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Ankara's Policy Of "Arm Twisting And Mouth Shutting" Will Not Bring

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  • Ankara's Policy Of "Arm Twisting And Mouth Shutting" Will Not Bring


    26.04.2008 GMT+04:00

    The official Ankara believes that the states, which have already
    recognized the Genocide or are going to recognize it are potential
    enemies of the Turkish Nation and if it was of Turkey's will, they
    would all be brought to court on Article 301.

    It happened so, that Turkey says something and does something
    completely different, but always acts according to its own interests,
    never taking into consideration the point of view of its strategic
    partners; i.e. the USA and Israel. However it is more appropriate to
    call these countries "strategic partners", since Ankara's conduct
    towards these countries already exceeds the limits of simple
    cooperation. For pressure on its partners Turkey has chosen a very
    handy target; the Armenian Genocide committed in the Ottoman Empire
    in 1915 - 1923.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The official Ankara believes that the states, which
    have already recognized the Genocide or are going to recognize it
    are potential enemies of the Turkish Nation and if it was of Turkey's
    will, they would all be brought to court on Article 301. The constant
    manipulation and intimidation with the "necessity and importance" of
    Turkey brought to the fact, that the US Congress and the Knesset of
    Israel cannot decide on recognizing the Armenian Genocide for already
    so many years. However, it should be confessed that in this aspect
    the US legislators have left the Israeli legislators far behind. And
    the matter is not in the pressure of the Armenian lobby, but in the
    fact the USA is very far from the Middle East.

    On April 24 on the official website of the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA) a photograph of the Statue of Liberty
    with its mouth closed by the Turkish flag was placed. ANCA carries
    out an action called "Stop the policy of mouth shutting", against
    the Turkish attempts of impeding the adoption of Resolution 106
    about the Armenian Genocide. "The Turkish government, which forbids
    speaking about the Armenian Genocide within the borders of the country,
    exports this anti-democratic ban in the USA and carries the policy of
    "mouth shutting" towards those congressmen, who discuss and approve
    Resolution 106.

    As the history proves, the USA may develop its interests only when
    it keeps close to the American values," says ANCA. So the USA will
    easily resist Turkey's pressure.

    Israel is in a more complicated situation: it has to resist the
    pressure from all sides, even from the USA.

    Recently George Bush announced that its aim is to establish
    the independent Palestine. And Turkey has always seemed to be a
    partner. However the last events proved that it is not a reliable
    one. The President of Syria Bashar Asad confirmed the fact of Turkey's
    mediation between Syria and Israel. The Turkish party delivers the
    message of Israel to Syria which spoke of the readiness of giving
    away the Golan Heights in exchange to peace. In the interview to a
    Qatari newspaper "Al-Vatan" Asad announced that the Prime Minister
    of Turkey Recep Erdogan "informed him about the readiness of Israel
    to recall its troops from the Golan Heights for the sake of peace in
    Syria." The message was delivered to Erdogan last week by its Israeli
    colleague Eghud Olmerta. It is said that Turkey has taken up the
    role of mediator between the countries since April of the previous
    year. "Our main task in the present stage is to find a common word
    with the help of Turkey's mediation," announced Asad. In its turn
    the press-secretary Olmerta also announced about the readiness of
    the Israeli prime minister for the negotiations: "Israel wants peace
    and the start of peace negotiations in Syria. We know that Syria
    is expecting negotiations, and Syria knows what we want." Turkey
    strongly intends to become the predominant force in the Middle East,
    replacing the USA. So the issue of the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide is a very useful way of displaying pressure on Israel. The
    position of Turkey is quite clear: if you do not raise this issue in
    your Knesset, we will still consider continue helping you. If you do
    raise the question in the Knesset, we will help our Arab friends to
    return their territories and first of all the Golan Heights.

    "If Israel does not recognize the Armenian Genocide, it does not mean
    that the Israeli Nation does not recognize this fact either. Here the
    problems are merely of geopolitical character," says the representative
    of Masonic lodge of France "the Great East" Marcel Veil. The chairman
    of the committee for public relations of the Armenian Assembly of
    America (AAA) Anthony Barsamyan is of the same opinion.

    "Recently the attitude of the Jews towards the Armenian Genocide has
    considerably changed. The Jewish people do not insist on the uniqueness
    of the Holocaust in the world history any more, but they admit that
    the mass killings in the Ottoman Empire are Genocide," said Barsamyan.

    According to the Executive Director of the EU public relations in
    Boston (JCRC - Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston)
    Nancy Kaufman, the 20th century will remain in the history of the
    humanity as the time of good and evil, as the time of many changes,
    as the era of tragedies and reforms. "The two worst events of the
    century have become the Armenian Genocide committed by the Turks in
    the beginning of the century, and the Holocaust, committed by the
    Nazis in the middle of the century. As the representatives of the
    next generation, our task is to tell the stories about our ancestors,
    having become the victims of these murderous acts. This will allow
    us to give evidence about the black periods of our nations. Only with
    this we may be sure that people will never forget about this and the
    call of "never again!" will not be left unnoticed," she said in her
    speech in the building of the House of Representatives in the State
    of Massachusetts to the support of the memory and recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    The world is changing, but Turkey persistently keeps on remaining
    the same and does not seem willing to change together with us. Sooner
    or later Ankara will have to put up with the fact that its policy of
    "arm twisting and mouth shutting" will not bring any success.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress