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Bloody Sevan

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  • Bloody Sevan

    16:15 04/08/2008

    Hot weather, Lake Sevan and people who just throw themselves into the
    lake. One of the swimmers flies out of the lake with blood flowing
    as a river from his head. Another girl comes out with an injured
    leg. These injured people have been taken to Sevan hospital nearby.

    What has been revealed out is that every year the surface of Lake
    Sevan in rising and the owners of the rented territories have to take
    care of their iron pavilions to take out from the water.

    "We cut half of the legs of the pavilions and the rest is left
    under the surface of the lake," say the representatives of rented

    To find out who is responsible for the current situation, we called
    to the Ministry of Healthcare and have been informed that they are not
    authorized to handle the question. They said that this is "Sevan Park"
    who is responsible for the information.

    The director of the Park Gagik Martirosyan said that all those who
    rent territories are obliged to cut the iron sticks and that they do
    it. But as an answer to the situation he said that probably the iron
    under water is leaving their yet from Soviet Era.

    Gagik Martirosyan said that a hot line (261/2 40 44) is working where
    people can call and tell about their concerns in this regard.

    Well, keep your heads, legs and hands to be able to make calls.