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AAA Disappointed With Bush April 24 Statement

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  • AAA Disappointed With Bush April 24 Statement


    25.04.2008 19:51 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Assembly of America responded to
    President Bush's April 24 Armenian Genocide statement.

    "In 2000, then presidential candidate Governor George W. Bush stated
    that if elected President, he would properly recognize the Armenian
    Genocide. In his pledge, Bush stated that "the Armenians were subjected
    to a genocidal campaign that defies comprehension and commands all
    decent people to remember and acknowledge the facts and lessons of
    an awful crime in a century of bloody crimes against humanity."

    "Eight years later, his 2008 Presidential statement again provides a
    dictionary definition of genocide, but the resistance in using the
    term genocide not only fails to complete George W. Bush's promise,
    but more importantly fails to promote the professed goal of preventing
    genocide. This year's statement actually represents a subtle step
    back from prior April 24 statements.

    April 24 is a day of mourning and rededication for Armenians, their
    friends and for all people concerned with eliminating the scourge of
    genocide. This is what April 24 signifies.

    "In his final April 24 statement, President Bush missed the mark,
    which may account for the ongoing nature and escalation of threats
    of genocide around the world. Today's statement backtracks from his
    prior indirect acknowledgements of the Armenian Genocide.

    For example, in 2005 and 2006, Bush recognized the Armenian Genocide
    indirectly by his reference to the findings of the International
    Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ).

    "In the face of Turkish demands again this year, President Bush omitted
    the findings by the ICTJ. This year's statement also continues to
    ignore President Reagan's 1981 proclamation that affirms the Armenian
    Genocide, which still stands as U.S. recognition and was confirmed
    by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. These
    two missteps by this Administration discount the United States'
    proud and dignified record during the time of the Armenian Genocide,
    as well as most Americans and a majority of States today.

    "In addition, Turkish pressure was brought to bear on House Resolution
    106, which called on the President to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide. Turkey's ongoing denial has also created an atmosphere of
    intolerance, which led to the tragic assassination of Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Hrant Dink, by a Turkish nationalist. Turkey's long term
    interests would be better served by coming to grips with its genocidal
    past, rather than fining and jailing those who speak the truth about
    the Armenian Genocide. Hrant Dink was recently inducted into the
    Journalists Memorial in the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The event was
    attended by his widow, Rakel Dink, along with representatives of the
    Armenian Assembly.

    "Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of
    Greater Boston Nancy K. Kaufman said in a recent commemoration speech
    on April 18, that "as a way of not letting the Armenian Genocide be
    forgotten, I would like to bear witness - to testify, if you will -
    to that history," adding that "it is particularly important for us,
    as Jews, to speak out in support of your community's efforts to
    fight denial."

    "Ironically, this year's statement comes against the backdrop of rapid
    progress and development since May 2007, of the Armenian Genocide
    Museum of America. The museum is located steps away from the White
    House and will stand as a permanent memorial and testament for all
    who lost their lives in the Armenian Genocide. It will also serve as
    a learning center to prevent future genocides.

    "While Bush's statement also notes the Nagorno Karabakh peace process,
    it does not address the failure to achieve a just peace, nor does
    it address the ongoing military escalation by Azerbaijan against the
    Armenians there, who also faced a campaign of ethnic cleansing. This
    too stands as a stark reminder that the lessons of the Armenian
    Genocide cannot be forgotten.

    "No one questions President Bush's sincerity in mourning the tremendous
    loss Armenians and the world suffered as a result of the Armenian
    Genocide, and his use of the dictionary definition is better than
    ignoring it; nevertheless, it is profoundly disappointing that he
    failed to keep his word, of which the consequences are real.

    "As Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan stated today, there is no room
    for denial of the Armenian Genocide and that Armenian Statehood is
    of exceptional importance. No Armenian or person of goodwill should
    disagree with these fundamental principles.

    Unfortunately, today's White House statement fell short," the AAA said.