By H. Chaqrian
AZG Armenian Daily
Rally Held in New York
On April 27 at the Times Square, New York, a rally was held by the
"Young Turks" organization, the subdivision the Union of Turkish
Organizations of America. The rally was dedicated to the "fight against
Armenian lies and the memory of the assassinated Turkish diplomats" and
was aimed at opposing the Armenian Genocide commemoration events. The
demonstrators declared that the history is to be left to be studied
by historians.
On the next day, the members of the Armenian community of the USA
held a demonstration on the same place.
CNN-Turk reports that a number of US Congressmen took part in the
Armenian rally and emphasized the necessity of recognizing the Armenian
Genocide both in Turkey and in the USA.
By H. Chaqrian
AZG Armenian Daily
Rally Held in New York
On April 27 at the Times Square, New York, a rally was held by the
"Young Turks" organization, the subdivision the Union of Turkish
Organizations of America. The rally was dedicated to the "fight against
Armenian lies and the memory of the assassinated Turkish diplomats" and
was aimed at opposing the Armenian Genocide commemoration events. The
demonstrators declared that the history is to be left to be studied
by historians.
On the next day, the members of the Armenian community of the USA
held a demonstration on the same place.
CNN-Turk reports that a number of US Congressmen took part in the
Armenian rally and emphasized the necessity of recognizing the Armenian
Genocide both in Turkey and in the USA.