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Turkey's Chronic Inability To Face The Trut

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  • Turkey's Chronic Inability To Face The Trut

    Edward Papelian

    Global Politician, NY y
    April 29 2008

    White House should have the courage to call a spade a spade. President
    Ronald Reagan did It - why doesn't everyone? How would the USA react
    were a country to demand that the terrible act of terrorism on 9/11
    be labeled a simple "accident" and be forgotten?

    The United State of America is regarded as the only country in
    the world with a "universal constitution." As a result, the US
    is often looked to in questions regarding moral responsibilities
    related to human rights and justice. In the spirit of justice and
    moral responsibility, on April 22nd, 1981, Ronald Reagan, one of
    the greatest Presidents of the United States of America, labeled the
    Turkish crime against all humanity as "genocide of the Armenians" in
    his Proclamation 4838. Reagan's Presidential Proclamation was made
    during the cold war (!) and despite heavy lobbying by the Turkish
    government. But President Reagan made it clear to Turkey that the
    United State of America doesn't buckle to threats and blackmail, and
    that no country in the world can forbid the US to speak about the truth
    about crimes against all humanity. Regan saw the Armenian Genocide as
    an indisputable fact - as does the independent historian - and simply
    spoke publicly about something the Turkish nation would prefer ignored.

    This was President Reagan's approach to (and understanding of) being
    a superpower and defender of justice and democracy, but what about
    the administrations that followed? Is the US on the way to losing its
    former influential moral authority for the sake of "diplomacy"? Is
    the US still able to speak out against historic injustices?

    Some Facts: in the US, a group of paid lobbyists and Turkish
    nationalists have continually launched unprecedented attacks on H
    Res. 106 (Affirmation of the United States Record on the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution). John Evans, the former US Ambassador to Armenia
    and carrier diplomat, was forced to resign in September 2006 merely
    for labeling the events of 1915 a "genocide" at a social gathering
    in California. Later, however, we were at least shown that the US
    Senate wouldn't allow a foreign government - Turkey - to tell the US
    Administration what to do. In a rare move of protest, the US Senate
    refused to approve the successor of Amb. Evans, thus leaving the US
    ambassadorial post to Armenia vacant for the past 18 months. As one
    Senator stated, "We are obviously pleased that the administration
    came to understand that I had no intention of withdrawing my hold. I
    hope the new nominee would be somebody who understands the reality
    of the Armenian Genocide and can express himself or herself when the
    time comes for a nomination hearing."

    Turkish Penal Code and Democratic Countries: why should democratic
    countries condone the efforts of Turkey to import its Article 301
    of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) - an article that criminalizes the
    "insulting" of "Turkishness" (and/or the Turkish nation) and, in
    practice, forbids telling the truth about the Armenian Genocide - to
    the US and EU? How would the USA react were a country to demand that
    the terrible act of terrorism on 9/11 be labeled a simple "accident"
    and simply be forgotten? Why should America help Turkey in its attempts
    to falsify history? Why should Armenian Americans and Armenians around
    the world be forced to accept the Turkish genocide of the Armenians
    (1915-1923) just as a "tragedy"? Turkish denial of Armenian Genocide -
    corresponding justifying the crime and the ideology behind this crime-
    and Turkish racial motivated foreign policy is threatening the very
    existence of Armenian People!

    The Birth of the Term "Genocide": while the Armenian Genocide was in
    progress, a historically unparalleled humanitarian act was undertaken
    in the US. The US ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau,
    gave to protocol: "When the Turkish authorities gave the orders
    for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant
    to a whole race." His evaluation of the real intentions behind the
    "deportations" (i.e. annihilation) instigated by the nationalist
    government of Ottoman Turkey was confirmed by the numerous secret
    reports sent to Berlin by German diplomats.

    The slaughter of the Armenians is one of the defining moments of the
    20th Century, a century characterized by genocide. The word "genocide"
    was coined by the jurist Raphael Lemkin by combining the Greek word
    "genos" (race) with the Latin word "caedere" (to kill). Following
    the Turkish extermination program against the Armenians, the phrase
    "Never again!" was once again heard. The devastation of the Armenian
    Holocaust so shocked Lemkin (a lawyer of Jewish descent) that he
    drew up a convention "against the destruction of national, religious
    and racial groups" - but his initiative initially fell upon deaf
    ears. Lemkin was only first heard after the Jewish Holocaust.

    Years before the Nazi murder of six million Jews, Winston Churchill,
    the Prime Minister of Great Britain, characterized Turkey's break
    with civilization as following: "In 1915 the Turkish government
    began and ruthlessly carried out the infamous general massacre and
    deportation of Armenians in Asia Minor... the clearance of the race
    from Asia Minor was about as complete as such an act, on a scale so
    great, could well be... There is no reasonable doubt that this crime
    was planned and executed for political reasons... whole districts
    blotted out in one administrative holocaust - these were beyond human
    redress." (Sir Winston Churchill - The World Crisis Vol. 5)

    Does Turkey Losing the Sense for Historic Facts and Reality? Noting
    justifies genocide. Armenians don't need to prove the fact of Armenian
    Genocide. Let Turkish politicians prove to the world community the
    existence of 5, 10, 15 million Armenians in "Anatolia" and, above
    all, the existence of Armenian civilization in Western Armenia -
    "Turkish Armenia" - in today's Eastern Anatolia! (The number of those
    who regarded themselves as "Turks" - not "Muslims" or Ottomans -
    in Anatolia prior to the start of the Armenian Genocide and policy
    of forced Turkification was not more than 3 or 5%. Even the rulers
    of the Young Turkish movement themselves came from the Balkans and
    areas in Greece...)

    A couple of weeks ago, Recep Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minster, had
    to cancel a news conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, to avoid questions on
    the Armenian Genocide. In April, while Mr. Erdogan traveled to Sweden
    to warn politicians there not to bring up the issue of the Armenian
    Genocide in parliament, in the same time, Hasan Murat Mercan, the
    chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Turkish
    Parliament, was in Israel busy pressuring Israel against the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution introduced in the Knesset. The next station will
    certainly once again be Washington! But Democratic countries are
    tired of Turkish fictions regarding the Armenian Genocide. What the
    world really wants is a "Turkish Willy Brandt" who travels to Yerevan,
    Armenia, and admits the past crime of Turkish government.

    (As part of a ceremony on December 7th, 1970, the then-current German
    Chancellor Willy Brandt placed a wreath at the memorial honoring the
    Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw. After placing the wreath ribbon, he knelt
    in front of the monument for a moment of silence before getting up
    and leading his delegation away.)

    Armenians always Rose against Foreign Rules: Armenia had been occupied
    by Romans, Arabs, Greeks, Persians, Russians and, in the end, the
    Turkish. However, Armenia always rose against all such occupiers and
    managed to secure their freedom and survival, often even regaining
    their kingdom and state. But none of the foreign occupiers of the
    Armenian Highland (in Today's Anatolia) were ever nearly as barbaric as
    the Young Turkish regime: Starting in 1915 the Turkish regime pursued
    a genocidal policy which, by 1923, had led to the total destruction
    of Armenian civilization in the historic Armenian homeland (which
    has since been renamed as Eastern Anatolia). In truth, however,
    given the long history of Turkish-led massacres of Armenian people
    in their homeland during 4000-plus years prior to 1915, the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915-23 was to be predicted.

    The German Empire was the closest ally of Ottoman Turkey. Therefore,
    still in 1903 (!), Georg Brandes (1842-1927), a prominent Danish and
    European literary critic, already raised his voice for Armenia in
    an impressive speech to students in Berlin: "An Appeal to Europe's
    Conscious ... I do not tend to overrate the spoken words of a
    simple author, and I know quite well that the decision of all major
    political questions lies with the ruling powers. But in our times,
    even the powers that be must take note of a strong and unanimously
    expressed public opinion, and that is why we must shout for as long
    as it takes until such a public opinion is awoken in all countries -
    and especially in the German Empire. As you all know, during the
    last ten years Turkish Armenia has been the scene of atrocities
    incomparable to anything in recorded world history since the time
    of the barbarians. Prior to it happening, no one would have thought
    it possible that an entire population could become the object of
    such bloodshed, torture and mass murder. The blood of hundreds of
    thousands is screaming to the heavens... when the Armenians began to
    defend themselves at numerous places, the pretext was supplied to
    exterminate this infidel - that is, Christian - population through
    mass torture and mass slaughter...."

    (This historic document from 1903 was reprinted in the Frankfurter
    Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany's leading daily newspapers, on
    July 2nd, 2005.)

    On April 24, 1915, 12 years after the almost prophetic words of
    G. Brandes, the Ottoman Turkey's government (hijacked by Turkish
    nationalists) used a variety of pretexts to put their machinery for
    the destruction of Armenians into motion.

    While the genocide of Armenians was in progress Turkey told visiting
    allies of simple "resettlement," but even the diplomats of Germany
    described these statements as "blatant lies." The same "blatant lies"
    are still being repeated in a continually more aggressive and rude
    manner by Turkish politicians when visiting Capitol Hill and European
    capitals! Turkish politicians have started to believe on their own
    lies and fabrications. The chronic lies resulting from Turkey's
    ruthless pursuit of Pan-Turanism, hatred of other civilizations and
    greed for foreign territories and property has resulted in Turkey's
    continual denial of its past and an incurable internal intellectual and
    political stagnation. Otherwise, the numerous reports of eye witnesses
    and survivors of the Armenian Genocide as detailed in the reports of
    German, UK, French, Austrian and American Ambassadors and Consuls to
    Ottoman Turkey would no longer continue to be denied by Turkey.

    The Germany's foreign affair documents of that time as a whole
    illustrate a very exact picture of the systematic nature of the
    Armenian Genocide. At that time, the German officials alone had the
    privilege to encrypt all reports; the reports were only meant for a
    small circle of superiors. For Ankara, these files are a particularly
    uncomfortable source. No one can write them off as Armenian propaganda.

    These secret reports were filed by the very allies working with the
    Turkish government to help modernize the Turkish military during the
    First World War - in other words, by allies that no reason to report
    anything but the truth as witnessed.)

    Hundreds of cables and confidential reports sent by German
    diplomats in Turkey to Berlin are available on the Internet at These papers document and confirm the mercilessness
    of the Turkish authorities. Many of the diplomatic and eye-witness
    reports are worded in a most ruthlessly factual, extremely direct and
    not at all roundabout language; they speak of extermination a race,
    annihilation and concentration camps. In one report from the German
    Ambassador to Ottoman Turkey we can read: "... Apparently it is
    feared that the real purpose of the Armenian deportations, that is
    the total extermination of the Armenian race, could be thwarted by
    further mass conversions. Since then another, less conspicuous way,
    has been pursued..." (DE/PA-AA/R14089, Pera, 24 January 1916.)

    A few months after the official start of the campaign to obliterate
    the Christian subjects in Ottoman Turkey, Berlin once again received
    warnings from its diplomats about the true intention of Turkey:
    "...Apart from this, the Commander-in-Chief of the 3rd Army, Mahmud
    Kiamel Pasha, who has relocated his headquarters here, is also
    interfering harshly in the government of the Vilayets (...) This
    humane practice, which I, too, espoused, was suddenly put to an end
    through some sort of influence by the committee. Now, Mahmud Kiamel
    Pasha has ordered the immediate and most ruthless deportation of all
    Armenians (...) The supporters of the latter will, by the way, openly
    admit that the final goal of their actions against the Armenians is
    their total annihilation in Turkey. After the war we will not have
    'any more Armenians in Turkey' are the exact words of an eminent
    person."(DE/PA-AA/BoKon/170, Erzerum, 28 July 1915, Confidential

    For the most part, the Armenians living in Istanbul (Constantinople),
    the capital of Ottoman Turkey, were not affected by the
    genocide. This was nothing but a diplomatically tactic used to
    mislead the foreign governments and embassies, a tactic reminiscent
    of how the Theresienstadt deportation camp was used for propaganda
    to cover up the real annihilation during the Jewish Holocaust. The
    organized death marches of the Armenian people to the Syrian Desert,
    however, were nothing other than mobile concentration camps: "Despite
    assurances by the Porte to the contrary, everything is being directed
    at the destruction of the Armenian people." (DE/PA-AA/R14088, Pera,
    25 September 1915.)

    Another report from the German Consul in Aleppo (Roessler) to the Reich
    Chancellor (Bethmann Hollweg) summarizes the Turkish policy regarding
    the Armenian people: "...All steps taken in respect of the Armenians,
    as far as I could see and observe, led to the conclusion described
    to me by the Director of Emigrants, Schuekri Bey, 'The final result
    must be the extermination of the Armenian race...'." (DE/PA-AA/R14090,
    Aleppo, 3 January 1916.) Indeed, the fact that there is now no viable
    Armenian civilization left in Anatolia is evidence that the aimed
    for extermination was a success.

    Mount Ararat is the spiritual centre of Armenia people. photo:

    The Dream of Turkish Nationalists: A Turkish Empire only for Turkish
    Race: prior to the Turkish-led genocide of Armenian people in 1915,
    and despite both discrimination and numerous prior massacres,
    through their skills and "survival tactics" Armenians had at that
    time managed to achieve an almost "Golden Age" socially, culturally
    and economically. This prosperity was noticed with distrust by the
    Turkish nationalist rulers and neighbors; it was viewed as a possible
    danger to the Turkish Nationalist Cause, for unlike the Turkish
    regime the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey championed ideals of progress
    and civility. This is one of reasons why the new Turkish nationalists
    persecuted and pursued the extermination of the Armenians: The Armenian
    culture, their new social status was a threat to the Turkish Islamic
    Ottoman Empire.

    The Young Turk movement dreamed of a Great Turkey without any prominent
    ethnic minorities. The Young Turks were merciless in making this
    dream come true. The Young Turkish ideology also propagated a single
    nation of all Turkish races between Thrace in the west and China in
    the east. But the Armenians, whose traditional homeland lay divided on
    both sides of the Ottoman-Russian border, separated the Turkish-Muslim
    area like a wall. To realize their Pan-Turkish/Pan-Turanic dreams,
    it was easier for the Turkish to simply destroy the Armenians - a
    Christian folk that was unwilling to assimilate and that, like other
    Christian minorities in Ottoman Turkey, was an easy prey and in no way
    related by blood to the "Turkish race and Turkishness" -(e.g.) than
    to fight their way through North Iran. The Young Turkish rulers - the
    Grand Vizier Talat Pascha and Minister of War Enver Pascha - began by
    eliminating the leaders of the Armenians. Within three years there was
    not a single Armenian left in the central historic settlement areas.

    What happened to them was summarized and highlighted recently in the
    cross-party and unanimously adopted Armenian Resolution of the German
    Federal Parliament in 2005. The following consists of excerpts from the
    rationale and resolution itself: "90 years ago, on April 24th, 1915,
    by order of the Young Turk movement steering the Ottoman Empire, the
    Armenian political and cultural elite were arrested, transported deeper
    inland and to a large extent put to death. For Armenians throughout the
    world, this date has become the Day of Remembrance for the expulsion
    and massacre of the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire which
    had already begun towards the end of the 19th Century and, however,
    occurred to an even greater extent during the First World War.

    At the start of the war the recruited Armenian soldiers of the Ottoman
    Army were combined into work battalions and, for the most part,
    murdered. As of spring 1915, the women, children and elderly were put
    on death marches through the Syrian Desert. Those among the expelled
    who did not die or get murdered while underway suffered this fate at
    the latest in the inhumane camps located the desert around Deir ez
    Zôr. Massacres were also carried out by special task forces set up
    specifically for this purpose.

    High-ranking Turkish civil servants who voiced resistance to these
    procedures as well as criticism from the Ottoman Parliament were met
    by the Young Turk Regime with brutal rejection. Many areas from which
    the Christian Armenians were expelled were then resettled with Kurds
    or Muslim refugees of the Balkan Wars. Likewise, members of other
    Christian folks - in-particularly the Aramaic/Assyrian and Chaldean
    Christians - as well as certain Muslim minorities were deported
    and massacred.

    According to impartial calculations, over one-million Armenians
    were victim to the deportation and mass murder. Numerous independent
    historians, parliaments and international organizations describe the
    expulsion and annihilation of the Armenians as genocide.

    To date, the Republic of Turkey - the legal successors of the
    Ottoman Empire - still continues to deny the fact that these actions
    were systematic in nature and/or that the mass deaths during the
    resettlement marches and the massacres were committed intentionally by
    the Ottoman government... Turkish justification is that the Armenians
    used of force and armed resistance against Turks during the Turkish
    resettlement measures...

    As a whole, the magnitude of the massacres and deportation that
    occurred in Turkey is still played down and largely denied. This
    attitude of Turkey is in direct contradiction to the idea of
    reconciliation which stands at the forefront of the European Union's
    community of values. Even today historians in Turkey are still not
    free to deal with the history of deportation and murder of Armenians;
    despite relaxation of the previously existing liability of punishable
    culpability, they are still subject to great pressure.

    As the main military ally of the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire
    was likewise deeply involved in these events. From the outset, both
    the political and military leadership of the German Empire were fully
    informed of the persecution and murder of the Armenians.

    The files of the foreign office, which consist of reports from the
    German Ambassadors and Consuls to the Ottoman Empire, document the
    systematic implementation of the massacres...

    The German Parliament honors and commemorates the victims of violence,
    murder and expulsion among the Armenian People prior to and during
    the First World War. It deplores the actions of the Young Turkish
    government of the Ottoman Empire which resulted in the almost total
    extermination of the Armenians in Anatolia. It also regrets the
    inglorious role played by the German Reich which, when confronted with
    manifold information on the organized expulsion and annihilation of
    Armenians, did not once attempt to stop the atrocities...

    The German Parliament is painfully aware from its own extensive past
    experience how difficult it is for any nation to face the dark sides
    of its past...

    Against this background, the German Parliament deplores the fact that
    a full discussion of the events of the past in the Ottoman Empire
    is still not possible in Turkey, and that scholars and writers who
    wish to deal with this aspect of Turkish history are prosecuted and
    exposed to public defamation..."

    (Lower House of the German Parliament, Printed Matter 15/5689, 15th
    Legislative Period, 15.06.05)

    It is worth mentioning that the Turkish government mobilized some
    of the 1.8 million Turkish people living in Germany in an attempt to
    force Germany to not pass the Armenian Resolution. Prior to the vote
    on the resolution, Turkey even predicated "the end of the world"
    should Germany acknowledge the shared responsibility held by the
    German Empire. The Turkish blackmail attempts didn't stop Germany
    - the Turkish closest war-time ally - from taking this first-ever
    official step to contradict the Turkish industry of genocide denial.

    A press release of the ruling fraction of the German Federal Government
    prior to the discussion of the Armenian Resolution in the German
    Federal Parliament reads in part: "...The debate with which the German
    Parliament marks the anniversary of the campaign to exterminate the
    Turkish Armenians in the year 1915 pursues common three goals shared by
    all parties: The German Parliament recognizes that Germany, during the
    First World War, through partial approval and the failure to implement
    effective counter measures, shares a joint responsibility for this
    genocide and, therefore, asks the Armenian people for forgiveness..."

    ( s/rs_dok/0,,33401,00.html or

    The German Federal Parliament also attempted to encourage Turkey
    to end its simulated amnesia by admitting in its resolution that
    "Germany, which assisted in the repression of the recognition of the
    crimes against the Armenian People, is now also obligated to confront
    its own responsibility..."

    (Lower House of the German Parliament Printed Matter 15/5689, 15th
    Legislative Period 15.06.05)

    To the independent historian it is indisputable fact that Turkey by
    using different pre-texts systematically and in an organized manner
    cruelly liquidated a large part of the Armenian people during the
    First World War. The exterminating acts perpetrated by the Young
    Turkish government were in no way limited to the territory of Ottoman
    Turkey alone, but rather extended all the way to the northwest of Iran
    (which was briefly occupied by the Ottoman Turks) and only found their
    provisional end in the Caucuses. No intelligent, seriously-minded
    person questions the factuality of the systematic annihilation of the
    Armenians by Turkey. At the time it was happening, even Talaat Pasha
    - the main responsible person for the genocide - openly admitted it
    was going on to foreign diplomats. But even that which was freely
    admitted by those in charge at the time is now vehemently denied by
    the Turkish government of today. They even go so far as to claim the
    victims as the perpetrators, which in itself is a both a result and
    proof of Turkey's dangerous loss of memory.

    Contrary to the official position of Turkey and its "palace
    historians," the mass killings of Armenians were not the result of
    chaos caused by First World War "epidemics/hunger." Quite the opposite:
    The collapse of the war strategy of the Young Turkish Junta on the
    battle field and the limited Armenian resistance forced the Turkish
    to slow down the destruction machinery. This alone saved the Armenian
    people from total annihilation by the Turkish Empire! The Germans even
    warned Turkey that the "deportation" ("Sevkiyat", i.e. annihilation)
    of the Armenian farmers of Central Anatolia would cause food shortages
    throughout the entire Ottoman Turkey and harm Turkish troops. But
    for the Turkish administration, the implementation of its destruction
    policy was of first priority!

    In one of the reports of the German consul coming from the place of
    horror we read: "The aim of Turkish policy... is to attain the Armenian
    regions and to annihilate the Armenians... All of the utterances of
    Talat and Enver to the contrary are lies... There will be no place
    left for Armenians to live."

    The Assassination of a Mass Murder, the Trail of the Assassin and Its
    Historical Impact for Nuremberg War Tribunals: the Turkish Minister
    of Interior Talaat Pasha - "The soul behind the persecution of the
    Armenians," according to German Ambassador Metternich to Ottoman Turkey
    - hid himself in the middle of the German capitol city. Confiding to
    the Turkish author Edip Adivar, Talaat said, "(I) am ready to die for
    that that I have done, and I know that I am going to die for it." In
    1921, a young Armenian shot him on Hardenberg Street. The assassin
    was put to trial and to general surprise the Berlin court found him
    not guilty.

    Sitting in the courtroom at the time was a young law student
    of Jewish heritage named Robert Kempner who followed the events
    attentively. Kempner later wrote that during the trial, for the
    first time ever, the basic principle was applied that "genocide can
    be opposed by foreign countries and that doing so is not improper
    interference in internal affairs."

    When the Nazis came to power, Kempner had to immigrate to the USA. In
    1945 he came back as an assistant chief prosecutor of the Americans
    during the Nuremberg War Trials. (Der Spiegel, Germany's leading
    weekly news magazine, No. 16/18.04.2005, printed edition.)

    Pan-Turanic, Communism and the Old Narrow Minded Racial Motivated
    Policy of Turkey: the idea of a Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamic dream
    did not stop with the proclamation of a "modern Turkey." In 1923,
    a pact closed between Stalin and Kemal gave the Armenian regions
    of Nachicevan and Nagorno Karabkh to the new formed former Soviet
    Republic Azerbaijan as a gift (ignoring the will of Armenian population
    in these regions). Today , 93 years after the Armenian Genocide,
    the possible proclamation of a Kurdish State and the existence of
    the new Republic of Armenia - created on a small part of the former
    Russian Armenia - bothers the Turkish military, while the existence
    of Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh bothers the Turkish Nationalist and
    Islamist Prime Minster. In 2007, in another one of his hate-laden
    speeches at a Pan-Turanic forum in Baku, Prime Minster Erdogan
    referred to Nagorno Karabakh as "a bleeding wound for the Turkish
    people." (, 10.03.2007.) In 1992, the Turkish President
    Turgut Ozal, instead of facing the truth about the Armenian Genocide
    and giving the young independent Armenia "a helping hand," was driven
    by his military and bureaucrats to station thousands of troops on the
    borders of the newly independent Republic of Armenia, threatening to
    send a few "firecrackers" across the border to Yerevan teach it the
    "lesson of 1915."

    Currently Turkey still refuses to stabilize diplomatic relations with
    young Armenian state by setting unacceptable preconditions. Turkey
    also spares no effort in increasing hatred and friction between
    Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan. In turn, the Azeri-Turks
    this includes both nationalists and authorities in the Republic
    Azerbaijan - in the spirit of Pan-Turanism and the Islamic policy of
    1915 - are not only engaged in an aggressive denial of the Armenian
    Genocide and inflammation of hatred against Armenians, but are also
    (by the reactivation of old policies) now claiming that the current
    Republic of Armenia is located on "Turkish/Azerbaijani land." Denial
    has indeed become a way for Turkey's "youngest brother (Azeri-Turks)"
    to justify genocide and bring their support for Pan-Turanic/Turanism
    and inhuman policy pursued in 1915...

    Turkish nationalism, which as of late has also taken a highly
    religious tone, can seemingly only hold its nation together through
    rude nationalism and by keeping the old bogeymen alive. This coalition
    continually busies itself with the invention of more new justifications
    and excuses explaining the "sudden" disappearance of the Armenians
    as other Christian people from their historical home in Anatolia
    (among other places) as well as for the destruction of their unique,
    ancient culture.

    93 years after the "deportation to death of the Armenians" the
    Turkish government - as well as all Turkish politicians of every
    color - continues to practice the aggressive policy of denial with
    a diplomatic ruthlessness similar to that of the Pashas responsible
    for the genocide. Even if the responsibility of the genocide lies
    with the government of that time, the Turkish elite of today make
    themselves moral accomplices through their continual policy of denial.

    Moral, it seems however, has never played a role in the Turkish
    politics. Through its defamatory policy of denial, Turkey has not
    only ignored all rules of decent behavior but also the very history
    of the genocide. In doing this, they are merely being consequent to
    the historical policies of the rulers responsible for this crime. Back
    then it was no different: "...Once the gendarmes had killed a number of
    Armenians, Faiz El-Ghussein - the former chief district administrator
    of Mamuret ul-Aziz (today: Elazig) - reported, they put turbans on the
    corpses and fetched Kurdish women who cried and wailed over the dead,
    having been told that the Armenians had killed their people. Then
    they got a photographer to take photographs of the scene. It all then
    served as proof of the alleged Armenian atrocities."(Rolf Hosffeld:
    Operation Nemesis, Die Turkei, Deutschland und der Völkermord an
    den Armeniern/Operation Nemesis, Turkey, Germany and the Armenian

    Similarly, in the few remaining schools of today's "modern" Turkey,
    Armenian children (not welcomed in there historic home land) are
    forced to write essays on how their ancestors committed massacres of
    the Turks. In East Turkey (former West Armenia/"Turkish Armenia") -
    where due to the genocide no Armenians are left - hateful theatrical
    re-enactments of alleged massacres of Turkish/Muslims by Christian
    Armenians are organized for school children, perhaps to give the needed
    "education" how to justify a genocide and more? (Turkish Daily News,
    "Anniversary celebrated with theatrical 'massacre'", April 3, 2008)

    Turkey, a land that has undertaken every attempt to forbid the use of
    the word "genocide," has no compunctions against raising a monument
    celebrating its own supposed "victims of genocide" - exactly at the
    location where, prior to the genocide, the international contracts
    had specified the founding of Turkish-Armenia (and/or the "Armenian
    Provinces of Ottoman Turkey/West Armenia"). At the foot of the
    biblical Ararat Mountain, the spiritual centre of the Armenia people,
    the Turkish government has opened a "Museum of Genocide" ("Soykirim
    Muezesi") to commemorate their own "victims of genocide" and falsify
    history. This museum is nothing less than targeted provocation of
    the real victims of the genocide.

    Presently, 93 years after the instigation of the genocide of the
    Armenians, selected Turkish "historians" maintain - for their own
    self-satisfaction and for the targeted deception of the Turkish and
    international public - that "there was no official document ordering
    the extermination." If this logic were to be followed through,
    the Holocaust would also be open to question; as is well-known, no
    official document ordering the extermination was ever supposedly
    issued under the National Socialist Regime either. The malicious
    denial of the Turkish-instigated genocide of the Armenians and
    the continual demand for still more proof is a byproduct of the
    "glorious history" invented by Turkish bureaucrats for this "chosen
    people." This invented, glorious history declares all civilized people
    who ever existed within the perimeter of today's Turkey - no matter
    what their indigenous culture is or was - as proto-Turks. Armenians,
    of course, do not belong to this. The splendid history of Turkey,
    an artificial, eulogistic and ideological fabrication, continues to
    exclude the worst and darkest sides of Turkey's past - such as the
    systematic extermination of the Armenians.

    Some academicians and politicians ignore the fact that the Turkish
    denial of Armenian Genocide itself is based on racism. According to
    Turkish bureaucrats, the "Turkish Race" with its Islamic religion is
    not a race able to committee crime against humanity. Turkish Prime
    Minster Erdogan has argued that genocide is uncharacteristic of
    Turks: "The character of this nation does not let it commit such
    crimes." Professor Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu, the racially motivated
    President of the Turkish Historical Society, openly practices
    racism and extends great effort (with the assistance of Turkish and
    Azeri-Turks nationalists and fascists,) on proving the non-existence of
    the Armenian People and, in turn, the state of "Armenia." But sometime
    Professor Halacoglu has to disagree with himself and explain to the
    Turkish people why "non-Turks" still exist in Turkey. As he did when -
    as it was widely echoed in the Turkish press in 2007 - he claimed that
    "People we call Kurds are actually of Turkmen origin, while those
    we think are Kurdish Alevi are unfortunately of Armenian origin." He
    put forward the claim that "Most of the people in the TIKKO (Turkey
    Workers' and Villagers' Liberation Army) and PKK (Kurdistan Workers'
    Party) organizations are Kurds of Armenian origin." These are the
    same "historians" and bureaucrats who, in addition to falsifying
    history, have implemented a Turkish version of a Nazi-like ideology
    propagandizing the superiority of the "Turkish race." This includes
    legitimizing the act of genocide as well as the racist ideology
    that led to the act - and includes the legitimization of any and all
    stereotyping of the Armenian people as a dangerous enemy, as a deadly
    bogeyman in the closet.

    For Turkey, the denial of the Armenian Genocide is the equivalent of
    denying the prior existence of the Armenian People in what is today
    Anatolia/East Anatolia. To Turkey, to admit to the extermination
    of the "Western Armenians" and annexation of their territories
    would be the equivalent of giving the Armenian nation the right
    of existence and, in turn, threaten the foundation of the Turkish
    Republic. To prevent this, the Turkish Republic has chosen to cling
    to the stubborn attitude that Ismet Inonu, the second President
    of Turkey and successor of Ataturk, said in 1938: "The Turkish
    nation alone has the right to place ethnic and racial demands in
    this country." This particularly racist attitude is amplified in
    the six principles of Kemailism (known as the "Six Arrows"), one of
    which stipulates the basic characteristic of Turkish nationalism:
    "The Turkish nation is indivisible; no non-Turkish minorities and
    languages are permitted on Anatolian soil." (Die turkische Gefahr?..,
    Hans-Peter Raddatz Herbig.) When such blatantly racist statements are
    the basis of a nation/ state- ideology, it is hardly surprising that
    genocide and its denial results, as genocide is, in the end, the most
    paramount and aggressive expression of racial discrimination! (Denial
    of Armenian Genocide has littel to do with the "Turkish honor"!

    The Armenian Genocide was the intended result of activities planned
    by the late Ottoman Turkish Government to annihilation the Armenian
    population residing in their historical homeland. Denialists on
    the Turkish payroll also ignore the fact that concurrent to the
    Armenian Genocide, other Christian minorities were likewise killed
    en masse. Were these "non-Muslin Turks" also all "foreign spies and
    infidels etc "?

    The definition of a "real" or "unreal" genocide is extremely flexible
    for Turkish nationalists and Turkish Government. To them, when the
    topic of Turkish crimes against humanity is broached, a "real" genocide
    has to be as organized and extensive as the Jewish Holocaust; otherwise
    the word genocide is seemingly inappropriate. Turkish nationalists,
    however, make an exception to this definition when they talk about
    the suffering of a "Muslim minority" (as in Bosnia).

    Despite Turkish Propaganda Nobody Is Comparing the Armenian Genocide
    with the Jewish Holocaust: there are, of course, both similarities and
    differences between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust,
    but the end result of the policies behind them remains the same. The
    Nazi's simply perfected and industrialized of the basic annihilation
    machinery initially practiced by the Turkish Young Regime "The National
    Socialists definitely had great admiration for the Young Turks. Alfred
    Rosenberg, the chief intellectual theorist of the Nazi Party, praised
    the Turkish in 1926 as true allies while vilifying the victims. The
    latter - just like the Jews - had attacked the backs of the second-tier
    powers during the First World War. Thus, some severities [were] not
    avoidable..."(Der Spiegel, Germany's leading weekly news magazine,
    No. 16, 18.04.2005, printed edition.)

    In some cases, Turkish bureaucrats did make exceptions in how they
    dealt with specific Armenians - particularly when it came to young
    Armenian women. Forcefully Islamized, the Armenian women survivors
    became "members" of numerous Turkish families. Indeed, there are many
    "Turkish" grandmothers that are actually of Armenian origin but who
    keep their roots secret due to fear of reprisal. There have been
    cases in which the truth has come out, but they were suppressed by
    the Turkish bureaucracy.

    Turkish Historical Society President Yusuf Halacoglu, who is
    involved in dubious "scientific research," has confirmed that in
    1936-37 the state used a "house-by-house" method to identify such
    converts. He, too, had "a list of Armenian converts" that he was never
    to disclose. (, 27.08.2007, "Halacoglu is practicing
    racism".) Perhaps Yusuf Halacoglu can verify some of the investigative
    discoveries of the murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist Harnt Dink,
    including that Sabiha Gökcen, the world's first woman combat pilot
    (whose real name is Hatun Sebiliciyan) was actually an Armenian orphan
    who was adopted from an orphanage by Kemal Ataturk.

    Unlike the Nazis, who murdered both Jewish children as well as those
    of Jewish-born Christian converts, the Turkish and Kurdish Agahs
    (lords) often left the kidnapped and forcefully islamized young
    women alive (in some cases young children) - usually for later
    exploitation. According to the eye-witness reports of Red Cross
    workers, the marching deportees were stopped at numerous locations
    so that the Turkish could choose their plunder. It was a "sheer slave
    market," only "nothing was paid for."

    The officials of the Young Turkish government and the common
    people even fought among themselves for the property of the
    Armenians. Numerous Turkish people and a group of Kurds profited
    through the extermination program against the Armenians -much as
    certain Germans did through the Holocaust. The auctioning of the
    goods and chattels both stolen from and left behind by the murdered or
    fleeing Armenians is direly reminiscent of the auctions held in Nazi
    Germany at which the goods and furnishing of deported Jews were sold.

    As was the case with the "stolen Jewish Gold," the Armenian Genocide
    continues to be a "profitable venture" for many people and/or
    groups. The Armenian Genocide was a financial windfall for Turkey,
    but now it also offers financial gain for lobby groups such as The
    Livingston Group, DLA Piper and Richard Gephardt (a Democrat lobbyist
    for denialists Turkey at DLA Piper).

    The Turkish propaganda used to discredit Armenians and gain the support
    of the World Jewish Communities tries to label Armenians as Nazi
    collaborators. (A good example of which is the multi-million-dollar
    Turkish-paid DVD delivered by Time Magazine as an "ad" in 2005 for
    which Time has since issued an apology.) The truth is, not only did
    the Armenians take part in the liberation of the concentration camps,
    but over 300,000 Armenian soldiers (out of a total population of lest
    than 2 million Soviet Armenians) sacrificed their lives during the
    Second World War. Investigations carried out by the German Dresdner
    Bank, on the other hand, have confirmed that the Turkish government
    - in spite of its claimed neutrality - not only supported the Third
    Reich with regular deliveries of chromium exploited from territories
    taken from murdered and deported Armenians, but was also one of the
    main locations for the laundering of stolen Jewish gold. Furthermore,
    Turkey shares responsibility for the Jewish refugee boat, Struma,
    which, with over 700 Jewish refugees on board, was towed out into
    the middle of the Black Sea by Turkey and allowed to sink in 1942
    (for the ongoing Turkification process only "useful refuges" were
    welcomed). These are but three of many examples of how Turkey lent
    their support to Nazi Germany...

    Compassion and civil courage on part of Kurds, Turks and Arabs is
    also certainly documented in number. Many survivors of the Armenian
    Genocide reported later that families hid them, although it was just
    as dangerous for Muslims to oppose the genocide of the Christians as it
    was for Germans in the Dritten Reich to lend assistance to a Jew. Those
    courageous Turks who helped ran the risk of losing their home or life,
    or suffered some other state-sanctified repercussion. Talaat Pasha
    even had governors or district administrators killed when they did
    not obey the deportation orders...

    Even in "modern" Turkey, independent historians and journalists do
    not have an easy life, especially if they undertake any attempt to
    question the official national dogma regarding the Armenian Genocide
    and destruction of other Christian minorities. When they do so,
    the Turkish Minister of Justice speaks of the "stabbing Turkey in
    the back with a dagger" and of the betrayal of the fatherland. (In
    Turkey, such utterances - especially when coming from a minister of
    the government - can be the equivalent of a death sentence and are
    reminiscent of the fatwa of the religious fanatics.) Among others,
    the Noble Prize winner Orhan Pamuk was forced to go to exile due to
    his questioning of the official stance, and the Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Hrant Dink - an outspoken voice of the tiny Armenian
    community still in Turkey (foreigners in there historic home land!) -
    was executed in cold blood in 2007 in front of his office after the
    Turkish judiciary publicly persecuted him.

    Turkish Academic Tricks and Use of Intellectual Insults: A nation
    that experienced genocide should not be forced by others to prove
    their suffering. Being subject of a Genocide is not a act which a
    nation could be proud of it! Genocide Deniers, Revisionists like
    Guenter Lewy - who has the agenda of retaining the uniqueness of the
    Jewish Holocaust - that deny the Armenian genocide or making attempts
    to minimize its scope purposely ignore a simple fact: in the end:
    "That entire debate about whether there was or wasn't genocide is
    foolish and ugly. Nobody disputes the fact that more than one million
    Armenians were murdered during a two-year period, and a million people
    are not murdered without planning and without organization. The Turks
    can invent a thousand reasons to explain what happened, but of what
    importance will that be when the important thing is that people, women,
    men, children, died strange and ruthless and unnatural deaths?" (Yossi
    Sarid, Haaretz, April 27th, 2005, Back from Armenia.)

    Threats and Blackmails Should Help To Cover Up A Crime against All
    Humanity: whenever attempts are made in the US to get the Armenian
    Genocide officially recognized, Turkey puts its genocide-denial
    industry in motion to blackmail and threaten the US government. In
    some ways, attempts are even made to create panic. At the moment,
    both the Pentagon and the White House yield to the threats to ensure
    the "safety" of the transit ways through Turkey to Northern Iraq -
    transit ways that cut through the homeland of the very Armenians
    that were transported and slaughtered en mass by the Turkish! But
    the decision to do so is wrong: Besides delaying a justice long due,
    it sends the wrong signals to the Turkish government, a government
    that already is casting eyes at the border regions of Iraq. And in
    turns Turkish "youngest brothers- Azeri Turks" are casting eyes on
    remaining Armenian Territories such as Nagorno Karabakh and Republic
    Armenia itself! To permit a past genocide not only makes those who look
    away morally culpable, it also increases the chance of a new genocide.

    Turkey, which destroyed important documents even as the genocide of
    its "Christian subjects" was still in progress, ignores the fact that
    independent historians from around the world have long passed judgment
    on the subject. Genocide is genocide. A commission of historians, as
    is suggested by Turkey as a smokescreen, cannot and will not change the
    facts. When it comes to the Turkish national identity, however, history
    is subordinate to the primacy of the policy. After all, who cares
    about historical facts? For each and every governmentally dictated
    domestic policy, a new history can be - and is - invented. Whether
    or not this in any way serves to help the peaceful co-existence of
    the varied ethnic groups on a long-term basis, however, is open to
    question. Basically, the Turkish politicians are leading their own
    next generation into an illness commonly known as amnesia.

    The Truth about the Armenian Genocide Is That It Is True! The denial
    policy of Turkey and the corresponding justification of the genocide
    sends the wrong message to the new generations of Turkey; worse, it
    breeds the potential justification of mass murder in the world as a
    whole. Indeed, as the former Israeli Minister of Education and a Member
    of Knesset wrote in reference to the Armenian Genocide: "We cannot
    accept victims without murderers, genocide without the responsible. An
    orphaned genocide is the father of the next genocide." (Yossi Sarid,
    Haaretz, April 27th, 2005, Back from Armenia.)

    Co-existence Is an Obligation of the People of the World: generations
    have had to deal with the genocide of the Armenians. And much time
    and energy has been wasted - time and energy which could have been
    constructively used for compensation and reconciliation. As long
    as Ankara continues to carry out international diplomatic feuds and
    to view the acknowledgment and condemnation of the genocide as only
    provocation or national humiliation, it has not and cannot understand
    what humanity, democracy, compensation, reconciliation civilized
    society, Europe and the culture of remembrance means. As a result,
    communication and interrelations with the free, democratic world
    will naturally remain troubled and disturbed. That is why the time
    has come for Turkey to look in the mirror.

    Turkey has to understand that the invented glorious history of Turkish
    politicians/bureaucrats - the very ideology of the state itself -
    is not only biased and based on racism, but that the corresponding
    industry of genocide denial is outdated. Cosmetic "reforms" and
    cosmetic "changes" to notorious penal codes are meaningless and change
    nothing. It is the mentality of the Turkish politicians which has to
    be change, not the facts on Armenian Genocide. What was happened was
    and remains genocide. It is the Armenian Genocide!

    --Boundary_(ID_blII6HmG8zSupj1t9nfyoA)- -
    From: Baghdasarian