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Threat Of War Between Georgia And South Ossetia Becoming Increasingl

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  • Threat Of War Between Georgia And South Ossetia Becoming Increasingl


    04.08.2008 13:36 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The threat of war between Georgia and its breakaway
    region of South Ossetia is becoming increasingly real, the Russian
    Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

    The conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia has intensified
    after the rebel region's territory was shelled late on Friday and
    early on Saturday, as a result of which six people were killed and
    13 wounded. South Ossetia accused Georgian forces of shelling its
    territory while Georgia blamed the separatists for provoking armed

    "The situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict area, which sharply
    aggravated on August 1-2 as a result of mass mortar shelling of
    residential quarters in Tskhinvali, which claimed human lives, remains
    extremely explosive. The threat of large-scale combat operations
    between Georgia and South Ossetia is becoming ever more real," the
    ministry said on its web site.

    South Ossetia declared its independence from Georgia following the
    collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Hundreds died in the bloody
    conflict that followed. The pro-Western Georgian leadership has said
    it is determined to bring the region, along with another breakaway
    republic, Abkhazia, back under central control.

    South Ossetian authorities on Sunday accused Georgia of moving its
    troops close to the separatist region's borders, saying that an
    artillery battalion and two mortar batteries from the 4th motorized
    brigade of the Georgian Defense Ministry had started movement from
    the army base in Georgia's eastern town of Gori towards the separatist
    republic's capital, Tskhinvali.

    Georgia rejected the reports as being untrue.

    South Ossetia leader Eduard Kokoity said on Saturday he was ready
    to mobilize men in the separatist republic and take volunteers from
    other Caucasus republics to fight Georgia.

    In its statement, Russia's Foreign Ministry also urged both
    conflicting parties to show restraint and prevent the use of force
    in the conflict area.

    "The parties should act in the spirit of goodwill and focus their
    efforts on settling the crisis situation and prevent its recurrences,"
    the ministry said.

    According to the ministry, it is important to resume the negotiation
    process in the format of the Mixed Control Commission for the
    solution of the South Ossetian conflict and hold extraordinary
    working meetings between representatives of the conflicting parties,
    RIA Novosti reports.