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Armenian Genocide: Denying The Undeniable

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  • Armenian Genocide: Denying The Undeniable


    Blogger News Network
    April 28 2008

    In New York's Times Square on Sunday afternoon, Armenians, documentary
    filmmakers, politicians and historians who refuse to allow the nearly
    successful genocidal campaign by the Ottoman Turks to be forgotten,
    gathered to mark the 93rd year of the atrocity and of the Turkish

    The two-hour event featured the usual speeches - you know, that
    quote by Adolph Hitler that no one speaks of the annihilation of
    the Armenians, the response by Armenian-American writer William
    Saroyan about the resilience of the Armenian people. Notably, however,
    Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised to resurrect the Armenian Genocide
    resolution in Congress, and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) vowed to derail
    the appointment of Marie L. Yovanovitch as ambassador to Armenia if she
    refuses to characterize "the events of 1915" as "genocide" - just as
    he blocked the appointment of Richard Hoagland for that reason. (BTW,
    for the 8th year in a row President Bush marked "Armenian Remembrance
    Day" on April 24th by once again using mealy-mouthed euphemisms -
    "mass killings and forced exile," "epic human tragedy" - instead of

    French philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy explains the
    parallels between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust
    (video link), and argues in favor of criminalizing speech that denies
    either crime against humanity. As an American The Stiletto does not
    favor such free speech restrictions, but Lévy's argument offers an
    illuminating perspective on the crime of genocide. Here is a snippet:

    One of the things which characterizes and distinguishes genocide is
    ... at the very moment the criminal act is carried out it already
    incorporates its own denial. ... The Jews know it well and the
    Armenians knew it before them. For the crime to be perfect it has
    to be traceless. And for it to be traceless it has to be annihilated
    even from the memories of the survivors and descendants. ... And this
    is the reason revisionism can rightfully be qualified as the ultimate
    stage of genocide.

    Thus, each time the Turkish government denies the genocide occurred -
    or portrays the victims as traitors to the Ottoman Empire - their
    crime against humanity is perpetuated against the survivors and
    their descendents.

    Note: The Stiletto writes about politics and other stuff at The
    Stiletto Blog, chosen an Official Honoree in the Political Blogs
    category by the judges of the 12th Annual Webby Awards (the Oscars
    of the online universe) along with CNN Political Ticker, Swampland
    (Time magazine) and The Caucus (The New York Times).
