
    a heavy burden from their predecessors. It would have been preferable
    to avoid it, but it could not be done, and now, everyone must now
    come together to overcome this situation.

    The following issues have to be resolved in order to address this

    1. To ensure that the authorities function in a framework of public
    accountability, and to secure a strong opposition: this is the only
    case in which the authorities will no longer be able to subordinate
    society to their will. As a result, the opposition will not have to
    go to the streets, because they will be able to voice their concerns
    through legal and political means.

    2. To reform the electoral legislation: in particular, it is necessary
    to revise the Electoral Code provisions on the formation of electoral
    commissions, the recount procedures, etc.

    3. To safeguard the freedom of expression and to put in place
    conditions for pluralism and impartiality in the electronic
    media. Without pluralism, society cannot be free, and the authorities
    will not exercise self-restraint. To this end, it will be essential
    to reform the legislation on television and the radio. It is also
    necessary to ensure equal participation of the representatives of
    the power and the opposition in the formation of television and radio
    regulatory and supervisory bodies.

    4. To rule out laws groundlessly restricting human rights and freedoms
    (such as the recent amendments to the Republic of Armenia Law on
    Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies, and Demonstrations).

    5. To safeguard the constitutional principle of equality of rights
    and to eliminate existing economic monopolies, which will help to
    overcome the oligarchic system of governance. This is the only way
    to enable people to realize their creative potential. As a result,
    society will no longer demand political extremism, and political
    forces will no longer generate such supply. Extremist ideas are born
    out of an extremely polarized society. If society is not polarized,
    no extremist idea can activate the broad masses.

    6. To fight against causes, rather than consequences.

    To this end, it is vital to create an independent commission to
    inquire into the March 1 events.

    7. At this point, it would be most dangerous and useless to imitate

    Information and Public Relations Department of

    Human Rights Defender's office