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BAKU: `No genocide was committed on April 24, only 556 arrested'

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  • BAKU: `No genocide was committed on April 24, only 556 arrested'

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    April 26 2008

    Turkish historian: `No genocide was committed on April 24, only 556
    Armenian terrorists were arrested'

    [ 26 Apr 2008 16:04 ]

    Ankara. Mais Alizadeh-APA. Head of the Armenian studies unit of
    Turkish Institute of History, Professor Kamal Chichek's interview with

    -On May 27, 1915 Interior Minister Talat Pasha signed resolution on
    the movement of Armenians to other areas for prevention of their
    treason against Ottoman Empire. Why Armenians mourn April 24 every
    -The historic documents show that the resolution on the Armenian
    movement was signed not on April 24. On that day leaders of Armenian
    gangs, who committed treason against Ottoman Empire were arrested and
    sent to the Chankir and Ayash prisons near Ankara. 235 leaders of
    Armenian terrorist gangs were arrested in Istanbul and 321 arrested in
    other provinces on April 24. One of them well-known terrorist Komitas
    was released 13 days later and interior ministry allowed him to leave
    for Vienna and later he died in Paris. We have the historic documents,
    which show that 556 Armenian gang leaders were arrested, but some
    foreign historians lie that 2500 were arrested and most of them were
    executed. The arrested terrorists were accompanied by 75 police
    officers on their way to prison for their security. Most of the
    arrested persons were allowed to walk in the city and to visit police
    office for confirmation of their presences. If the history of April 24
    contains these facts, why Armenians mourned it as a day of so-called
    genocide? It is a scenario written by Vahakin Dadriyan. He wrote that
    1915 events should meet the UN `Genocide Convention' adopted in 1948.
    Ottoman Empire declared mobilization in August, 1914 and Armenians
    were also involved in the Army. Therefore more Armenian gangs remained
    without their leaders. According to the second part of Dadriyan's
    scenario, Armenians' legs were broken when their leaders were arrested
    and after the May 27 resolution of movement the defenseless Armenians
    took the way of death. Were the people arrested on April 24 innocent?
    No, they were members and leaders of `Dashnak', `Hnchak', `Ramgavar'
    and other terrorist organizations. A lot of weapons were confiscated
    in their places. They were rebels against the war-involved country and
    Ottoman Empire like every country undertook preventive measures. They
    were not killed after the arresting. They were taken to prisons under
    the strong control and 55 of them were released in a short time. 57
    persons were deported and many of them exiled to other cities. The
    Government aimed not to kill the gang members and leaders, but to make
    them passive. For that Armenians symbolically mourn on April 24.
    - Prime Minister Erdogan sent a letter to Armenian president Robert
    Kocharyan on May 8, 2005 and suggested to establish joint commission
    for researching of historical realities, but he didn't receive
    positive respond. Do Armenians refuse to establish the joint
    commission because they know that they falsified the historical
    -Yes, they know. Kocharyan said in his respond that `they cannot
    accept this suggestion, which opens discussions on the `Armenian
    genocide' and as it was a historical reality, it couldn't be
    discussed'. Kocharyan intended to establish intergovernmental
    commission, but not the commission of historians. In fact the events
    turn into history and Kocharyan intended to politicize the issue.
    Armenia said it intended to improve relations with Turkey. Armenia,
    which occupied the lands of our Azerbaijani brothers, has no right to
    make a condition before Turkey. Only Turkey can make the conditions.
    Our main demand is the withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied
    Azerbaijani lands. Unfortunately no country except Turkey makes remark
    for Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijani lands. All over the world
    imposed sanctions against Saddam Huseyn because he occupied
    Kuwait. The world countries should impose embargo against Armenia
    too. If Armenia intends to be our friend, it should leave history for
    historians and recognize our borders ` it is our other demands.
    Armenian should leave their claims for recognition of so-called
    `genocide' and Anatolian lands. It is unserious policy.