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Yossi Harel, commander of Exodus, dies at 90

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  • Yossi Harel, commander of Exodus, dies at 90

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    April 27 2008

    Yossi Harel, commander of Exodus, dies at 90

    By Eli Ashkenazi

    The man who commanded the clandestine operations that brought in four
    ships carrying some 24,000 illegal immigrants between 1945 and 1948,
    Yossi Harel, died yesterday in Tel Aviv at the age of 90.

    The writer Yoram Kaniuk, a friend of Harel, told Haaretz that when the
    ships he commanded sailed past the coast of Turkey, Harel would think
    of the Armenian village in Franz Werfel's novel "40 Days of Musa
    Dagh," which described the Armenian genocide. "He loved the Armenian
    people and felt close to them," Kaniuk said, adding that he wanted to
    mention Harel's sensitivity to the Armenians as a sign of the great
    humanitarianism and compassion that were central to his Harel's

    Harel was born in 1919, a sixth-generation Jerusalemite. He joined the
    Haganah at age 15 and later became part of the unit commanded by Orde
    Wingate, where he earned a reputation for bravery. Kaniuk related that
    David Ben-Gurion and Shaul Avigur (commander of the Aliyah Bet illegal
    immigration campaign and founder of Shai, the Haganah intelligence
    service) had marked him out as suitable to command the clandestine
    immigration ships because in addition to his leadership skills and
    fighting prowess, "there was something very hevreman [sociable] about
    him. He was not the kind of clap-you-on-the-back hero. He was a man of
    manners, the type who didn't raise his voice. He was a man of
    conscience and a daring fighter." He was also sensitive, and showed
    special care for women about to give birth on the ship, Kaniuk said.

    Kaniuk also said, "Many of the sabras were snobs. They felt like
    heroes and did not show great sensitivity to the [Holocaust]
    survivors. It was hard for them to get in touch with their
    Jewishness. To Yossi, his Jewishness was important, as someone who had
    grown up in Jerusalem and not in Tel Aviv or on a kibbutz."

    Harel commanded the major clandestine immigrant operations, including
    four ships: Knesset Israel, The Exodus, Atzma'ut and Kibbutz
    Galuyot. By the time he was 28 he had been responsible for about
    24,000 immigrants had come in under his command, more than one-third
    of those smuggled into the country secretly between 1945 and 1948.

    The Exodus, whose captain was Yitzhak "Ike" Aharonovich, went down in
    history for its heroic voyage from France in July 1947, carrying 4,500
    Holocaust survivors, and the fight for months to keep it from being
    turned back by the British. Eventually the ship was forced back to
    Europe and sailed to Hamburg, Germany.

    But the high point in Harel's career was not the more famous Exodus,
    according to an earlier article in Haaretz by historian Dr. Aviva
    Halamish. It was the two-and-a-half week voyage of the Knesset
    Israel. The ship set sail in November 1946 from Yugoslavia with 4,000
    souls on boad. According to Halamish, this voyage brought to the fore
    the contrasts between the Yishuv, the Jewish community in pre-state
    Israel, and the clandestine immigrants, who were Holocaust survivors
    and "carried their struggle with them." Inspired by the story of the
    Knesset Israel, the poet Natan Alterman wrote in the newspaper Davar
    of the "division of labor" between the two groups.

    Harel later went on to study mechanical engineering in the United
    States. He was called back by Israel Defense Forces chief of staff
    Moshe Dayan to command Unit 131, the intelligence unit that operated
    the Israeli spy ring that collapsed in Egypt in 1954. Eventually,
    Harel left the army and went into business.

    Harel is to be buried tomorrow at Kibbutz Sdot Yam, near Caesarea.